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Category Maps & Buildings
Thüringer Oberland 1988
Big Maps
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over 8 years
Pine trees with marks
Placeable Objects
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almost 9 years
MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle
Big Maps
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about 10 years
Frisian march
Big Maps
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over 8 years
weinreben pack
Placeable Objects
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about 9 years
La Normandie
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over 8 years
featured Baywa Technik
v 1.00 Downloads today2,387 Downloads total11 commentsUser rating21 said thankspublished Fri, 27 Nov 2015 13:39:13 GMT in - BuildingsPolycount: 5846 Modell, Textur und Ingame by Steffen30muc Infos: - Object without funtions. - Install with GIANTS Editor! - no placeable More Infos you find on Twitter:
featured Agricultural Simulator 2008
v 1.12 Downloads today7,517 Downloads total64 commentsUser rating55 said thankspublished Mon, 23 Nov 2015 09:28:00 GMT in - MapsHi virtual farmer. Today, the MR Junkys would like to introduce in collaboration with the allbeliebten Mod Temple a new (old) Map. One sits in the evening Ts, talks about how good but older...
featured Once in Osttirol
v 1.00 Downloads today6,409 Downloads total40 commentsUser rating26 said thankspublished Mon, 16 Nov 2015 17:47:59 GMT in - MapsForeword I want to thank me until Thomy toast for the release of his Schildalp and of course for all object modders whose objects I have installed. Without these great objects, scripts and textures...
v 1.00 Downloads today1,688 Downloads total22 commentsUser rating19 said thankspublished Sat, 14 Nov 2015 08:17:00 GMT in - Placeable Objects, Do you know the singing BUSCH from the film, "THE THREE AMIGOS"? ;) - WHAT NOT ? (Must look again on youtube) ^^ ... Well at least I've the now, even though I just wanted the corn easy GEN-manipulate...
featured Steinfeld
v 0.90 Downloads today8,829 Downloads total54 commentsUser rating25 said thankspublished Sun, 08 Nov 2015 19:46:52 GMT in - MapsSoo, long have you been waiting for: Steinfeld in LS15. The Map is based on the real no model, there is only the name for real. The map was designed with a lot of details, so the map is not just low...
featured Landwehrkanal
v 1.0.0 Soilmod0 Downloads today46,183 Downloads total267 commentsUser rating166 said thankspublished Sat, 07 Nov 2015 11:56:01 GMT in - MapsHallo Freunde der gepflegten Landwirtschaft. Nachdem ja böse Zungen schon behauptet haben, das die Map erst Weihnachten erscheint, ich hab es etwas früher geschafft . Auf diverse für mich pers...
featured Südharz
v 1.3.10 Downloads today23,553 Downloads total231 commentsUser rating76 said thankspublished Wed, 04 Nov 2015 12:37:00 GMT in - Big MapsMap sollte nun bei allen PCs starten! Und wieder war ich sehr fleissig, es gibt viel neues auf meiner Map und noch ein paar Fehler behoben, Änderungen in v1.2:-Rinder-, Schweinemast Misthaufen funktionieren...
featured Talfeld Beta
v 3.60 Downloads today18,264 Downloads total159 commentsUser rating52 said thankspublished Sun, 18 Oct 2015 20:13:23 GMT in - MapsDescription Talfeld Hello LS15 gamersHere I have my first map that I have built for themselves. It is capable MP and was also tested in MP. In advance: the map must be unpacked a pure FANTASIEMAP and...
featured Vestas wind turbine 3 MW
v 1.00 Downloads today11,091 Downloads total22 commentsUser rating43 said thankspublished Fri, 16 Oct 2015 18:55:51 GMT in - Placeable ObjectsVESTAS WINDRAD 3.0 Megawatt (platzierbar) Mit diesem Windrad könnt Ihr Strom erzeugen! Der Strom wird automatisch verkauft! Weitere tolle Mod's findet ihr auf www.kyoshos-modfactory...
featured LS 11 Map
v 2.2.16 Downloads today22,527 Downloads total182 commentsUser rating97 said thankspublished Fri, 16 Oct 2015 06:12:04 GMT in - MapsHello dear virtual farmers Here you presented Deere 8530 the original LS 11 Maps. You mean it does not belong to it? False belongs in any case belongs to them! What do you expect? -Biomassekraftwerk...
featured Hofgut Baden
v 4.03 Downloads today26,035 Downloads total313 commentsUser rating150 said thankspublished Wed, 14 Oct 2015 09:28:47 GMT in - MapsDescription of Map: Hofgut Baden V2 This is the Hofgut Baden in version. 2 Changes in V2 Here the SoilMod was installed. With this it is now possible even more realistic agriculture to operate...
featured Bjornelux
v 3.02 Downloads today27,778 Downloads total396 commentsUser rating123 said thankspublished Sat, 10 Oct 2015 14:58:36 GMT in - Default Map editWelcome back to Bjornelux. 3.0 MapFeatures: -Watermod -Milk trigger hose connection by mahru (Trailer needed see recommended mods) -choppedStraw mod -GuelleMistKalk mod -Doors openening and Barriers...
featured South Tyrolean mountain worlds
v 1.01 Downloads today16,279 Downloads total42 commentsUser rating30 said thankspublished Mon, 05 Oct 2015 23:45:12 GMT in - MapsTEXT ZU LANG bitte manuell auf uebersetzen
featured Placeable Manure Heap
v 1.00 Downloads today6,936 Downloads total23 commentsUser rating29 said thankspublished Mon, 05 Oct 2015 15:13:34 GMT in - Placeable ObjectsThis dunghill placeable! You must grab him only in the mod folder. Please note also the necessary further below mentioned Mods! Description What reveals the features list of the dunghill...
featured Dondiego Map Reloadet
v 5.32 Downloads today36,826 Downloads total488 commentsUser rating93 said thankspublished Sat, 03 Oct 2015 18:26:41 GMT in - Big MapsHi, this is my converted map of Ls11 for LS15. It is a 4-fold, multifruit map. v5.2 Fixed problems with milk trigger. Trigger angepast in composting. v5.1.1 That's new download for v5.1 but without...
featured Hohenfelde
v 2.0 final soilmod0 Downloads today12,470 Downloads total99 commentsUser rating35 said thankspublished Sat, 03 Oct 2015 17:29:00 GMT in - MapsYes, yes now it's time again today I want to introduce my new card. Hohenfelde there is a place in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in the far east not far from the Polish border, a place of my childhood. The...
featured Südthüringen
v 0.99 Beta1 Downloads today23,568 Downloads total157 commentsUser rating71 said thankspublished Mon, 28 Sep 2015 05:08:35 GMT in - Big MapsWelcome to the SüdThüringenMap of fendtxylon524. After more than 2 years (Construction of 03.11.2013 was) construction I would like to provide this for you 4x Map. The Map is a beta version, which will...
featured Mountain and valley
v 1.20 Downloads today13,320 Downloads total130 commentsUser rating43 said thankspublished Sat, 26 Sep 2015 14:09:00 GMT in - MapsHere is our first custom map for the LS 15. The name of the card is due to the eye-catching terrain that demands so some machines a lot. A centrally located farm with many dugouts provides the optimal...
featured Murnau
v 2.1 Bug Fix0 Downloads today5,367 Downloads total89 commentsUser rating34 said thankspublished Mon, 21 Sep 2015 21:11:10 GMT in - MapsHello there, today is the day! I finally publish my Map Murnau on Staffelsee! You take a small courtyard with still quite old technology. In addition, they have where you can graze your sheep against...
featured LTW Farming Map
v 1.1 LTW Farming Map2 Downloads today18,325 Downloads total46 commentsUser rating39 said thankspublished Sun, 13 Sep 2015 17:55:00 GMT in - MapsLTW-Farming-Map by Team LTW --kingkalle, Baue3rR-- Benötigte Mods: Animation Map Trigger GülleMistKalk --> (Kalk wurde allerdings noch nicht verbaut!!) Wichtiges: Stroh kann bei...