The BunkerSilosHud displays the bunker silos' fill levels, their states, the distribution of the separate sections etc. It also supports the additional features of the FahrSiloExtension script, including the rotting and compression of each section.
Furthermore it displays the fill levels of the liquid manure tanks. In addition to the default tanks (BGA/cows), Marhu's pig fattening and skydancer's ManureLager are supported.
The hud is controlled with the mouse cursor (button click on the arrows or scrolling). If a section is scrollable, a small mouse wheel symbol is displayed in the upper left corner of the hud.
There are three hud states which can be set with Shift (left) + 6
- Open: mouse functionality active. In this state the mouse functionality of the vehicle's camera (moving and zooming) is deactivated.
- Open: mouse functionality inactive. Only displays the data, silos or tanks can not be changed. The mouse functionality of the vehicle's camera is activated again.
- Closed. The mouse functionality of the vehicle's camera is activated.
Custom naming
(requires knowledge of Giants Editor and XML editing!)Each silo and liquid manure tank can be named individually by using a userAttribute
in the map (i18n supported). Those names will also be saved to the XML entry of the corresponding silo in the savegame's vehicles.xml
Custom naming example
- Name
- Type
- Location
- in the silo's
/ in the liquid manure tank'sliquidManureTrigger
- Value
modDesc.xml l10n
- Name
and theuserAttribute's
value) - Value
<text name="BSH_FarmPigs"> <en>Farm pigs liquid manure</en> <de>Hof Schweinemast Gülle</de> </text>
- add safety check against improperly created BunkerSilo triggers (w/o movingPlanes) — you know who you are!
- add warning sign if silo is fully fermented but the cover plane hasn't been removed yet
- fix scrolling functionality/zooming inhibit for vehicles with 'InteractiveControl' spec
- initial release
No modification without the author's written permission. No re-upload by anyone but the original author. No commercial usage.
Copyright © Jakob Tischler, 2014
Jakob TischlerThanks for testing: Peter van der Veen, Claus G. Pedersen, upsidedown, mor2000
02 Mar 18:37Version 0.99
* add safety check against impromperly created BunkerSilo triggers (w/o movingPlanes)
* add warning sign if silo is fully fermented but the cover plane hasn't been removed yet
* fix scrolling functionality/zooming inhibit for vehicles with 'InteractiveControl' spec
23 Feb 21:35Version 0.98
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