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featured OGF Bayern
v 1.1 GMK und Soilmod1 Downloads today34,178 Downloads total375 commentsUser rating141 said thankspublished Thu, 11 Jun 2015 17:21:09 GMT in - MapsWelcome to Schöffelding! Important: The download package must be unpacked. This includes the Map and the Unkrautmod ( This is required ONLY if you want to play with the Unkrautmod...
featured Somewhere in Bavaria
v 1.1.21 Downloads today34,141 Downloads total238 commentsUser rating144 said thankspublished Tue, 14 Jun 2016 20:22:26 GMT in - MapsIrgendwo In Bayern Beta 0.99.2 SoilMod Dies ist meine erste Map wieder seit LS 13 und noch eine rein Beta, so erhoffe ich wertvolle tipps und anregungen von euch zu bekommen. Seht euch einfach...
featured Manual Attaching
v 2.1 with PTO attach/detach function0 Downloads today34,074 Downloads total79 commentsUser rating106 said thankspublished Sun, 09 Aug 2015 19:20:08 GMT in - AddonsFunctions:- manual attaching all machines / tools / trailers on approach to attacher- power takeoff attached separately (without PTO machine will not start)Please keep the original download link!Bitte...
featured Hubtex Sideloader
v 3.1 SMALL FIX0 Downloads today33,927 Downloads total67 commentsUser rating77 said thankspublished Wed, 19 Aug 2015 13:51:30 GMT in - GabelstaplerHey Com!After a long while I finally want to share my Hubtex Sideloader with you.______________________________________________ContentIn the Pack there are the Sideloader and a big number of forks...
MAN with Jenz mounted
v 1.11 Downloads today33,864 Downloads total57 commentsUser rating33 said thankspublished Thu, 13 Nov 2014 16:17:00 GMT in - MANThis is the MAN with a mobile chipper Jenz mounted on the back. The MAN 22S costs € 325000-, has 440 horsepower, and the daily upkeep is € 750 It has full dirt texture, so you can wash it, the Jenz...
DLK 23/12
v 1.00 Downloads today33,746 Downloads totalUser rating24 said thankspublished Fri, 10 Apr 2015 15:00:05 GMT in - Fire departmentHi all, Today the turntable ladder from the Fire Technology team comes to download We have this request and the completeness of the delete course "Bjorn Holm" built (Map Find their right under Downloads...
featured Wood pallet gripper
v 1.12 Downloads today33,668 Downloads total34 commentsUser rating71 said thankspublished Mon, 06 Apr 2015 14:11:00 GMT in - front loaderHi Here I have a small fine, super funktionierndes part. A wooden pallet gripper for Holzplaetten of marhus sawmill. I have rumgeärgert briefly with the pallet fork and then I built the wooden...
featured Mobile station seed crown Emsland
v 1.01 Downloads today33,639 Downloads total21 commentsUser rating65 said thankspublished Sat, 29 Nov 2014 01:55:11 GMT in - fifth wheelI hereby present to you my first public Mod. A crown Emsland trailer loaded with seed. Thanks to Rosenthaler for support. Instead of constantly you can drive with the seeder for stationary seed sales...
featured Farms
v 1.00 Downloads today33,618 Downloads total53 commentsUser rating104 said thankspublished Sun, 18 Jan 2015 17:41:35 GMT in - Placeable ObjectsSome know them run even from LS13 I have, after long consideration and with the release of Marhu adjusted the equipment for LS15 These are three small free floating fish farm for cows, sheep and...
Case Puma 230CVX
v 3.02 Downloads today33,541 Downloads total37 commentsUser rating47 said thankspublished Wed, 02 Dec 2015 13:22:54 GMT in - CaseCase Puma 230CVX Platinum Edition Specification: Engine: 198kW / 269CV Full Washable New Exhaust Particle New Real Sounds New Physics New Face Lights New Dirt Wheels AFS Pro 700 monitor Plough...
Lawn care set
v 2.0 Lawn Care Pack0 Downloads today33,499 Downloads total15 commentsUser rating31 said thankspublished Sun, 22 May 2016 20:06:25 GMT in - Mod PacksThis is the Lawn Care Mod Pack version 2 with a few updates from the old one with some new things aswell. Pack Includes: -Exmark Lazer Z Zero Turn Mower -Exmark Lazer Z Zero Turn Mower With Bagger...
featured Mod Installer
v Downloads today33,402 Downloads total112 commentsUser rating73 said thankspublished Sun, 03 Jan 2016 10:34:56 GMT in - ToolsWhat makes the LS15 Mod Installer: This tool is installed and uninstalled mods easily By List view one has a good overview of the Mods in the download folder, because all other files that...
featured Tyrolean Alps
v 1.3.10 Downloads today33,334 Downloads total125 commentsUser rating49 said thankspublished Fri, 01 May 2015 10:34:22 GMT in - MapsWelcome to the world Tyrolean AlpsThe map is based on the landscape of Tyrol and was built so close to nature as possible. I hope you feel comfortable on the map. The map is geared more for small farmers...
featured Money Cheat
v 1.00 Downloads today33,251 Downloads total20 commentsUser rating18 said thankspublished Sun, 09 Nov 2014 19:19:50 GMT in - ToolsThis mod adds you when you press the F11 key always € 100,000 added to your LS account. When you press the F12 key again be deducted € 100,000.
v 1.31 Downloads today33,173 Downloads total489 commentsUser rating238 said thankspublished Fri, 22 Jul 2016 21:46:28 GMT in - MapsLAST OGF MAP
featured Oldtimer Pack from LS11
v 1.20 Downloads today33,172 Downloads total36 commentsUser rating60 said thankspublished Sat, 05 Sep 2015 04:52:00 GMT in - OldtimerLand-Ei proudly presents LS11 Oldtimer für LS15 Euch erwarten:• Schlepper Lizard 422 (International 453)• Schlepper Lizard 2850• Drescher Lizard Sovereign 58 (Claas Dominator 85) mit Getreide...
featured Buy Bales
v 1.18 Downloads today33,164 Downloads total44 commentsUser rating76 said thankspublished Tue, 27 Sep 2016 22:55:31 GMT in - ScriptsThis mod enables you to purchase bales at the store. (category: mods -> misc)
featured IT Runner Container
v 3.05 Downloads today33,073 Downloads total28 commentsUser rating50 said thankspublished Wed, 30 Mar 2016 17:43:13 GMT in - containersHi Here I have a Multifruit containers for IT TRUNNER from the DLC pack. Capacity 37000 l, 9700 price, color selection, washable, Fruit varieties: wheat rape maize barley chaff potato sugarbeet...
adjustable mirrors
v 1.1.51 Downloads today32,848 Downloads totalUser rating83 said thankspublished Tue, 18 Nov 2014 17:57:00 GMT in - ScriptsDescription and Mod of Marhu, The simply in the modfolder, change the game into the vehicle and press key 5 (changeable) then look into a mirror (center of image), hold down...
featured Fliegl Transport Pack
v 1.50 Downloads today32,801 Downloads total41 commentsUser rating98 said thankspublished Sun, 01 Nov 2015 11:45:14 GMT in - Mod PacksThis is the Fliegl Transport pack consisting of: MAN 3 axle - 3 Seitenkipper Scania 3 axle - 3 Seitenkipper Iveco 3 axles - 3 Seitenkipper Tandem Trailer - 3 Seitenkipper Full trailers - 3-way...