Corn Belt 16x

V 0.9 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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Welcome to the "Corn Belt" or better known as the granary of the United States.

You expect Fields with up to 600ha. Here is the first aspect to the field economy.



Required Mod:


"MixFeeder" download link =

"Multivitamin128" download link =

"AnimationMapTrigger" download link =

"BGA silo by Heady" download link =

"Kotte Universal Pack V3.2 =

"Fliegl Livestock Pack V2.1 =

"Öl_Trailer_by_Kastor =

"ZZZ_multiFruit" download link =

"ZZZ_multiFruitModule_Corn_Belt" download link = "the Map Located in. In the folder # # modfolder"


Recommended Mod:

"IT Service Runner construction =

"Pickup service car =



Oh ... you need the dlc and addons for ls15 since start vehicles used by Dennen.

Who has no DLC, is for the provided savegame and copy for content in an unused savegame with you.




So, now I hope you have fun while plowing. !!!


Marhu,Kastor,Farmer_Andy,seba j,Mannie313,El_Cid,Ifkonator,,Bluebaby210,Giants

  • 15 Sep 13:32
    Version 0.9

    -einlagerung von Häckselgut gefixt
    -PDA map neu
    -Icons für Ölfeld,Wasserstation und felderkauf
    -Rinderzucht überarbeitet
    (-Anlieferung von Kälber statt Milch)
    (-Platzierbare Kälberboxen beigelgt, Hiermit werden die Kälber für die rinderzucht Gezüchtet)
    -Felddefinition bei einigen felder angepasst
    -Terrain an einigen stellen angepasst
    -TrafficSplines angepasst
    -und paar klein sachen gefixt

    !!!!!Kein Neues Savegame notwendig!!!!!!!

    #Letzte Version für LS15#

  • 27 Aug 08:37
    Version 0.7


checksum: a161cc3f84b50de1f194e12bd90978ad
Version: 0.9
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: upsideDown
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Corn Belt 16fach
description in shop: Willkommen im Corn Belt. Willkommen auf der Größten Spielbaren Map im Landwirtschaft Simulator 15.
checksum: a161cc3f84b50de1f194e12bd90978ad
Version: 0.9
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Kastor, Script: Marhu
price in shop: 350000 LS
name in shop: Corn Belt 16fach
description in shop: Willkommen im Corn Belt. Willkommen auf der Größten Spielbaren Map im Landwirtschaft Simulator 15.
checksum: a161cc3f84b50de1f194e12bd90978ad
Version: 0.9
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Kastor
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Corn Belt 16fach
description in shop: Willkommen im Corn Belt. Willkommen auf der Größten Spielbaren Map im Landwirtschaft Simulator 15.

27.08 2016
Modhoster user rating
2.93 / 110 Votes


nach 108 Stimmen

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V 0.9
Farming Simulator 15
268 MB 4120
15. 09 2016 4,120
V 0.7
Farming Simulator 15
270 MB 3215
27. 08 2016 3,215

2 Comments for Corn Belt 16x

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  1. rebirth 06. 10 2016

    How or where can I buy beef? I can't buy it in the shop, where the other animals are.

  2. mweber 28. 08 2016

    English please! how do you buy the fields? the help says there is a purchase tab in the middle of the field where the number is located. mine doesnt not show them.
