Courseplay Courses Langburg map

V 2.1 Multifruit mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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Have been run for the long castle mapV2.1 CP courses.
Map with Patch1.4 and CP v3.30.
Map of GE mapping
Abfahrerkurse all fields to Hof.Kombiniert a, b, c
Abfahrerkurse some fields to lager.Kombiniert k, l, m.
To-exit next to the fields that a man hanger with fertilizer / pesticides with the machine shut off rate kann.Keine dungerkurse retracted because there are many different width of machine gibt.Kurse are comfortable to drive with the help of the website of a Courseplay.
Many fields of BGA.Kombiniert x, y, z
BGA courses by 8 silo's (adjustable)
Unloading speed in CP hud adjustable.
Yard sale prices after all unloading.
Truck or tractor with semitrailer.
Courses for each product to ensure that from start automatic load-point.
Sales courses and dairy manure
Water course to the greenhouse and sheep / cows
Manure from yard to GARTNEREI.
Machine rates for all fields a.und about abfahrerkurs
  back again with c.kurs to Hof. (see readme).
Readme and PDA to print
For errors or suggestions please pn.
May be offered on other sites under use of the ORIGINAL link DI's!
Now have fun and greetings from Holland, Piet


Fur Courseplay:
Lautschreier ,Hummel ,Wolverin0815 ,Bastian82 ,
Skydancer ,JakobT

Map: GE-Mapping

  • 29 Apr 12:37
    Version 2.1 Multifruit

  • 421978
    by piet118
    ago almost 12 years
  • 421977
    by piet118
    ago almost 12 years
  • 421976
    by piet118
    ago almost 12 years
  • 421975
    by piet118
    ago almost 12 years
  • 421974
    by piet118
    ago almost 12 years
  • 421973
    by piet118
    ago almost 12 years
  • 421972
    by piet118
    ago almost 12 years
  • 421971
    by piet118
    ago almost 12 years
  • 421970
    by piet118
    ago almost 12 years
  • 421969
    by piet118
    ago almost 12 years
  • 421968
    by piet118
    ago almost 12 years
  • 421967
    by piet118
    ago almost 12 years
  • 421966
    by piet118
    ago almost 12 years
  • 421965
    by piet118
    ago almost 12 years


29.04 2013
Modhoster user rating
3.8 / 5 Votes


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V 2.1 Multifruit
Farming Simulator 2013
2.72 MB 1859
29. 04 2013 1,859

2 Comments for Courseplay Courses Langburg map

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  1. hneedue 30. 04 2013

    Vielen Dank für die wunderschöne Karte. Ich habe es jetzt tagelang gespielt und genossen es. Ich werde dies vom Englischen ins Deutsche durch Google übersetzen übersetzen, weil mein Deutsch noch sehr spärlich ist, aber ich kann einiges davon zu lesen. Genug, um Landwirtschaft Simulator 2013 ohnehin zu spielen. Ihre Karte ist einer meiner Favoriten, bis es mit Two Rivers. Ich habe nur 2 Probleme, Kühe zu züchten, ich höre, verkehren in den PDA, die ich zu aktualisieren. Was muss ich tun, um zu aktualisieren? Wenn ich das Spiel speichern und Abbrechen (oder beenden) gehen das Spiel hängt und ich habe um die Riesen-Engine zu schließen. Vielen Dank wieder für ein tolles Spiel!


  2. kaiedmek 29. 04 2013

    Thank you, life so easy now.
    but why they not auto unloading when they passing through BGA silos?

    Thank you
