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Script: Lizzar
Idee / Konzept: Lizzar
04 Dec 21:31Version 1.0.1
Warnung behoben (Danke an Einhorn001)
25 Nov 18:26Version 1.0
25.11 2018
Do you think this mod should be featured?
04. 12 2018
25. 11 2018
3 Comments for realistic yield and weight
Overall does this increase when compared to default values?
I hope the author of this mod will try and fix the mod, so the log becomes error free. There is great potential for this mod. I don't know why you would want to change the weight. A comparison between the in-game material densities and the material densities (massPerLiter) in the FS17 mod MoreRealistic are almost identical. In-game sell prices on the other hand are totally unrealistic, 3 - 6 times too high. Sell price is part of the fillTypes structure (like massPerLiter) and I succeeded in adding realistic crop sell prices (a 5-year average for Germany, playing the Felsbrunn map at the moment) But I am not an FS modder, so I don't know the correct index for each crop. So I could alter the prices, but not assign the right price to the right crop. Crop sell prices and yield vary a lot between countries. By redefining both crop sell prices and crop yield, you could create a series of mods, one for each country, such that a player could activate a UK version if playing on Sandy Bay or Chellington and a German version if playing on Felsbrunn, and so on. I would be happy to supply the data. I have collected data from EU STAT on both national yields and sell prices. But first, the log must be free of errors. One last comment regarding the literPerSqm parameter defining the crop yield. I believe this is the base yield. If you plow and remove weeds you will get the base yield. For each time you fertilize the yield will increase 25%. If you fertilize two times your yield will be 50% higher than the base yield. I find it to be unrealistic to get a yield that is 50% higher than the national average. If the literPerSqm parameter is set at 0.75 times the real life literPerSqm you will get 15% bonus if you tend to your crop the best you can. Math: X + 2*(0.25*X) = Y + 0.15*Y and reduced: X = 1.15*(2/3)*Y = 0.766 Y, where X is the game literPerSqm and Y is the real life literPerSqm.
Would have liked to use this mod. But in my case it produces errors in the log.