Useful Thins - Scripts
Mods for Farming Simulator
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VehicleFruit Hud
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about 6 years
featured Loco Stop
v 1.010 Downloads today12,120 Downloads total21 commentsUser rating43 said thankspublished Sun, 24 Feb 2019 18:43:49 GMT in - ScriptsStops the automatic drive of the locomotive
featured Reversing Indoor Camera
v 1.30 Downloads today8,983 Downloads total17 commentsUser rating26 said thankspublished Sat, 23 Feb 2019 17:07:29 GMT in - ScriptsWith this mod you can look back throw the window when you are reversing with e.g. truck and trailer (like in ETS 2).
Cash Mod
v CasMod Fixed Version2 Downloads today10,104 Downloads total11 commentsUser rating5 said thankspublished Sat, 23 Feb 2019 17:05:41 GMT in - ScriptsCash Mod v1.0 (Multiplayer Support) RIGHT-CTRL Numpad + = Add 1 million RIGHT-CTRL Numpad - = Take 1 million RIGHT-SHIFT Numpad + = Add 100,000 RIGHT-SHIFT Numpad - = Take 100,000
Higher Bale Prices
v 1.21 Downloads today3,292 Downloads total1 commentsUser rating9 said thankspublished Thu, 21 Feb 2019 19:02:08 GMT in - ScriptsHigher prices for bales
featured IndividualHudFruit
v 0.6 Final3 Downloads today21,214 Downloads total39 commentsUser rating275 said thankspublished Sun, 17 Feb 2019 12:31:09 GMT in - ScriptsIndividualHudFruit
featured VehicleFruit Hud
v 0.53 Beta7 Downloads today65,774 Downloads total185 commentsUser rating707 said thankspublished Sun, 17 Feb 2019 12:29:00 GMT in - ScriptsVehicleFruit Hud
featured Manual Attaching
v 1.10 Downloads today23,935 Downloads total45 commentsUser rating36 said thankspublished Wed, 13 Feb 2019 11:04:22 GMT in - ScriptsWith this mod you need to get out of the vehicle to attach or detach implement / trailer.
Smoother interior sound of the vehicles
v 1.01 Downloads today1,366 Downloads total-3 commentsUser rating6 said thankspublished Fri, 01 Feb 2019 18:10:23 GMT in - ScriptsSmoother interior sound of the vehicles for LS19! ========================= What does the new Soundtemplate.xml contain and what does it do? The engine sound of all vehicles, which are included in...
featured Work RPM
v 1.40 Downloads today16,837 Downloads total21 commentsUser rating35 said thankspublished Sat, 26 Jan 2019 15:49:25 GMT in - ScriptsThis mod increases motor RPM when using hydraulics tools (moving tools), tipping, unfolding, lifting or rotating implement etc. and show RPM Hud.
featured FieldData mod zeigt Felddaten, Menge, Preis uvm.
v 0.0.2 BETA1 Downloads today8,464 Downloads total30 commentsUser rating56 said thankspublished Fri, 25 Jan 2019 12:57:34 GMT in - ScriptsFieldData mod shows quantity, price seed above the field and more.
featured Harvest More
v 1.0.1 AnimalEdition0 Downloads today10,957 Downloads total32 commentsUser rating27 said thankspublished Wed, 23 Jan 2019 19:01:55 GMT in - Scriptstriple seed, triple crop, triple milk, triple wool and Eggs, triple reproduction
featured Animals clean - 100% clean animals script
v Final2 Downloads today51,137 Downloads total24 commentsUser rating118 said thankspublished Tue, 15 Jan 2019 01:23:40 GMT in - ScriptsAnimals Clean - 100% Clean Animals
featured Towing Chain
v 1.10 Downloads today16,624 Downloads total8 commentsUser rating33 said thankspublished Fri, 11 Jan 2019 21:39:34 GMT in - ScriptsWith this mod you can pull vehicles by towing chain.
v 1.00 Downloads today6,818 Downloads total16 commentsUser rating22 said thankspublished Tue, 08 Jan 2019 11:38:00 GMT in - ScriptsBaleFeed mod for FS19 Automatically Feed animals when approach with the bales by the feeding area. just drive the bales up to the trough. Credit : Giants Software,Eagle355th,Otis Little Bear Modding...
faster traffic
v 1.04 Downloads today4,640 Downloads total14 commentsUser rating13 said thankspublished Sun, 06 Jan 2019 16:43:49 GMT in - Scriptssince the traffic is too slow for me, I have increased the speeds of the vehicles to about 50 km / h. -> unzip and replace -> ........ FarmingSimulator2019 / data / maps / have fun with it...
featured DisplayOverviewHud
v 1.0 Beta2 Downloads today8,228 Downloads total140 commentsUser rating158 said thankspublished Sun, 06 Jan 2019 13:35:48 GMT in - ScriptsDisplayOverviewHud
featured speed-dependent spray usage
v 1.0.10 Downloads today12,173 Downloads total20 commentsUser rating85 said thankspublished Tue, 01 Jan 2019 15:48:41 GMT in - ScriptsWith this mod, the fertilizer consumption is adapted to the current speed.
Player speed mod
v 1.0.11 Downloads today9,539 Downloads total8 commentsUser rating25 said thankspublished Sun, 30 Dec 2018 14:56:46 GMT in - ScriptsThis mod increases the running speed in 3 stages. With the key STRG Left + 1 one runs with the standard speed (also in cheat mode), with the key combination STRG LInks +2 one runs 3 * so fast and with...
Manual Cutting for Wood Harvester
v 1.00 Downloads today5,089 Downloads total6 commentsUser rating20 said thankspublished Sat, 29 Dec 2018 15:14:50 GMT in - ScriptsThis is manual cutting script for all wood harvesters converted to FS19.
featured Real engine braking effect
v 1.0.5 beta3 Downloads today15,748 Downloads total17 commentsUser rating70 said thankspublished Fri, 28 Dec 2018 16:52:20 GMT in - ScriptsRealere effect of the engine brake eg mountain down one must already use the brake;)