Member since 3 / 2014
Userprofile of DarrenK
Core city American Edit
ago almost 11 years
Core city American Edit
ago almost 11 years
Core city American Edit
ago almost 11 years
Core city American Edit
ago almost 11 years
Core city American Edit
ago almost 11 years
Core city American Edit
ago almost 11 years
Core city American Edit
ago almost 11 years
Core city American Edit
ago almost 11 years
Core city American Edit
ago almost 11 years
Core city American Edit
ago almost 11 years
Core city American Edit
ago almost 11 years
Core city American Edit
ago almost 11 years
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Mod: Core city American Edit
Your issues are with your mods, not with the map. You will need to use your Internet machine to figure out how to add fruits to your mods in question.
Regarding using a new version and savegame, after you start a new game, simply copy your whole previous savegame folder contents to the new one so everything will be as it was, from vehicle location to silo amounts. The only thing that will reset are the field statuses.
Mod: Core city American Edit
I'm not sure why you had the problem finding the inn sell point. There is no physical inn building, but is also another co-op in town, across the street from the diner. The sell icon is there. I'm guessing you might have been using one of the earlier versions where all the icon locations had been straightened out.
Mod: Core city American Edit
Both of your items you list are not related to the map.
Mod: Core city American Edit
I already documented the error in the description. That alone does not cause any problems.
Someone else mentioned call stack errors in the log, but I have not observed that on mine.
Mod: Core city American Edit
Thanks for your feedback, Psycho. I do remember having an issue locating the PDA icon you mentioned in the map's lua file and I just left it. I'll have to keep looking for it. The coordinates just weren't coming up right for where it was showing up at.
As many times as I had been by the freight elevator silos, I never saw the gap.
Also, I am aware of those errors that show up in the log. That fence in particular is a highly rated mod on this site, and I'm not sure I'm going to be able to fix those, as those would come from the creators. I believe them to relatively minor, however.
Mod: Core city American Edit
Your log file in your FS 13 folder will tell you. Sounds like you might be up against a video card issue.
Mod: Core city American Edit
modder 55, of course there are dirt roads. I stated this is an American edit. The vast majority of our farming roads are along dirt roads. Regarding the red barn, it doesn't have any function because this is GIANTS' model from their Titanium pack, which they didn't include any. I'm not sure where you were going with this unless the translation didn't work properly for me.
Mod: Core city American Edit
Thank you, wolfrs. I can't believe I overlooked those. I have made the corrections and will upload this again.
Mod: Core city American Edit
No problem. It will always be the first thing to check when you have loading problems or otherwise. In the same FS13 folder where your mods and savegame folders are at, at the bottom you'll see the log text file. The error(s) is at the bottom of the document. Sometimes it can be a little difficult to see what it's referring to, but other times not.
Mod: Core city American Edit
I suspect your log file might help you with an indication as to why.
Mod: Core city American Edit
Thanks, JD! It looks like a couple others were not impressed, but I'm guessing the majority of those folks want the biogas and the animal zones in one place, but I laid that out ahead of time. As of a couple weeks ago, I had no intentions of releasing this, so people can take it or leave it. Anyway, I'm glad you like it.
Mod: Core city American Edit
I hope you like it anyway despite its size. I've never ventured into the multiplayer, but I like the extra room to spread out that the larger maps provide. And, you have to spend a little more time driving and not complete a field in 10 minutes, which is a bit more realistic. You don't have to buy all of the fields! 3 combines are about as much as I can keep up with and I generally don't fertilize, as the yields are high enough as it is.