Userprofile of mweber
Member since 12 / 2011

Punkte: 26
Level 2
Rank: n/a
First name: Mike Age & Gender: 75 m City: San Angelo Hobbies: no entry Homepage no entry

About mweber

Retired Dairy farmer
  1. mweber 28. 08 2016

    Mod: Corn Belt 16x
    English please! how do you buy the fields? the help says there is a purchase tab in the middle of the field where the number is located. mine doesnt not show them.

  2. mweber 12. 07 2015

    Mod: Bjorn Holm Mining and Construction Economy
    I have checked the map with the mods for the map and found everything works great except, I can't get the water to unload at the gold plant. I m using the mods meant for the map. Any thing you can tell me will be great. Sorry if this request is a conflict of your rules.

    1 replies

  3. mweber 11. 03 2015

    Mod: Vegetable growing
    Thanks for the info, that did help some. I found the wasserpump and filled up the small water tank trailer. However when I pull up beside the greenhouse water tank it does not allow me to fill it. As far as the fertilizer, are you talking about manure, I do know how to fill the manure boxes with a loader.

    1 replies

  4. mweber 09. 03 2015

    Mod: Vegetable growing
    Would someone tell me what water trailer and where I get the water to use on these greenhouses!

    2 replies

  5. mweber 24. 02 2015

    Mod: Papenburg Forever
    Great Map!! What equipment have you set for harvesting the alfalfa and clover. I am unable to find anything that will cut it?

    1 replies

  6. mweber 12. 02 2015

    Mod: Bantikow
    Sorry don't understand

  7. mweber 12. 02 2015

    Mod: Bantikow
    I'm having a problem with the gate at the tractor store. It won't open and shows no trigger. All the other gates work as well as the doors on the buildings. Was the trigger left out or can someone tell me what i am doing wrong. I have the proper mods installed for the doors.

  8. mweber 15. 04 2014

    Mod: Andres Big Map
    Can someone tell me which loader is used for the silage pit. I have tried two and they won't load the sileage?

  9. mweber 01. 04 2014

    Mod: Agrarfrost
    Never mind I found them finally. lol

  10. mweber 01. 04 2014

    Mod: Agrarfrost
    Hi, I just down loaded the map, and really like it but I can find the land purchase points. I went to all the areas where the markers are suppose to be abd din't find and I also check the entire map. Have you got them hid? lol

    1 replies

  11. mweber 27. 03 2014

    Mod: Core city American Edit
    I am unable to get this map to load, it just sets there thinking. I thought it was because of something in the mod folder, so I removed all my existing mods and tried it, same thing. Any ideas?

    1 replies

  12. mweber 19. 01 2014

    Mod: BIG Haupeltshofenmap
    can someone please tell me where the water trigger is for the cows. Please send me a message, thanks in advance.!

  13. mweber 05. 12 2013

    Mod: XLFarms Sunshine XXL
    I finally got the wheat to harvest time, but I still haven't got any grass. I just had to let the speed mod run till it quit. I planted some, but it still hasn't grown. Will keep trying.

  14. mweber 05. 12 2013

    Mod: XLFarms Sunshine XXL
    Love the map, but I can't tell if the crops are going to grow or not. I added the speed mode and ran it up for quit a few days and still wasn't there. Also couldn't get the grass to mow. Again this is my type of map, wish I could get it to work.

  15. mweber 18. 09 2013

    Mod: Fruechteparadies
    The only problem I have with the map is the changing of colors. For some reason the colors will change as you moe your mouse around, lots of orange. Any ideas what I can do. Nothing else does this.

  16. mweber 08. 07 2013

    Mod: Core city
    I would like to have a trailer that hauls more than 25 pigs. There are two that I have found, however they will not work on the map. Can you suggest another trailer than the one that hauls 25 pigs. Other than that I love the map.

    1 replies

  17. mweber 07. 06 2013

    Mod: Agrarfros Final Edition
    I am unable to locate the field buying circles. Can you tell me where there are. I havent been able to get any farther than that with the map, but it looks good.

  18. mweber 16. 01 2013

    Mod: Grenzlandmap XXL
    well done, love the map. Only a couple small problems but they don't affect me playing. I can't get the fuel to refill in the external fuel trailers. The combines need to be refueled in the field. Tried V1 and its same way. Also can't find any water. I set some new greenhouses but can't find the water to fill the water trailer. email me if u can help.

  19. mweber 18. 12 2012

    Mod: Thuringia Rhon
    Can someone tell me where the dump for the storage silos is located? Love the map. Havent had any trouble so far except can't locate the dump.

  20. mweber 02. 10 2012

    Mod: Steffen Country ®
    Great map, wonderful work. Only thing I can see is a equipment pack. I have not been able to find a hops cutter anywhere.

  21. mweber 30. 08 2012

    Mod: velkomoravska risa v 1.2
    I can't get the water to work so I assume it is the Map, I tried the tank that comes with it. If there is another special mod for the water please let me know. I love the map, it is wonderful.

  22. mweber 03. 07 2012

    Mod: Ls11. vs. Ls09
    I have tried to work this map> I think it every nice, but I can't get the gates to work. Any help will be appreciated. If you can please e-mail me at

  23. mweber 03. 07 2012

    Mod: Ls11. vs. Ls09
    I love to work this map, but I can't get the gates to work at the BGA or the nursery. Can someone tell what to do?

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