featuredWelcome to Schöffelding!
Important: The download package must be unpacked. This includes the Map and the Unkrautmod ( This is required ONLY if you want to play with the Unkrautmod of Upside Down. If you this with inserts, other mods MANDATORY needed, please bellow !!!!!
After more than 150 hours (conversion, landscape beautification, roads, dirt roads, etc., etc.) I can provide the OGF Bayern MAP for the LS 15 is available to you today.
Please make sure to read the description carefully here, questions be answered thus, I will not answer here in the forum still via PM, thank you!
The map has 5 farms to be managed:
- Pig farm with pigs
- The main courtyard with cows and chickens
- Schafhof
- Nebenhof with meat and broiler
- Lohnunternehmen
In addition to the map, an energy park to be managed with BGA, straw and wood chips power plant.
Additional Features:
- Slurry Dung Kalkmod of Marhu
- Choppedstraw Webalizer
- WaterMod of Marhu
- Unkraudmod of Upside Down
- Multi Terrain (increased ground angle for realistic textures)
Forestry can be started in the 3 specially planted forests exercise to acknowledge because specially created driveways with barrier.
Furthermore, there are 8 outlets for your fruits and animal species.
Tree trunks can be sold in the northeast ONLY at BayWa, the trigger for this is framed. On the Zugfeature (dismiss) was deliberately omitted and will not be retrofitted because I do not like. This also applies to anderenen frills, I have the map so constructed as I want to play it and also very on performance.
Fields can you limited pooling (with plow). Where this is possible, I have to trim layers and objects between fields omitted (in the south and in the BGA). The trees can be broken with the spruce moped are the Dacian well known.
You start on the main court in Schöffelding, with their dairy farming, egg production and agriculture can operate. You hear a small fleet and a few small fields.
All doors on the Map can be opened with the L key. A Door trigger it is not required, it is included in the map.
If you want to start in the large courtyard in Riedhausen, you can sell followed Mod your fields in the south:
Fertilizer, seeds and lime (yellow silo) you get either in Schöffelding the fertilizer distributors (beside maypole) or directly on the large courtyard in Riedhausen.
Required Mods:
Animation Map Trigger from Vertexdezign without going the gates in the broiler not to. (Gate open with O)
Because the Map 256 Bodenwinkel features, the helper aligns not so simple. You have the tractor after the compass align and press on until H. Compass Mod of Decker or similar:
Special Unkrautmod:
If you have the enclosed Unkrautmod in the folder, you need unconditional following in addition mod folder, otherwise you get problems with the growth. How the mod works can be started in the description of the mods read:
Otherwise you recommend the whole Zusatzmods of Upside Down, all of which are tested on the Map and 100% compatible, try it out which are really great.
The map may be published in other forums, but only using the original download links. The LS15 version has not been released, and also parts thereof, may not be used without prior approval from me (bobo511 at modhoster).
Finally, I would like to thank most sincerely BernieSCS for the release of its 13er version, without which it would not have been possible. Also at Niggels of Vertex, who was ready for more questions in the forum. I want to thank also in upside down for the release of its Unkrautmods that I may attach him.
Now I wish you much fun with the OGF Bavaria, my native :-)
I have the Map getest conscientiously and thoroughly, but you know, it can always slip a bit, so please do not be so hard on the criticism. I will correct errors in a timely manner, of course.
If certain is that the map has no great error more (2-3 weeks), then I will also for our realism freaks (to which I also belong) publish a version with Soilmod.
Credits für die neu hinzugefügten Elemente LS15:Ur-Modder & Kartengenie: BERNIE-SCS
Konvertierung, Straßen und Feldweggestaltung: bobo511
Fermenter: NKB Modding
Strohkraftwerk: GeneralX
Feldwegsbegrenzung: flo1997
Unbefestigte Wege: seba j
3d Feldwege:
Grastextur: Niggels
Strassentexturen: Niggels
Distance-Hills: mailman
Fruchttexturen: eribus forgotten plants
Single-Silos: RC-Devil, Treckerjack
Gülleverkauf, Mistverkauf Zatoxx
Zierlayer (Unkraut, Brennessel etc.): El Cid
Bodentexturen: Geneborg
Unkrautmod: upsidedown
Chopped-Straw: webalizer
Wollpalettenkollektor: MARHU & Funky
Güllemistmod: MARHU
WaterMod: MARHU
Schweine- & Rindermast: MARHU
Hühnermast: Farmer_Andy
Misthaufen: Fendtfan1
Fahrsilos: Fendtfan1
Doortrigger: Matzep
Futterlager: El Cid
Soilmodtexturen: Geneborg
Sollte ich jemanden vergessen haben, war das wirklich keine Absicht,
bitte einfachmelden dann trag ich Euch selbstverständlich sofort nach.
11 Jun 19:20Version 1.1 GMK und Soilmod
- Soilmod-Kompatibilität (zusätzlich)
- Straßenlaternen gefixed, leuchten jetzt nur noch in der Nacht
- Diverse Texturfixes
- Diverse Terrainfixe
- Kuhweide überarbeitet (Roboter im Stall, Kühe laufen im Stall)
- Schweinehof Trigger gefixed (Strohtrigger nun separat)
- Futterlager hinzugefügt (Danke an El Cid)
- Doortrigger.lua gefixed (Danke an Marhu) -
04 May 11:18Version 1.0 by Bobo
by bobo511
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by bobo511
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checksum: | 8988da83a1ffe8a264d2889072e329aa |
Version: | 1.1 GMK und Soilmod |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | upsideDown |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | OGF Bayern Map LS15 by Bobo |
description in shop: | Dies ist die OGF Bayern Map LS15 by Bobo |
checksum: | 8988da83a1ffe8a264d2889072e329aa |
Version: | 1.1 GMK und Soilmod |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | My Name |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | OGF Bayern Map LS15 by Bobo |
description in shop: | Dies ist die OGF Bayern Map LS15 by Bobo |
1 Comments for OGF Bayern
A top mod converted Extremely good. Thank you for the really good work you have put into this.
Looking forward to what the future may bring for this great map.
You did excelent work therefore 5/5 stars and Featuring for your map ;).
Kind regards ,