John Deere S690i

V 1.0 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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Model, Texture and ingame : Julian11

  • 28 Feb 18:13
    Version 1.0


28.02 2015
Modhoster user rating
3.73 / 44 Votes


nach 32 Stimmen

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V 1.0
Farming Simulator 15
22.9 MB 24251
28. 02 2015 24,251

4 Comments for John Deere S690i

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  1. hephep 01. 03 2015

    it looks to much as a cartoon, the texture is not good, and it also have few errors . so use more time, and make it right. Thank you

  2. JimmytheGeek 28. 02 2015

    There are a couple of issues, though:

    C:\Users\Jim\Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2015\Testing//FS15_JDS690i_v1/JohnDeereS690i.i3d (969.47 ms)
    Error: Invalid differential indices in 'C:\Users\Jim\Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2015\Testing//FS15_JDS690i_v1/JohnDeereS690i.xml'
    Error (physics): Adding differential with invalid child indices
    C:\Users\Jim\Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2015\Testing//FS15_JDS690i_v1/JohnDeere635R.i3d (181.08 ms)
    Warning: No clipdistance set to node 0> (JohnDeere635R.i3d). Set default clipdistance (300)
    Error: failed to load particle system data/vehicles/particleSystems/threshingCutterMiddleParticleSystem.i3d
    Error: Node 'SistemaExtencionFrontal2' has a bad reference frame! (C:\Users\Jim\Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2015\Testing//FS15_JDS690i_v1/JohnDeereS690i.xml)
    Error: Node 'SistemaExtencionTrasero2' has a bad reference frame! (C:\Users\Jim\Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2015\Testing//FS15_JDS690i_v1/JohnDeereS690i.xml)

    It works fine in-game and doesn't cause any problems in a clean mods folder, but I thought you'd like to know.

  3. uglyfugger 28. 02 2015

    awesome thank you for this

  4. JimmytheGeek 28. 02 2015

    Thank you, Julian! I've been waiting for these to be converted.
