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featured Freidorf
v LS 15 Style0 Downloads today30,901 Downloads total151 commentsUser rating90 said thankspublished Wed, 14 Sep 2016 19:56:57 GMT in - MapsWelcome to free the village!
featured Schönebeck Map
v 1.02 Downloads today30,887 Downloads total311 commentsUser rating183 said thankspublished Sun, 10 Apr 2016 11:14:16 GMT in - MapsNach 1 Jahr Bauzeit hier nun für euch die Schönebeck Map. Es steckt eine Menge Arbeit, Zeit, Nerven und Herzblut in diesemProjekt.Man wird Gebäude von der Bantikow aber auch komplett neueObjekte und...
featured Poettinger Novacat 306F
v 1.00 Downloads today30,873 Downloads total18 commentsUser rating51 said thankspublished Sun, 07 Dec 2014 14:45:33 GMT in - MowerPoettinger Novacat 306F This is a front mower from LS2011, LS2013 converted information to teccer99 by Changes - Added Ambient Occlusion - Added Specular Map - Mower now gets dirty - Changed...
featured Raise rear hydraulics
v 3.528 Downloads today30,802 Downloads total71 commentsUser rating178 said thankspublished Thu, 14 Jul 2016 16:07:27 GMT in - ScriptsHuhu, this ensures that the lower links of the rear hydraulics are raised when you attach a trailer via ball head. Connects additionally a PTO, the lower link of the rear hydraulics...
featured Altkirch in Alsace
v 3.0 Multifruit2 Downloads today30,770 Downloads total930 commentsUser rating169 said thankspublished Mon, 08 Aug 2016 13:45:37 GMT in - Big MapsV 1.0: Alsace is the place to go. You can expect a challenging map with many different game possibilities and challenges in a beautiful natural landscape with many details. V 2.0: The refinery...
featured John Deere 7180 Kemper 460plus
v 1.10 Downloads today30,559 Downloads total21 commentsUser rating49 said thankspublished Thu, 09 Jul 2015 13:09:30 GMT in - John DeereChange in V1.1: The handling was adapted to patch 1.3. The chopper now drifts very little. The set consists of: 1. Forage Harvester: JohnDerre 7180 has all the standard features such as rear-view...
featured On Waldkater
v Am Waldkater anno 19903 Downloads today30,459 Downloads total588 commentsUser rating199 said thankspublished Fri, 13 May 2016 16:43:21 GMT in - MapsHello everybody! Today I want to share my private until now held Map On Waldkater with you.Because there are so many new buildings on this map that have been created by me personally with Maya, Please...
featured Deutz Fahr Agrotron 6190 TTV
v 2.01 Downloads today30,456 Downloads total86 commentsUser rating113 said thankspublished Tue, 23 Dec 2014 04:54:47 GMT in - Deutz FahrHi there, I hereby would like to present to you the 6190 Deutz TTV for LS15 available. powered by He has received the following functions from me: Standard LS15 (Dirt...
v 1.00 Downloads today30,339 Downloads total34 commentsUser rating13 said thankspublished Mon, 19 Jan 2015 19:07:00 GMT in - ClaasNekilnojamasis žibintai Plaunami vikšriniai ratai Lanes atidaryti visus lipdukai Darbas animactions Fix erors Nauja tekst?ros Prid?ti skalbti originalius vaisiai
featured Claas Mega 208 218 Pack
v 1.00 Downloads today30,149 Downloads total51 commentsUser rating83 said thankspublished Fri, 30 Oct 2015 21:07:47 GMT in - MegaThe Claas Mega 218 is back! Now with its smaller brother, the 208 Mega! Features: Interior is partially animated Door and ladder can be opened by IC and outside indoor sound - responds to door...
featured Somewhere in Thuringia
v 1.4.50 Downloads today30,126 Downloads total613 commentsUser rating129 said thankspublished Sun, 27 Dec 2015 19:29:16 GMT in - MapsIrgendwo in ThüringenV 1.2.5 By KastorMit dieser Karte melde ich mich in LS15 zurück.Willkommen in Thüringen oder wie man so schön Sagt"Das Grüne Herz Deutschland"Keine Lust mehr auf standard Karten...
featured Klein Neudorf
v 2.00 Downloads today30,122 Downloads total101 commentsUser rating56 said thankspublished Sat, 24 Jan 2015 15:35:00 GMT in - MapsWilkommen in Klein Neudorf! Hier erwartet Sie eine schöne Landschaft in mitten Deutschlands. Gespickt mit engen Dörfen, kleinen Feldern und schönen Bauernhöfen begeisterte die map schon tausende...
featured Police Car
v 1.0 by B3nny0 Downloads today30,117 Downloads total55 commentsUser rating30 said thankspublished Wed, 01 Jun 2016 10:20:48 GMT in - CarsPolice Patrol Car NRW 2016 by B3nny
featured Kernstadt
v 1.15 Downloads today30,116 Downloads total689 commentsUser rating135 said thankspublished Thu, 18 Aug 2016 08:15:40 GMT in - Big MapsWelcome back, to the main town By Kastor.Long have you been waiting for it and now we go, you expect huge fields, long driveways, a Abweckslungsreiche economy and livestock.Who still knows LS13 feels...
Strautmann 257
v 1.11 Downloads today30,103 Downloads total23 commentsUser rating20 said thankspublished Tue, 20 Jan 2015 14:34:43 GMT in - Forage WagonsStrautmann257 This is the original Strautmann from LS15 rebuilt. I have it a little wider so that you can better recharge. On error in log, please write to me. Cradits: farming2001
v 2.0 Mulitfruit4 Downloads today30,052 Downloads total129 commentsUser rating35 said thankspublished Mon, 17 Aug 2015 06:56:18 GMT in - SeedersHere I made ??my Honda200 V2 for you I wanted but not to the high demand I made ??it yet
Convert 2013 LS15
v 1.00 Downloads today29,891 Downloads total83 commentsUser rating29 said thankspublished Sat, 22 Nov 2014 05:00:00 GMT in - TutorialsI have summarized in this little tutorial times everything he needs in order to convert a Mod from the LS 2013 LS 15. Not all mods can be fully converted, if they are too complex. With this tutorial...
Liebherr 634
v 1.01 Downloads today29,701 Downloads total13 commentsUser rating18 said thankspublished Sun, 21 Jun 2015 12:34:11 GMT in - ExevatorsFT modding vous présente le Liebherr 634. Ce mod vous permet d'ajouter les fruits suivant: asphalt cement concrete cracked dirt gravel lime rock sand Asphalte ciment béton concassé terre...
featured John Deere 4755
v 2.21 Downloads today29,701 Downloads total23 commentsUser rating34 said thankspublished Thu, 11 Aug 2016 13:26:35 GMT in - 2000-5000erSpecialization: animatedVehicle motorized Steerable drivable cylindered hirable aiTractor bunkerSiloCompacter honk indoorHud mountable washable hydraulicAnimations cardanShaft Interactive...
featured MAN TGS 18.440 Forestry
v 2.00 Downloads today29,660 Downloads total72 commentsUser rating67 said thankspublished Fri, 28 Nov 2014 17:24:00 GMT in - MANHi there, have once again taken my original MAN to chest and entsprchend my interests rebuilt. As a result, it came out a timber transport with fixed crane. Overall, this truck represents only...