Member since 3 / 2014
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Mod: Rocky Mountain Valley 16x
Du musst den DLC kaufen. Tut mir leid, wenn diese Google-Übersetzung schlecht ist.
Mod: Gunter Farm map4x
This is a ripoff of Kiwi Farm 4x by Cazz64 & Old Aussie Gamer. See Papa Smurf Modding for the actual, real map instead of this trash.
Mod: Meridian 16XXL
This is obvious mis-classified as a field. Modhoster (or whoever listed it) need to put it in the correct category!
Mod: XLFarms Projects X1 - Final Compilation Part 1
Neale, the only errors you've shown here that actually have to do with the map are the first two with the station not defined. The rest are all mods trying to find something that isn't in this map, or you have another map in the folder that is conflicting.
1. FS17_AnimalNotifications -- no animals in the map
2. Fraese -- is this a map?
3. CompostMaster placeable - no compost in the map, so no fillType will be availablle, or this is a conflict from Fraese, if it's a map with compost in it.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending the errors for station not defined - I get those in his maps as well, but I just play on and don't worry about it. However, NO map maker can be responsible for other's mods not working with his/her map if the map isn't configured to work with those mods.
Mod: Parkers Prairie
snoopy, I believe you have a mod conflict. If you're using the auto cutter height, try removing that. I've been using this map since version 1.2 and have never had that error. This is a really good map!
Mod: XLFams X2 Final Edition
Keep it up! Loved your maps in 13!
Mod: John Deere 8440
Fix your specs. This is a 215hp tractor in real life...
Mod: Mustang Cobra
This is a Mustang from the mid-1970s. They were in the lowest part of design form and function. The Cobra package was mostly a cosmetic upgrade as the US EPA choked the life out of most of the V8 engines of the time.
Mod: Ford F-250 XLT
The mod shows up in game and purchases, but has LUA call stack errors and lags the game to less than 1 frame per 5 seconds! Not worth the time.
Mod: XLFarms X1 Final Edition
Holy *****! I'm so glad to see you come back! I've missed your maps terribly, because I love to farm big with Courseplay!
Mod: GroundResponse.lua
Link is broken - it redirects to the Giants Modhub to download the Ground Response mod.
Mod: Greenfield County
So basically you've reworked the Kazakhstan/US Hill map. Still have the Cyrillic-language signs and buildings? "Complete new construction?" I don't think so...
Mod: U.S. HILL
This is an issue with most of the mod maps. I have this problem on Hobbs Farm and several others.
Mod: Belye rosy
I understand your message to the moderators and why you posted it. However, more information about your map would be much appreciated, especially if there are helper mods (Chopped Straw, Animation Map Trigger, Soil Mod and the like)...
Is this an edit of reaper9111's mower on American Eagles Modding?
Mod: lame Chevance
Use Google Chrome, right click on the foreign language descriptions, click Translate to English. Not perfect, but you can figure out the gist of what's being said.
Mod: JOHN DEERE 8530
Also, the credits listed under the Credits tab do not match what's in the XML file!
Mod: Dondiego Map Reloadet
You need to add the to your mods folder. When buyable objects was introduced, you had to buy your way into the farm, and that carries over to the newer versions as well. dondiego00 removed this mod from the download in version 5.1.1.
Mod: Minions
Great fun with mods like this! My daughters love it!
Mod: Nádasdfalva
Make sure you have the current version of the AnimationMapTrigger, and not the MapDoorTrigger from 2013... It sounds like a mod conflict for you because the AnimationMapTrigger works perfectly!
Mod: Dondiego Map Reloadet
May also need the Multifruit mod, most of the maps with the extra fruits need it.
Mod: Garage
Is it placeable, or does it need to be placed with Giants Editor?
Ist es platzierbar, oder braucht sie, um mit Giants Editor platziert werden? Sorry, habe ich Google Translate.
Mod: John Deere S690i
There are a couple of issues, though:
C:\Users\Jim\Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2015\Testing//FS15_JDS690i_v1/JohnDeereS690i.i3d (969.47 ms)
Error: Invalid differential indices in 'C:\Users\Jim\Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2015\Testing//FS15_JDS690i_v1/JohnDeereS690i.xml'
Error (physics): Adding differential with invalid child indices
C:\Users\Jim\Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2015\Testing//FS15_JDS690i_v1/JohnDeere635R.i3d (181.08 ms)
Warning: No clipdistance set to node 0> (JohnDeere635R.i3d). Set default clipdistance (300)
Error: failed to load particle system data/vehicles/particleSystems/threshingCutterMiddleParticleSystem.i3d
Error: Node 'SistemaExtencionFrontal2' has a bad reference frame! (C:\Users\Jim\Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2015\Testing//FS15_JDS690i_v1/JohnDeereS690i.xml)
Error: Node 'SistemaExtencionTrasero2' has a bad reference frame! (C:\Users\Jim\Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2015\Testing//FS15_JDS690i_v1/JohnDeereS690i.xml)
It works fine in-game and doesn't cause any problems in a clean mods folder, but I thought you'd like to know.
Mod: John Deere S690i
Thank you, Julian! I've been waiting for these to be converted.
Mod: New Holland Harvesting Set
This is actually quite realistic, as the Darkjuna video shows. In fact, John Deere is producing a setup similar to this for their S-series combines using the 565 baler for baling corn stover:
Mod: AGS Map
Es gibt einen kostenlosen Wasser am Ende der Straße zwischen den Feldern 14 und 15
Mod: AGS Map
Wo sehen Sie die Eier zu sammeln?
Ich habe Google Translate, entschuldigen Sie bitte alle Fehler
Mod: Cat Logging Mod
Must be a mod conflict, because I can see from the video that position & 'Q' is the way to do it. It just doesn't work in my game.
Mod: Cat Logging Mod
How do you attach the grabber to either the forwarder or the excavator? I'd think you'd want to make the grab a permanent part of the forwarder, and I can see how you'd want to make the grabber an interchangeable part with buckets. But I have yet to figure out how to attach a grabber to either unit!
Mod: Core city American Edit
For the life of me, I cannot find the Inn. There is a sell point on the PDA at the corner of one of the fields across the paved road to the north of the main farm, but there is nothing there but dirt. I have driven all over this map, visited most of the buildings in the town, and even been in the woods, but I cannot find the Inn. I have found the Mill to the South, the co-op in the town (not showing prices in the PDA, by the way), the freight yard to the East and the milk factory to the West. Where is the Inn?