A new version of RealLifeNumbers adapted to FS25.
- RealNumbersStorePrices.lua: Adapted to new data structure in FS25-1.3.
A few additional scripts from the FS22 version have been adapted to FS25.
- RealNumbersContractRewards.lua: Allows the player to adjust rewards for contracts
- RealNumbersCropGrowth.lua: Allows the player to redefine crop calendar
- RealNumbersLoans.lua: Allows the player to set loan limit and interest rate
- RealNumbersSprayTypes.lua: Allows the player to set spray rates.
RealNumbersCropGrowth.lua is disabled in modDesc by default. Activate it when you have no crop to loose or when starting a new game.
Model: N/A
Texture: N/A
Script: Kaj-Aage Henneberg/ArmChairFarming
Idea / Concept: Kaj-Aage Henneberg/ArmChairFarming
Testing: Kaj-Aage Henneberg/ArmChairFarming
13 Dec 15:32Version
- RealNumbersStorePrices.lua: Adapted to new data structure in FS25-1.3.Additions:
- RealNumbersContractRewards.lua: Allows the player to adjust rewards for contracts
- RealNumbersCropGrowth.lua: Allows the player to redefine crop calendar
- RealNumbersLoans.lua: Allows the player to set loan limit and interest rate
- RealNumbersSprayTypes.lua: Allows the player to set spray rates. -
20 Nov 20:55Version
by kahenneberg
ago 3 months
by kahenneberg
ago 4 months
by JS39
ago 4 months
by JS39
ago 4 months
by JS39
ago 4 months
by JS39
ago 4 months
by JS39
ago 4 months
5 Comments for RealLifeNumbers
Hi Kai, is possible that this mod very elevate price of pallet?
And unfortunately, Ive got an error when trying buy building as construction. IDK if matters.
2025-01-15 23:58 current year = 1
2025-01-15 23:58 current Season = 4
2025-01-15 23:58 current period = 10
2025-01-15 23:58 current month = 12
2025-01-15 23:58 current year = 1
2025-01-15 23:58 current Day In Season = 3
2025-01-15 23:58 days Per Period = 3
2025-01-15 23:58 current Day In Period = 3
2025-01-15 23:58 current Monotonic Day = 18
2025-01-15 23:58 currentDay = 30
2025-01-15 23:58 current Hour = 0
2025-01-15 23:58 current Minute = 4
2025-01-15 23:58
2025-01-16 00:03 Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
D:/.../FarmMods25/_mods04/FS25_RealLifeNumbers/RealNumbersFieldPrices.lua:325: attempt to index nil with 'mapHotspot'
hi, unfortunately, here is error after last update (i think):
2024-11-29 08:05 Paleta s buvolí mozzarellou : BUFFALOMOZZARELLA Volume 1000 : Price = 3970 € : Brand : NONE : Category : PALLETS
2024-11-29 08:05 Error: Running LUA method 'loadSharedI3DFileFinished'.
D:/DataTata/FarmMods25/_mods04/FS25_RealLifeNumbers/RealNumbersStorePrices.lua:486: attempt to index nil with 'fillTypeNames'
Thank you for telling me. Strange that I did not get that error myself in FS25 version 1.3 . What map are you playing?
I have studied the data structure for the storemanager and it seems to have changed since RLN was released, perhaps in the last update to FS25 V.1.3. I will adjust the script to handle these changes.
Hello kahenneberg, I just wanted to let you know that the rln is running successfully on the server in MP again, as it looks like after the first tests, and I will post pictures or video of it when I get the chance. At Twitch there are already the first streams from the server game but for youtube I have to finish it first. Thanks and best regards JS39 and the Real LS team.
Hello gentlemen. I downloaded your mod and I want to make some minor changes in the leasing section. I want to add that machines below the value of X have a higher leasing percentage. Where can I find the formulas or commands necessary to creation it?
Thank you for your quick work. We will test the mod again on the server right away. Handling will certainly be the same as in LS22????.
Yes, the principle of use has not changed. However, there is now only one set of xml files. The number of store items is now so large that I cannot find time to maintain multiple sets for different countries. Of course you can still have multiple sets of xml files stored in different savegame folders inside the modSettings folder. Please read the Readme file for details.