Dondiego Map Reloadet

V 5.3 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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Hi, this is my converted map of Ls11 for LS15.

It is a 4-fold, multifruit map.

Fixed problems with milk trigger.
Trigger angepast in composting.

That's new download for v5.1 but without in modpack

Problems with fattening farms and mill.

Purchasable objects
Two new outlet-Edeka, hardware store
Economic cycle:
Muehl set
Sewage treatment plant
Water Station
Greenhouses (pallet with vegetables at Edeka sell)
New Hoftankstelle
Sawmill (wooden boards at the hardware store to sell).
Hof rebuilt
Composting to another place
All trees replaced texture (thanks for DaBäda Tutorial)
In garden centers no longer slurry / manure sale

New warehouse at the court with multitriger.
Built compost storage on the farm.
Increased compost bins
Small bug fixed (fountain at the yard is visible again)

New point of sale sugar factory
BGA unloading rebuilt
Small changes in the yard

Standard Fruit + rye, oats, sunflowers, spelled, millet, poppy seeds and alfalfa (green manure mod)
Pig and cattle fattening
GülleMistKalk Mod with lime silo on the farm
Feed storage with conveyors
Mixing station
Garden Center with slurry / manure Purchase
Straw purchase the circus
Slurry and manure storage
Display Overview
AI traffic: cars and pedestrians

Required Mods:
-UniversalProcessKit V 0.9.8
-ChoppedStraw Mod
-Gründünger Mod
-GülleMistKalk Mod
-MultiFruit Mod (multifruit module for this map attached in modpack)

Recommended Mods:
-MultiOverlay Hud Mod

All fields are contains fertilizer

There must be a new Score are started!

I wish you much fun


webalizer:chopped Straw
Marhu:Schweine , Rinder ,Hühnermast, GülleMistKalk mod, Water mod, Sägewerk, MilktruckTrigger
biface:futterlager mit schilde( v3.0 v4.0)
Farmer_Andy: Kompostieranlage, Güllelager, Gewächshaus-Salat
El Cid:zuckerfabrik
-- --
LS15: Nils23
Numbershader: Giants/weisser
Anpassung: Giants/weisser
Holz Textur (Vorschlag): lappyBauer/dtmaster
chtiseb:Lager module(v4.5 v5.0)
San_Andreas:Baumarkt, Edeka, Gewächshäuser-Tomate, Blumenkohl, Weisskohl
Kastor:Wirtschaftskreislauf ÖL
Yellofoxx:Texturenpack für Kastors Hoftankstellenpack
VAHA:Mills set, Bakery
Pucksta:Klärwerk, Milchwerk

  • 03 Oct 20:24
    Version 5.3

    Probleme mit Mistband bei Rindermast behoben
    Verkauftrigger auf Tankstelen funktioniert jetzt
    Mistband bei Hühnermast eingebaut

  • 28 Jun 21:26
    Version 5.1.1 aus modpack gelöscht


checksum: e9d42a337d5f56f6988f041d0ad51faf
Version: 5.3
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Dondiego
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Dondiego Map Reloadet
description in shop: v5.3
checksum: e9d42a337d5f56f6988f041d0ad51faf
Version: 5.3
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: upsideDown
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Dondiego Map Reloadet
description in shop: v5.3

21.03 2015
Modhoster user rating
3.85 / 94 Votes


nach 83 Stimmen

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V 5.3
Farming Simulator 15
Dondiego Map Reloadet v5.3-entpa...
810 MB 13598
03. 10 2015 13,598
V 5.1.1
Farming Simulator 15
Dondiego Map Reloadet v5.1.1-ent...
684 MB 3963
28. 06 2015 3,963

13 Comments for Dondiego Map Reloadet

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  1. kratas 17. 07 2016

    Help as load flour from mills

  2. KSum 01. 02 2016

    Links to the required mods would be very helpful.

  3. mouza 27. 01 2016

    how or where do i get spring water ?

  4. mouza 27. 01 2016

    hi all
    i am having a problem , i don't know what to do
    all triggers for ( mill , oil company , refinery , bakery , green houses ) don't work
    i don't know what to do or how to use them
    help !
    thank you

  5. Sythos 13. 11 2015

    All greenhouses and sawmill too respawn out of the trigger the pallets (both if vegetables or boards) each time the game is loaded, is there a fix for this?

  6. Forelock 30. 10 2015

    Hello from Ukraine)).I have a problem with the game on this map,no signs buy buildings what's the problem?

    1 replies

  7. telhos 20. 08 2015

    Takemyhaar thanks for the awnser !

    Do you know why v5.0 is larger than v5.2 ? Sounds unfamiliar?

    1 replies

  8. telhos 19. 08 2015

    Dosent anyone know if it possible to translate the name on sign on top of storage or the indicator beside the silo??? Thanks guys !:)

    1 replies

  9. TheOman 07. 08 2015

    Wie kann ich die Gewächshäuser mit Wasser und Flüssigdünger befüllen.!
    Alles probiert mit wasser und diesel und flüssigdünger aber nicht ist gut.
    Ich habe UniversalProcessKit v 0.9.8

    2 replies

  10. spadi74 19. 07 2015

    wo liegt das klarwerk am map

    1 replies

  11. palpwh1962 18. 07 2015

    hi can someone why are is a barrier around the main farm and other selling points. ? do I have to buy the farm to use it help would be great so I could use the farm, thank you for help

  12. TheOman 09. 07 2015

    Where can i sell the bales and straw?

    1 replies

  13. litlebuda 24. 03 2015

    I Cant seed multifruit . in mdo folder only have :
    Mod directory: C:\Users\Litlebuda\Desktop\Dondiego/
    Load mod: AnimationMapTrigger
    Load mod: DondiegoMapReloadet
    Load mod: GuelleMistMod
    Load mod: ZZZ_ChoppedStraw
    Load mod: ZZZ_greenFertilizer

    But still cant seed anything but the standard fruits .
    What am I Missing ?

    Please help


    2 replies
