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featured AutoTractor
v 1.423 Downloads today105,557 Downloads total406 commentsUser rating276 said thankspublished Mon, 21 Jul 2014 16:49:49 GMT in - ScriptsAutoTractor is an alternative helper for tractors , which is not only simple boots down under , but automatically detects the direction and continuously adjusts . Who knows my Mod AutoCombine ( http...
featured Set MPOwner owner
v 0.10 Downloads today3,081 Downloads total37 commentsUser rating34 said thankspublished Sun, 08 Jun 2014 15:13:00 GMT in - ScriptsThis script makes it possible for all taxable vehicles specify an owner. By default, each vehicle has the owner "no", which means that each player can use the vehicle. Use the key combination Shift...
featured InGameMenuEnhancement
v 3.5d2 Downloads today25,891 Downloads totalUser rating63 said thankspublished Tue, 27 May 2014 16:31:32 GMT in - ScriptsRead me !Mod: InGameMenuEnhancementAll Rights Reserved by Team - Sub7 (Austria )Credits: Thanks to all helpers and testersAuthor: Blue TigerInformer : Madjack , mor2000 , MarhuTester : Aerox1939 , ModsaugerGuidance...
featured AutoCombine
v 2.45 Downloads today143,129 Downloads total534 commentsUser rating466 said thankspublished Fri, 23 May 2014 07:34:32 GMT in - ScriptsI do not like maps with rectangular fields. But driving a combine harvester plus the tractor with trailer is a bit tedious in SP mode. So I came across the mod autopilot gotchTOM.Now I did not want...
featured UniversalProcessKit
v 1.1.08 Downloads today56,588 Downloads total56 commentsUser rating66 said thankspublished Thu, 15 May 2014 20:15:34 GMT in - ScriptsBeschreibung/ Features Das UniversalProcessKit ist kein Mod im eigentliche Sinn, sondern es erweitert LS13 um Funktionalität, damit es Modder leichter haben, Gebäude mit Funktionen auszustatten...
featured Multi sprayer herbicide Mod
v 2.12 Downloads today63,407 Downloads total199 commentsUser rating127 said thankspublished Sun, 11 May 2014 14:21:21 GMT in - ScriptsThe Weed mod adds weed control added as a new task to the game and no longer is it simply fertilizing the same. To make this work must be equipped with the appropriate weed the map. So sample map, this...
featured FahrsiloExtension
v 1.24 Downloads today40,526 Downloads total195 commentsUser rating185 said thankspublished Sun, 11 May 2014 12:25:41 GMT in - ScriptsThe mod extends the standard silos , whether installed on Hagenstedt or mod -maps to a handful of features. I want to make the rollers on the silo to his driving and interesting task , which it indeed...
featured BunkerSilosHud
v 0.991 Downloads today21,579 Downloads total33 commentsUser rating41 said thankspublished Sun, 02 Mar 2014 17:38:01 GMT in - ScriptsFunctions The BunkerSilosHud displays the bunker silos' fill levels, their states, the distribution of the separate sections etc. It also supports the additional features of the FahrSiloExtension...
featured shovelMovementFill
v 1.20 Downloads today29,579 Downloads total69 commentsUser rating132 said thankspublished Sat, 01 Mar 2014 20:59:25 GMT in - ScriptsWith the ShovelMovementFill mod blades loaded only when properly forward reinfährt with them in the Beladetrigger. The "keeping clean & leave filling up" that has an end. "Forward" is to be understood...
featured multiMowing
v 1.010 Downloads today45,101 Downloads total75 commentsUser rating101 said thankspublished Sat, 08 Feb 2014 10:48:00 GMT in - ScriptsThis mod extends the functionality of mowers for mowing of cereal and an increase in yield of grassland fertilization. The latter is a demand for the manure / dung -Mod.The mod works globally , that...
featured MultiFruitUtil
v 1.23 Downloads today28,911 Downloads total54 commentsUser rating53 said thankspublished Sat, 01 Feb 2014 20:10:15 GMT in - ScriptsHi!kurz und knapp: Dieser "Mod" stellt ein Skript zum einfachen Hinzufügen und Ändern von Früchten bereit. Er fügt von selbst keine Früchte dem Spiel hinzu.English: This "mod" adds tools to easily add...
featured fillTypeOverlays
v 0.41 Downloads today9,718 Downloads total44 commentsUser rating57 said thankspublished Sat, 01 Feb 2014 13:56:14 GMT in - ScriptsThis script adds standardized overlays (hud icons) for a group of fill types. Two different sets are included: The 'Giants' set has been matched to Giants' default fill type overlay style. It includes...
featured Grünhäckselmod
v 1.30 Downloads today30,246 Downloads total79 commentsUser rating101 said thankspublished Mon, 20 Jan 2014 20:11:09 GMT in - ScriptsDer Grünhäcksel-Mod verlagert die Erntestufe für das Häckseln vor die Kornreife, also in die Wachstumsphase in der Mais und Getreide normalerweise zum Silieren geerntet werden.In der Schwierigkeitsstufe...
featured TrueMirror
v 1.0.11 Downloads today12,754 Downloads total50 commentsUser rating53 said thankspublished Tue, 17 Dec 2013 08:56:13 GMT in - ScriptsHello, This mod adds in any vehicle or any mod with the specification "steerable" real side mirrors added. There are no additional cameras, but rectangles which reflect in one direction...
featured AntiModDiscrimination
v 0.11 Downloads today14,725 Downloads total66 commentsUser rating141 said thankspublished Thu, 24 Oct 2013 04:29:00 GMT in - ScriptsThrough this script the "mod" status all inserted mods will be canceled so that all mods appear along with the standard LS vehicles in the Store Categories. (See also attached image) For me it...
featured MoreLoan More Debt
v 0.11 Downloads today7,188 Downloads total31 commentsUser rating33 said thankspublished Wed, 23 Oct 2013 17:35:00 GMT in - ScriptsThe MoreLoanMod allows the ATM a loan of up to 5,000,000 € to take, so read it right, € 5,000,000.Who now thinks right back to cheating, no, not entirely, of course, the additional debt and interest...
featured Multi Fruit
v 0.9 Public Beta0 Downloads today13,459 Downloads total66 commentsUser rating68 said thankspublished Sat, 12 Oct 2013 11:17:00 GMT in - ScriptsAchtung - die Bezeichnung "Public Beta" ist ernstgemeint! Feedback bitte unter dem WIP: Der MultiFruit-Mod rüstet als globaler Mod neue Früchte...
featured Map lights
v 2.01 Downloads today61,872 Downloads total37 commentsUser rating54 said thankspublished Thu, 03 Oct 2013 08:50:00 GMT in - Scriptspräsentiert MapAmpeln V2 mit Blitzfunktion. Skript: Bluebaby210 Dank geht an: "bassaddict" für seinen Tip und die Erklärung mit der "globalen" Variablen (schon in der V1...
Lua for my fertilizer warehouse
v 1.01 Downloads today874 Downloads total1 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Sun, 22 Sep 2013 19:44:00 GMT in - ScriptsHello Com, For those who have trouble with my fertilizer warehouse now I put the Lua for disposal, these problems they einbauen.Hatte Please forget the actual download with in basket. It is...
featured faster camera movement
v 1.00 Downloads today5,198 Downloads total44 commentsUser rating46 said thankspublished Mon, 02 Sep 2013 09:20:00 GMT in - ScriptsGradually, in addition to various major projects now there first a few small tools that I wanted to publish for some time. First of all: The mod is not interesting for Maus-/Tastaturspieler...