featuredThe Weed mod adds weed control added as a new task to the game and no longer is it simply fertilizing the same. To make this work must be equipped with the appropriate weed the map. So sample map, this is the MIG - Celle from version V0.89 . Installation in other maps is expressly permitted , the necessary files are in the mod .
Operation: syringes can be switched on fertilizer trigger between liquid fertilizer and herbicide. So you decide what you load on the trigger . Sprayed with herbicide to accrued weed now it goes into a withered state grows with time but after . If you let the weeds grow out completely and injects it only then it goes into a further withered state that can be deleted only by threshing, tillage or direct seeding .
Weeds except by herbicide doses also by threshing, tillage ( cultivators / plowing) and direct reset. If larger weeds present during threshing does it manifest itself in a difficulty degree dependent reduction in yield . The more thorough tillage, the longer it takes the weeds around aground again (plowing > cultivators > no-till ) . (For details see extra point )
Mechanical weed control : Using a combination of deep tillage ( plowing) , a subsequent emergence leave the remaining of the weed seeds up to the second growth stage and a further tillage ( cultivators ) can suppress weed growth was also successful until the next harvest .
Interactions of weeds with crops :
a) Growth suppression of weeds by the acre fruit :
That's the good news : If the arable crop has reached a certain size (one before dreschbar ) , then goes weeds in the first two growth stages (of four total ) a .
b) Growth suppression of field crops through the weeds :
In high weeds (growth stages 3 +4) , the first two growth stages of field crops go.
The principle in a) and b ) here is the same : Under a giant thistle sea no more grain will come up - this, it is much too dark down and the weed pressure is much too high. From a thistle field is not a grain field just because you purely throws a few grains . Conversely, something else will come up with a dense grain inventory also barely .
c ) competition for nutrients
If the farmer was not paying attention and the thistles grow too high then they consume it Nutrients - > play technically the one that the thistles delete the fertilizer layer means once they are too high ( growth stages 3 +4). As long as the field is not yet fully grown fruit helps totspritzen and re-fertilizing :)
In addition to the pure components of the weed mod changes still some general on sprayers .
* It is no longer possible to fertilize crops ready for harvest .
* The fertilizer can be used for certain fruits as Saatstreuer .
Seed spreader:
* Only certain varieties of seeds are spread by spreader. Currently, this grass, rape , clover and alfalfa. For modders : Other types of fruit can be added by script
* The seed consumption is significantly higher than with a Drille
* There is no -tillage by spreader possible
* Switch and selection of seed types is the fertilizer trigger (like the herbicide)
Under the hood :
Wen's interested here briefly explains the growth stages of the weed layer:
1 * : normal totgespritzt
* 2 : No weed
* 3 No weed
* 4 : Weed 1
5 *: weed 2
6 * : weed 3
7 * : Weed 4 ( mature )
8 : Weed 4 totgespritzt
9: No weed does not grow after
Mark formatted by * levels are growth stages
Plowing sets at level 2
Grubbing at level 3
Tillage & threshing / chopping at level 4
Splash of Unkraut1 -3 is at level 1
Splash of Unkraut4 sets at level 8
Grubbing of weeds 2-3 ( but not yet accrued properly again seeded ) to plow texture (!) Is at level 9
* This version is not compatible with the MIG V0.88 !
* The multi sprayer mod is already prepared for cooperation with the growth mod I'm working on currently .
known issues :
* The interaction components do not work completely in sync in MP . That should be in the normal game but did not stand out and is in any case dubio the state on the server.
Built- in Maps:
* As I said, you and no extra license required . A Enclosing the is not permitted , please link here on the modhoster ad and thus to the current version .
* The growth time of the weed must be adapted when Mapeinbau to the growth times of the present on the Map fruits. I recommend values between 40 % (severe) and 70 % ( lighter) the growth state time of wheat .
* The mod is an empty grle file for installation in maps . One can also do so , as the thistles etc by tillage to be also activated. If you want to make it a little cleaner I recommend to create a copy of the cultivator_density.grle and adjust accordingly here the color value .
* I would be happy etc on devices for mechanical weed control as weeder . An appropriate tax Spezi I like to help :)
* In the medium term the multi - sprayer mod will probably merge into a larger mod to control the growth I'm working on currently .
Enjoy herbs ! ;)
Skript: upsidedownGrafiken: eribus
Tester: bullgore/upsidedown
11 May 16:20Version 2.1
-- V2.1: bugfixes
-- * added more grle-files for different resolutions (should fix yield issues)
-- * fixed compatibility issues with Zunhammer-package
-- * (hopefully) fixed "desc"-error with seed spreaders
by upsidedown
ago almost 11 years
by upsidedown
ago almost 11 years
by upsidedown
ago almost 11 years
by upsidedown
ago almost 11 years
by upsidedown
ago almost 11 years
by upsidedown
ago almost 11 years
by upsidedown
ago almost 11 years
by upsidedown
ago almost 11 years
by ls2013
ago almost 11 years
by medizini97
ago almost 11 years
by flix14
ago almost 11 years
by flix14
ago almost 11 years
by Scathalh
ago almost 11 years
by Scathalh
ago almost 11 years
6 Comments for Multi sprayer herbicide Mod
In a map built with weeds, will the weeds grow normally if this mod is not in the folder? Or will the weed effects only work when this mod is in the folder?
Setzen Sie auf die Karte, Hagenstedt MR und scheinbar nicht funktioniert. Gras wächst nicht-Unkraut. könnte mir helfen? Danke. Google Übersetzer
Hi there! i would love to use a map with this included, but im not sure when/how to spray, would someone be able to help by doing a tutorial in english? If possible
I was wondering if someone could please post the install instructions in English? i was trying to translate all of the comments but couldn't find much help. I also see mention of a readme file that I didn't see when i downloaded. Thank you in advance
Bei mir wächst nix mehr und das gras ist verschwunden,kann jemand helfen brauche hilfe,ich bedanke mich
If I'm correct in understanding this mod has to be applied in GE, as the weeds have to be painted onto the fields, or is it a "random field event" governed by the lua??