Userprofile of rebirth
Member since 1 / 2013

Punkte: 75
Level 4
Rank: n/a
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About rebirth

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  1. rebirth 26. 12 2019

    Mod: Dondiego Map
    The liquid manure in the pig stable has stopped producing after the first time I did empty it. Since then, it's been 0 for over 6 days now. Normal manure keeps producing.

  2. rebirth 28. 09 2019

    Mod: North Frisian march
    I perfectly understand your answer fuma1104, and it did save my problem. Thank you very much!

  3. rebirth 28. 09 2019

    Mod: North Frisian march
    Hello Speedy1972,

    I also have a problem to load the fruits from the orchards. Whatever trailer I use, I can not get them to load at the house. Do I have to do something so I can load them? I tried standard Giants trailers as well as trailer mods, but I am never able to load them.

    1 replies

  4. rebirth 08. 09 2018

    Mod: Valley Crest Farm
    after picking up the pallets at the dairy, the new ones don't come. The number stays at 1200, but I already took the pallets away. So there don't come any new ones. Anyone else with this problem?

    1 replies

  5. rebirth 11. 01 2018

    Mod: Wesermarsch
    Looks like a nice map. I have added a short overview video.

  6. rebirth 26. 01 2017

    Mod: Kyffhäuser
    T0mm3s, können Sie das Punkt zum laden in der Wasserwerk etwas größer machen? Nun ist es schwierig, Wasser dort zu laden.

    (sorry für die schlechte Deutsch, Übersetzung für den Großteil mit google translate) :-)

  7. rebirth 22. 01 2017

    Mod: Kyffhäuser
    Ich kann keine Roggen, Hafer, Hopfen säen

    1 replies

  8. rebirth 06. 10 2016

    Mod: Corn Belt 16x
    How or where can I buy beef? I can't buy it in the shop, where the other animals are.

  9. rebirth 14. 06 2015

    Mod: Fliegl DPW 180 automatic charging function
    Could you please add the lettuce pallets?

  10. rebirth 05. 03 2015

    Mod: BaleExtension
    When my grass bales are fermenting, and are at 94 - 95%, the just disappear. They do not become silage bales. Is this normal? Or can I find the bales somewhere else?

  11. rebirth 18. 04 2014

    Mod: Save Game Editor
    I would like to use this program to change the grow rate on the map I am playing, but can somebody tell me what the value means? Right now it's 2. If I want the crops to take less time to be grown, do I have to enter 1 or 3?

    1 replies

  12. rebirth 03. 04 2014

    Mod: Hagenstedt Modified 2013
    where or how can I sell the bales at the cows, so I can get the mixing station?

    1 replies

  13. rebirth 16. 02 2014

    Mod: Moonshine Map with industry
    Can someone tell me in english (my german is not that good to completely understand, sorry), how and when I can purchase the industries? Because I have been playing for a couple of hours already, and I did not find the option to buy them anywhere. Or do I need an extra mod to be able to buy them?

    1 replies

  14. rebirth 13. 10 2013

    Mod: Platinum Xanum
    I have unloaded a lot of straw, but where can I load it on my trailer again?

  15. rebirth 11. 08 2013

    Mod: WoolPalette Collector
    It would be great if you could make this so it can be placed in existing maps, without GE, but I don't know if that is possible

  16. rebirth 08. 07 2013

    Mod: Schleswig Holstein Map
    The map is fantastic! Just sorry the map doesn't display correct in the menu and on the PDA. I think someone below here posted a solution or fix to get the map in the PDA working, but my german is unfortunatly not good enough to understand how exactly to do it. Can someone maybe post an english explanation on how to get the PDA map working?

  17. rebirth 04. 07 2013

    Mod: XLFarm
    I'm very happy to see a map with multiple pigs. Some small errors on the map, but I like it very much! Thank you.

  18. rebirth 27. 06 2013

    Mod: LS13 came without rotting
    Can I find free water on the map? I know I can get water at the Bio Wasser, but can I get it somewhere in the river for free?

    1 replies

  19. rebirth 30. 05 2013

    Mod: Agrarfrost Final Edition
    But is it now possible to sell them?

  20. rebirth 28. 05 2013

    Mod: Groningerland Map
    I like the map, but it's difficult without a correct working PDA map. And also the map that shows the growing stages, doesn't function correctly. If I may make one other suggestion: maybe you can add pigs to it?

  21. rebirth 24. 05 2013

    Mod: Fair Heaven
    Where or how can I buy pigs? They don't seem to be in the shop with the other animals?

    1 replies

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