On Waldkater

V Am Waldkater anno 1990 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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Hello everybody!


Today I want to share my private until now held Map On Waldkater with you.

Because there are so many new buildings on this map that have been created by me personally with Maya, Please I all The ones the fallen on the map building and you want to block this love on your own maps (maps) please to write me briefly and to ask.

I guess that's not asking too much to send a short Pn.

So now, but back to the map itself.

On this card I have now built since December 2014 and it was built according to my ideas.

That is to say that they are not perceived one place after it is free erfunden.Die Map is not developed in their full size because I think they are big enough to edit them with 6 other players in multiplayer.

With me it runs completely error free!

I've tried everything I thought was useful to process in this map.

There are many outlets on this map, these are the part of all gro0en village is close angelegt.Auch of traffic and pedestrians are adjusted because it looked a bit grim else who had one Spielte.Die the brewery from ETS myself again in Maya somewhat rebuilt and provided with a new texture.

The pig and cattle fattening I have provided with new buildings they are created by myself what has remained are the scripts and triggers the silos are still the by Marhu, the mixing station from Him has a new design get from me.

Even the water Mod could not miss on this map.

Therefore, I would like to thank Marhu equal in this way.

What else is there on the Map .........

The Eifokhandel

The Billinger Landhandel


A sand pit

A sugar factory

A freight depot

A concrete plant

A slaughterhouse which was created by me personally

A main courtyard which was ertsellt by me personally

A horse was ertsellt by me personally

Even the Landmaschienen merchant has got a new design by me

A grain dealer is created by me personally

A sawmill

The Compost plant of Farmer Andy

And further some smaller farms are installed on the map to serve as a sales station.

The forest on this map is in small forests divided on which is but achievable and also workable with the conventional technique!

What is installed on additives?

Slurry manure-lime Mod

Weeds Mod


Sand Gravel Cement Concrete

Also the traffic is made more quickly were thus increased to a speed of 40 km.

A train was built on the border Map this embankment is designed so that the train does not hinder you while playing

Also in the air transport by an aircraft.

Fruits have remained only the Standart.

Some fields are already your property, others still need to buy werden.Die Fields you already have in possession for the game early sown even before.

What do you need to Mods?







For this purpose, following the Mod come this map but I needed not the links to find.






The Map On Waldkater is error-free on Patch 1.3 running!


It should also be satisfied with this map still this map is built according to my ideas and they must primarily pleased me personally.

But I guess that some other will also prepare joy!

So someone on the design of the fields or the structure of the map should interfere ansich he should only invite garnicht or delete them again, all I'm waiting for a reason as it came lately to the some of the only other Loading deter the comment section to use did.

However, they may find a remedy after all still have crept in one or the other error, this should be the case I ask you this so please in the comment section to melden.Wir and I are not perfect can there already something going wrong ,

If you like my work, I would be glad about a thank you but also has a laudatory comment.

Rise questions to the map prepared like.


Devin Mfg / Mario / Opa ....


Dieser Mod/Map ist von mir persönlich erstellt

  • 13 May 18:18
    Version Am Waldkater anno 1990

    Es hat sich noch einmal einiges geändert zu den alten Versionen.

    Neu ist....
    Getreide Kombinat- KFL-einige andere kleine Gebäude sowie ein Eck Gebäude in der Dorf Mitte.
    Einige Felder habe nun eine andere Form.
    Umgestalltung der Dorf Mitte.

    Ich Wünsche allen Spaß mit dieser Version.
    Zusatz Mods stehen schon in der alten Beschreibung .

    Ja man sollte einen neuen Spielstand anfangen.

    Support zu dieser Map gibt es auf der Forum Seite.


    Man muss sich auch nicht anmelden da ich den Support Bereich offen lasse auch für Gäste die eine Frage zur Map haben.

  • 21 Aug 16:31
    Version 3.0 Finale

    Hallo zusammen!

    Zur Waldkater Version 3. Finale.
    Die Karte wurde noch einmal bearbeitet.
    Was ist noch geändert an dieser Version:
    Lager für den Kartoffelkreislauf.
    Lager für Düngermittel.
    Lager für Saatgut.
    Digital-Anzeigetafeln für eure Lager auf dem Hof.
    Feld 5. ist weg,auch die Hühner vom anliegenden Hof sind jetzt auf dem Haupthof.
    Verkaufspreise sind etwas geändert .
    Ein Zirkus Krone hat seinen Platz auf der Map gefunden.

    Mfg Mario/Devin

  • 01 Aug 12:15
    Version 2.0

    Hallo zusammen !

    Gefixt wurde

    Verkaufstrigger Schlachter, nimmt jetzt auch Rinder
    Schwebende Paletten über dem Mais Feld,sind entfernt
    Trigger für Kompost Erde ist jetzt weiter vor gesetzt,
    Kuhstall ist jetzt auch mit großem Ladewagen befahrbar,
    Kuhstall wurde auch drin mit einer Mistplane versehen,
    Start Fahrzeuge wurden geändert,
    5 von 6 Windkraft Anlagen wurden entfernt,
    Der Kärcher ist auch entfernt,
    Stop Schilder sind getauscht,
    Ampel-System ist hinzu gefügt worden,
    Sägewerk hat jetzt volle Funktion,
    Leitpfosten sind hinzu gekommen,
    PDA Bild ist geändert,
    Deko hinzu gefügt,
    einige Silos sind befühlt zum Start,
    Tore sind verbaut worden,
    Beschilderung für Verkaufsstellen hinzu gekommen,

    In dieser Version braucht Ihr einen Trailer der vom Sägewerk die Bretter Transportieren kann.

    Den geladen Mod (Waldkater Fix V2) müsst Ihr einmal entpacken.

    Mfg Devin/Mario

  • 25 Jul 11:50
    Version 1.0

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25.07 2015
Modhoster user rating
4.67 / 212 Votes


nach 203 Stimmen

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V Am Waldkater anno 1990
Farming Simulator 15
759 MB 5505
13. 05 2016 5,505
V 3.0 Finale
Farming Simulator 15
766 MB 12260
21. 08 2015 12,260
V 2.0
Farming Simulator 15
543 MB 6982
01. 08 2015 6,982
1 ältere Versionen

7 Comments for On Waldkater

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  1. BertramMod 22. 08 2015

    Shall there be scoup out in the cow stable-- and then
    how to do it?


  2. ciggy001 02. 08 2015

    Might be a dumb question, but are the fields that aren't numbered there for a reason or just for show?

  3. Warondar69 02. 08 2015

    Can someone tell me how I can get into the cow barn to remove the solid manure? Didn't find a gate or door that would let me in that part.
    Great map Devin. Very well made and just love the layout and buildings.

    1 replies

  4. tinyalloy 01. 08 2015

    says I need a password to run where can I find it?

    2 replies

  5. ciggy001 01. 08 2015

    Great map, enjoying the undulating terrain! One question is there somewhere to store excess straw from a forage wagon?

    1 replies

  6. ringovik 01. 08 2015

    Der Assistent funktioniert nicht gut

    1 replies

  7. tinyalloy 25. 07 2015

    thank u! outstanding job on the map I know it was a private map but I hope we see more from u, love the different architecture and textures sorry I don't habve a translator app but thanks again very impressive
