Halo the game wont start, getting this error
Error: Running LUA method 'loadMapFinished'.
D:/My Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17Contest_Seasons/src/environment/ssDaylight.lua:229: attempt to index local 'data' (a nil value)
Yes it could be another modmap in your mods folder, and the realismusmodding have list of conflicting mods with seasons, and also start trying to start the game one mod at the time.
The V3 is to use with seasons mod only, I think you doesn't play with seasons right ? But if you have checked the version changes, you should have solved ur problem immediately by yourself. In case you use the seasons mod, then contact realismus modding for further support.
It should work with or without seasons mod, and the seasons mod works good so there must be some other map loaded the same time and conflicting
Super map, 5 of 5 .thanks for sharing.
I got problem when baling Grass the bales come out from baler as straw, tried on other maps with same mods installed the result is normal, any help??
Dondiego Map Reloadet
its due to limitation in fillplans, you may ruduce them or download the expanding mod from Marhu website.
Gaint limit it for 64 and with that mod yo get 128 fillplan.
hope it help .
MIG Map MadeinGermany Celle Region
Vielen Dank für die nette Karte, aber ich abgeernteten Feld 21 mit NH TF78 und bekam nur 787L von Getreide, versuchten andere Felder und versucht, verschiedene Kombinate, aber das gleiche Problem, so dass ihr die Ernte nicht wert, was ist falsch?
MIG Map MadeinGermany Celle Region
das beste ist du spielst das ohne Soilmod!!! denn ich spiele auf der Land of Itali und die ist ca 1/3 von der hier. Da habe ich schon mehr als zu tun...
MIG Map MadeinGermany Celle Region
Das liegt am Soilmod der aber wirklich genial ist wenn Du auf relität im LS stehst.Bullgore hätte die map so bearbeiten müssen das Du am Anfang zumindest etwas mehr PH Wert hast dann wäre auch der Ertrag besser aber mach Dir nichts draus das ist nur am Start so wenn Du den Soimod richtig anwendest hast Du auch einen super Ertrag genau wie in real.Grüße JS39
MIG Map MadeinGermany Celle Region
nun ja man kann halt schlecht reife Früchte nachdüngen bzw kalk benötigt auch einige Zeit. natürlich kann man einfach die bestehenden Früchte als Gründunger benutzen ist aber dann bald Haus und Hof los da man kaum Einkommen hat und bei den Wachstumszeiten und zB auf schweren Schwierigkeitsgrad ist verdammt hart. Angebaute Felder lassen sich halt auch schlechter kalken weil man die Textur nur bescheiden sehen kann. Ich glaub Erdfrüchte eigen sich nichtmal als Dünger also wäre ein PH Wert von 7,4 gut!
Allerdings hat es auch etwas gutes ... man kann sich keinen Vorteil ergaunern indem man Felder die nicht im Besitz sind einfach aberntet.
kaum Ertrag in Kombi mit langem Wachstumzeiten ist halt eine Spaßbremse.
Landwehr Canal
I like what you wrote up, may its my first time to read such nice words in LS communities, Great words and map from great person, 5/5.
but why you said hello and goodbye? is't your last work for LS?
hope to see more from you.
Thank you.
real corn texture
Looks good, I tried it with MIG map but it crash the game, tried it 3 times with no luck, any idea what im doing wrong! i followed the instructions exactly....
Long Castle
Hi , i have played on v2.1 around 222 hours, but today the game crashed 2 times while working in field 24 at the same spot, even the PC must be restarted, black screen with noise and nothing works, and then when i started the game the saved segment is not their! i lost my saved game and everything i worked on.... any idea why this happens so i can avoid it in the future.
Long Castle
Fantastic map, finally completely new map, played it for 1 hour on macbook pro mid 2010 with 512GPU, not so bad for big map with all those nice details .
Big thank's for the modders.
Looks good, but wont work on mac, cant even see the map in mods! downloaded from the link up, unzipped and copy to mod folder, i have ls13 version 1.4
thanks for any advice
Mod: FarmTown
Halo the game wont start, getting this error
Error: Running LUA method 'loadMapFinished'.
D:/My Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17Contest_Seasons/src/environment/ssDaylight.lua:229: attempt to index local 'data' (a nil value)
any suggestions?
Mod: FarmTown
Thank you so much ...
Mod: FarmTown
5 stars map,recommended.. but how i can clean the cows area?
Mod: Sudenhagen
Super map, 5 of 5 .thanks for sharing.
I got problem when baling Grass the bales come out from baler as straw, tried on other maps with same mods installed the result is normal, any help??
Mod: Dondiego Map Reloadet
its due to limitation in fillplans, you may ruduce them or download the expanding mod from Marhu website.
Gaint limit it for 64 and with that mod yo get 128 fillplan.
hope it help .
Mod: Mönchwinkel
Thanks, i did check my log file and the problem was with growth manager.
thanks again.
Mod: Mönchwinkel
Not even one star, i have high end PC and its hard to play it, Slow motion game. lol
there is no English instruction in the zip file!!!!
Mod: drive control
v3.51 works good, now i can save without crash. TOP MOD
Mod: MIG Map MadeinGermany Celle Region
thank you, let's wait and see what will come out... thank you
Mod: MIG Map MadeinGermany Celle Region
Vielen Dank für die nette Karte, aber ich abgeernteten Feld 21 mit NH TF78 und bekam nur 787L von Getreide, versuchten andere Felder und versucht, verschiedene Kombinate, aber das gleiche Problem, so dass ihr die Ernte nicht wert, was ist falsch?
Mod: MIG Map MadeinGermany Celle Region
Test for 10 min the latest update, no more error at least for me.
Mod: John Deere 864 Premium
how to make silage bales?
Mod: Landwehr Canal
I like what you wrote up, may its my first time to read such nice words in LS communities, Great words and map from great person, 5/5.
but why you said hello and goodbye? is't your last work for LS?
hope to see more from you.
Thank you.
Mod: Bavarian Forest
super map, thanks for your hard work.
Mod: TrueMirror
Great MOD, 5/5 for beta, I wonder if the control can be done via mouse it will be much easier, and control one mirror at time.
Mod: Placeable autumn trees
Thanks, looks so good.
I rally wonder why there is no 4 seasons in LS13.
isn't strange!!!!
Mod: Merlo P41 7 Turbo Farmer
Great machine, thanks for your hard work....
Mod: real corn texture
Looks good, I tried it with MIG map but it crash the game, tried it 3 times with no luck, any idea what im doing wrong! i followed the instructions exactly....
Mod: MIG Map MadeinGermany Celle Region
same here, nothing grows up!!!!
Mod: Long Castle
Hi , i have played on v2.1 around 222 hours, but today the game crashed 2 times while working in field 24 at the same spot, even the PC must be restarted, black screen with noise and nothing works, and then when i started the game the saved segment is not their! i lost my saved game and everything i worked on.... any idea why this happens so i can avoid it in the future.
all the best
Mod: Courseplay Courses Langburg map
Thank you, life so easy now.
but why they not auto unloading when they passing through BGA silos?
Thank you
Mod: Placeable pile
Thanks , works perfectly .
Mod: Long Castle
Fantastic map, finally completely new map, played it for 1 hour on macbook pro mid 2010 with 512GPU, not so bad for big map with all those nice details .
Big thank's for the modders.
Mod: Hagenstedt
Finally, i was able to play it, smooth and super fast. thanks
Mod: Hagenstedt
Looks good, but wont work on mac, cant even see the map in mods! downloaded from the link up, unzipped and copy to mod folder, i have ls13 version 1.4
thanks for any advice