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featured Acceleration time
v 1.33 Downloads today146,184 Downloads total48 commentsUser rating208 said thankspublished Tue, 04 Nov 2014 14:49:01 GMT in - ScriptsWith the Zeitbeschleunigungsmod you can temporarily screw up the time factor strongly. I've written the script, because I like to play on the MIG-card with long growing seasons. So you can go about...
featured Norge Holm
v 4.2 Multifruit / SoilMod & GMK-Mod & MBO Mod1 Downloads today145,720 Downloads totalUser rating452 said thankspublished Sat, 15 Oct 2016 14:09:19 GMT in - Default Map editNorgeholm 2015 v.1.9 Multifrucht-Map mit Unkraut-Mod, Multi-Dünger, Düngerhandel, Schweine-, Rinder- u. Hühnermast, Gründünger, SeedMaster, GülleMistKalk, Güllelager, Pferdehof, EDEKA, Kompostierwerk...
featured Conveyor belt set
v 3.313 Downloads today144,711 Downloads total116 commentsUser rating155 said thankspublished Sun, 12 Jul 2015 14:51:20 GMT in - Other ImplementsConveyor belt pack v3.2.7 Fixed ur mod by Marhu fixed by Happy Looser 1x telescopic loader conveyor belt Fixed 1x front loader conveyor belt Fixed Fixed: Marhu script has been fixed by me...
featured Zunhammer Water u. Milktrailer
v 2.0.10 Downloads today138,624 Downloads total51 commentsUser rating175 said thankspublished Wed, 24 Dec 2014 12:01:41 GMT in - Other trailersWater and milk trailer based on the Zunhammer 18.500 PE This is the sequel of my guarantor Water Trailers, this time a disused slurry tanker to a water and Me trailer was rebuilt, from hygienic reasons...
featured CLAAS Axion 950
v 1.78 Downloads today137,415 Downloads total330 commentsUser rating346 said thankspublished Fri, 08 Jul 2016 09:16:27 GMT in - ClaasNEW GENERATION AXION FOR FARMING SIMULATOR 400 hp. For real In a very short time, CLAAS has become established throughout Europe as one of the leading tractor manufacturers. In 2011 CLAAS added the...
featured Mixing station
v 3.0.02 Downloads today135,933 Downloads total162 commentsUser rating236 said thankspublished Wed, 19 Nov 2014 13:40:57 GMT in - Placeable ObjectsMixing Station v3.0.0 of Marhu With the mixing station can be just as prepared as a feed mixer, feed for the cows. But in larger quantities because they can be filled with full trailer loads...
featured MultiMowing
v 3.11 Downloads today134,759 Downloads total78 commentsUser rating181 said thankspublished Sat, 06 Dec 2014 22:22:00 GMT in - ScriptsThis mod enhances the functionality of mowers to mow cereal and an increase in yield of grassland fertilization. The latter is a demand for the manure / dung-Mod. The mod works globally, that is, it...
featured John Deere 7280R
v 2.0 BETA0 Downloads today124,363 Downloads totalUser rating255 said thankspublished Wed, 24 Dec 2014 16:20:00 GMT in - John DeereJohn Deere 7280R - Beta! Questo modello JD 7280R che costruito da AGO per assoluti di dettaglio e la funzione appassionati. Rivenditori minime possono ora impostare la lettura e altro ... clicca...
featured Deutz Fahr 9340
v 1.24 Downloads today123,984 Downloads total289 commentsUser rating326 said thankspublished Sun, 13 Dec 2015 11:58:06 GMT in - Deutz FahrModel: Giants Software, Marlin 3D Programming and visual details: SIID Poland And: STv-Modding, Turbo, Pawulon - Modification gets dirty - Modification is washable - Direction - Roosters - Lighting...
featured KrampeSB3060 with clutch
v 5.0 Multifrucht0 Downloads today121,459 Downloads total82 commentsUser rating133 said thankspublished Tue, 06 Jan 2015 05:15:58 GMT in - TrailersHere I have the original KrampeSB3060 trailer. What has changed: he now has an extended rear section with additional coupling with normal trailer coupling and coupling ball. So you can all trailer...
Fendt 936 Vario
v 1.51 Downloads today120,018 Downloads totalUser rating108 said thankspublished Wed, 03 Aug 2016 09:18:05 GMT in - Vario 900erFendt 936 Vario: This powerful large tractor fulfills the highest demands. Transmission: Type: Vario (continuously variable transmission) Cruise control: activate with key 3 1 = slower cruise...
featured Suedhemmern
v 11.14 Downloads today115,526 Downloads total1903 commentsUser rating322 said thankspublished Sun, 28 Aug 2016 13:23:53 GMT in - MapsV 8.0: Auf vielfachen Wunsch hat auch die Südhemmern nun das Sägewerk von Marhu und den BaleMaster erhalten. Die Paletten aus dem neuen Sägerwerk kann man an der Spinnerei verkaufen, wo auch die Wollpaletten...
featured Krone BIG L500 Prototype
v 1.9.52 Downloads today113,945 Downloads totalUser rating204 said thankspublished Tue, 17 Feb 2015 12:27:00 GMT in - KroneHere I have the Krone BIG L500 Prototype you know is for you from LS13. I take this opportunity to thank usxi7sd for release. Since I introduced him even as a WIP please I occasionally look over...
featured Crasher
v 2.11 Downloads today113,403 Downloads total178 commentsUser rating170 said thankspublished Thu, 05 Feb 2015 11:59:00 GMT in - Other trailersNew technologies of wood. Now you can process the wood chips in on industrial scale Now this monster is eating even small branches (not chewing and swallowing and choking) Use please original LINK
featured Gamsting
v 4.12 Downloads today111,824 Downloads total999 commentsUser rating419 said thankspublished Sun, 23 Oct 2016 15:57:32 GMT in - MapsWelcome to Gamsting for the LS 15! In the middle of the mountainous region of the Bavarian Alpine foothills is almost completely cut off from its environment the idyllic Gamstinger valley surrounded...
featured Horsch Pronto 18m
v 2.21 Downloads today110,314 Downloads total163 commentsUser rating161 said thankspublished Fri, 11 Sep 2015 02:57:00 GMT in - SeedersHere the conversion of Direct sowing Horsch_Pronto18m from LS2013. You can process all standard fruits. Permission of Urmodders exists. Thanks to Rall I. Version 2.0 1) Both drill, with direct...
featured John Deere 7930
v Final3 Downloads today107,634 Downloads total281 commentsUser rating237 said thankspublished Thu, 26 May 2016 19:06:25 GMT in - 7000erHallo liebe Freunde der Landwirtschaft, Nach langem hin und her und ewiger Umbauzeit, habe ich mich entschlossen zu Ostern ein kleines „Schmankerl“ hochzuladen. Ich bin keine Profi was modden angeht...
featured FahrsiloExtension
v 2.01 Downloads today106,835 Downloads total179 commentsUser rating246 said thankspublished Thu, 06 Nov 2014 08:49:00 GMT in - ScriptsDer Mod erweitert die Standardfahrsilos, egal ob auf Standard- oder Modmaps verbaut, um eine Handvoll Features. Ich möchte das Walzen auf dem Silo zu einer fahrerisch interessanten Aufgabe machen, was...
featured John Deere 6810
v 1.10 Downloads today105,552 Downloads total199 commentsUser rating269 said thankspublished Fri, 10 Apr 2015 07:50:19 GMT in - 6000erSpecifications: -Year of construction: 2001 -Engine: 6-cylinder with 125HP -Fuel capacity: 207 liter -Cabin: TechCenter with air Conditioning -weight: 5169kg Functions...
featured Euro Agrar Multifruit
v Downloads today104,488 Downloads total654 commentsUser rating110 said thankspublished Sat, 09 Jan 2016 06:52:00 GMT in - MapsEuro-Agrar Map Willkommen bei der Euro-Agrar. Wir wünschen Euch viel Spaß mit unserer Map. Gefundene Fehler bitte NICHT in den Kommentaren lassen oder per PN schicken. Nutzt hierfür bitte http...