C:\Users\Jim\Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2015\Testing//FS15_JDS690i_v1/JohnDeereS690i.i3d (969.47 ms)
Error: Invalid differential indices in 'C:\Users\Jim\Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2015\Testing//FS15_JDS690i_v1/JohnDeereS690i.xml'
Error (physics): Adding differential with invalid child indices
C:\Users\Jim\Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2015\Testing//FS15_JDS690i_v1/JohnDeere635R.i3d (181.08 ms)
Warning: No clipdistance set to node 0> (JohnDeere635R.i3d). Set default clipdistance (300)
Error: failed to load particle system data/vehicles/particleSystems/threshingCutterMiddleParticleSystem.i3d
Error: Node 'SistemaExtencionFrontal2' has a bad reference frame! (C:\Users\Jim\Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2015\Testing//FS15_JDS690i_v1/JohnDeereS690i.xml)
Error: Node 'SistemaExtencionTrasero2' has a bad reference frame! (C:\Users\Jim\Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2015\Testing//FS15_JDS690i_v1/JohnDeereS690i.xml)
It works fine in-game and doesn't cause any problems in a clean mods folder, but I thought you'd like to know.
4 Comments for John Deere S690i
it looks to much as a cartoon, the texture is not good, and it also have few errors . so use more time, and make it right. Thank you
There are a couple of issues, though:
C:\Users\Jim\Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2015\Testing//FS15_JDS690i_v1/JohnDeereS690i.i3d (969.47 ms)
Error: Invalid differential indices in 'C:\Users\Jim\Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2015\Testing//FS15_JDS690i_v1/JohnDeereS690i.xml'
Error (physics): Adding differential with invalid child indices
C:\Users\Jim\Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2015\Testing//FS15_JDS690i_v1/JohnDeere635R.i3d (181.08 ms)
Warning: No clipdistance set to node 0> (JohnDeere635R.i3d). Set default clipdistance (300)
Error: failed to load particle system data/vehicles/particleSystems/threshingCutterMiddleParticleSystem.i3d
Error: Node 'SistemaExtencionFrontal2' has a bad reference frame! (C:\Users\Jim\Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2015\Testing//FS15_JDS690i_v1/JohnDeereS690i.xml)
Error: Node 'SistemaExtencionTrasero2' has a bad reference frame! (C:\Users\Jim\Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2015\Testing//FS15_JDS690i_v1/JohnDeereS690i.xml)
It works fine in-game and doesn't cause any problems in a clean mods folder, but I thought you'd like to know.
awesome thank you for this
Thank you, Julian! I've been waiting for these to be converted.