
V 1.7 mod for Farming Simulator 19

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Global Company - A large script extension for Farming Simulator! GlobalCompany is the base for many scripts. No matter if production, warehouse or whatever - with this it is easy to implement. Changelog - NEW: Animalfeeder Changelog - NEW: ProductionFactory for vehicles - NEW: Features for DynamicStorage - NEW: Adaption for Stappenbach19 Changelog - NEW: GloblaMarket: Add Feature for create own private servers - NEW: FarmerStart - NEW: Some Improvements - FIX: Baler - FIX: Some Bugs Changelog - NEW: Support of ManureHoseSystem for factory - NEW: Programmflow for factory Changelog - NEW: Design - NEW: GlobalMarket - NEW: AnimalTrough - FIX: Error message at synchronisation Changelog - FIX: PlaceableDisplay - NEW: Synchronisationsystem for MP - NEW: GC-Class / GC-Staticclass Changelog - FIX: DynamicStorage: Fix effects on dediserver - FIX: DynamicStorage: Change key t to lctrl+t - FIX: 'Error: Server:registerObjectInStream is only allowed in writeStream calls' Error on MP - FIX: language texts - FIX: Objektinfo: Change position, now we can see the hand - FIX: Factory: Incomeprice can now be negative - FIX: VisibilityNodes: Collisions will check now also on Server - FIX: Adaption to Courseplay - NEW: DynamicStorage: Add unloadtriggers at places - NEW: Add dynamic ingamemap to gc menu - NEW: Factory: Add animaloutput - NEW: Factory: Add Seasons support - NEW: Add languanges: pt, it, pl - NEW: GC-Menu: Overview for DynamicStorage - NEW: GC-Menu: Better overview for Factorys - NEW: GC-Menu: AddOns can now create Tabs - NEW: Factory: add 'refPoint' - Attribute - NEW: Add new Gui-elements - And many more Changelog - NEW: French and Russian languages added - FIX: Shopmanager adapted to current patch - FIX: DensityHeightMapManager adapted to current patch - FIX: Added support for VertexDesign palettes for object info - NEW: Registration for Filltypes and Treetypes in Mods - FIX: Horsehelper adapted to Seasonsmod - FIX: Gui adapted for very wide monitors - NEW: more features for ProductionFactorys - FIX: Adaptation to AutoDrive - NEW: DynamicStorage AuthorLS-Modcompany / kevink98, aPuehri, Eribus


  • 30 Jul 11:30
    Version 1.7


30.07 2020
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5.0 / 4 Votes


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V 1.7
Farming Simulator 19
687 KB 6411
30. 07 2020 6,411

4 Comments for GlobalCompany

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  1. Gurch 09. 10 2020

    Hallo zusammen,

    wie kann ich nochmal das Sägewerk bedienen wenn ich am Bedienmonitor stehe...?

    herzlichen Dank im voraus



  2. zicken3 04. 08 2020

    kann mir dabei jemand helfen? das es bei mir funktioniert?

  3. zicken3 01. 08 2020

    bei mir funktioniert das nicht egal welche version. wenn ich die gebäude drin habe und das spiel an ist sagt er mir das, das sript fehlt. obwohl es im modsordner drin ist.

  4. jacky100 30. 07 2020

    WARNING: The following duplicate text entries have been found in 'C:/Users/P. Orth/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_GlobalCompany/languages/l10n_nl.xml' (FS19_GlobalCompany)! Please remove these.
