Bavarian Forest

V 2.0 by GE Mapping mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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Here is the second Version of the Bavarian Forest Map


Please read the description, so you know which errors are corrected etc.

Also you will find links that you need , or which might be helpful to you .




The following has been improved / changed :


Pigs and cattle breeding new

Some trees are now on the ground

New trees have been added

On Nebenhof between silage silos of the trigger is on the ground

On Kuhhof the straw was replaced by a new one with crane

In the BGA a separate outlet has been added

On Kuhhof the manure conveyor belt has been replaced.

The digital display now works for silage .

Manure and MistMod now work



Recommended :


Here is the mod for the digital displays :

The Mod Pack V1 for the Bavarian Forest Map:

Traffic Light Mod

StopMilkSale :

Bank of Hagenstett :ülleauflieger :

Milk trailer :

Water Trailer: and Rintertransporter :



As with version 1 you can expect a flood simulation , pork businesses and farmers with sales at slaughter , slurry and manure mod , BaleToManure , must where supply their barley, spring water and hops Digital Siloanzeigen , traffic lights with speed cameras, beer production , so beer is brewed water -Mod, cow , sheep and chicken farming , greenhouses, Woolcollector , Digital scale BGA , etc. Plays and look by yourself ..




Wheat , barley , millet , spelled , sugar beets , potatoes , oats , rye , sunflower , canola , corn and hops




There is no wither and patch 2 is required for the Map!




Short for flood ... You must staple the trailer ( in Mod -Pack) to get gravel from the gravel drive and deliver the dam . Now the dam is built and the flood comes back .

Now you can for example also grow hops which lies in the flood area .


On the whole map info triggers are distributed after the store did not come back.




So, now I wish you much fun while playing .


Greetings GE mapping

GE mapping with Facebook


Hochwasser simulation by TMT (HatzFan)/marhu aus Wiesenfurt - Land
Zuchtanlagen by Marhu
Staudamm by Farmerahner
Futterlager by Ganelcer
Hühnerstall by Ganelcer
Gewächshaus by agrorepa
Hallensets by ni_modding
Ampeln by Bluebaby210
Industrieanlage by LWS Terminator
Steinmauer by majo84
Schweinestall by Rubiks
Förderbänder by Marhu
InfoTrigger by [FSM]Webby
BaleToManure by Rafftnix
WaterMod by Marhu
Halle mit Kran by Alex2009
RinderMast 1.0 von Ls-2013Modding
SchweineMast von Marhu

  • 29 Oct 21:48
    Version 2.0 by GE Mapping


checksum: 26249b887acc02de6794eb0a173220ce
Version: 2.0 by GE Mapping
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Wolverine
price in shop: 18000 LS
name in shop: Gewächshaus Filclair
description in shop: Um Ihr Gemüse einfach wachsen

29.10 2013
Modhoster user rating
4.41 / 79 Votes


nach 85 Stimmen

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V 2.0 by GE Mapping
Farming Simulator 2013
170 MB 24305
29. 10 2013 24,305

4 Comments for Bavarian Forest

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  1. Warondar69 09. 01 2015

    Can't believe people are still complaining and asking for fixes to this map. You guys should read the posts that GE Mapping made. No wonder the guy had enough of this *****.

  2. erwinmulder 24. 01 2014

    Warum sind mein Fahrzeug ab, wenn ich herunterfahren und starten Sie es später noch einmal

  3. GE Mapping, Amazing map! only one little problem I have found. Is there any way you can put out an English Map too? I ll keep playing it no matter what but it would be a huge help! Thank you

  4. boertje31 30. 10 2013

    kan es nicht spielen v2 dan macht das spiel ein error und exit das program

    1 replies
