MAN with Jenz mounted

V 1.1 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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This is the MAN with a mobile chipper Jenz mounted on the back.

The MAN 22S costs € 325000-, has 440 horsepower, and the daily upkeep is € 750

It has full dirt texture, so you can wash it, the Jenz and the MAN.

all the lights work, and the crane has a working light.

the Jenz is full animated and the supports are made resist.

You can change the collor when you finish buy it, it's standart white


greetings from dark nl nl w from:


my facebook:


nl dark w nl

  • 13 Nov 21:58
    Version 1.1

    all the error's are fixed now, so the log is clean.

  • 13 Nov 20:44
    Version 1.05

    fixed 2 texture error's, log should be clean now.

  • 13 Nov 17:16
    Version 1.0


checksum: 1bd83aeefae45bcda28ac5a086d3accf
Version: 1.1
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: nl dark w nl
price in shop: 325000 LS
name in shop:
description in shop:

13.11 2014
Modhoster user rating
3.89 / 27 Votes


nach 18 Stimmen

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V 1.1
Farming Simulator 15
23.9 MB 26913
13. 11 2014 26,913
V 1.05
Farming Simulator 15
23.9 MB 1259
13. 11 2014 1,259
V 1.0
Farming Simulator 15
23.8 MB 5687
13. 11 2014 5,687

3 Comments for MAN with Jenz mounted

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  1. nl dark w nl 13. 11 2014

    I uploaded a new version: 1.1, this one is error free, enjoy it!
    gr. nl dark w nl

    1 replies

  2. BertramMod 13. 11 2014

    Nice build and set together but its very hard to get it
    to accept branches. Nearly as shall force the wood
    under the drum. It not be transferred by the belt.

  3. Totenfarmer 13. 11 2014

    Looks practical, but single axle ?
    Giants made it wrong, you don`t use a single axle truck in the forrest, you would get stuck pretty fast..

    I will give you credit for a nice mod though, but wish you would consider a dual axle if you are making a V2.

    1 replies
