featuredGreat Country Multifruit
Hello this is my first map for the LS 15 Great Country has 23 fields of 2.5 ha to 23.5 ha, one of them is already in your possession. It is built of Damage and Repairs Mod, slurry manure-lime Mod, Multifruit and Chopped Straw. Now a small list of the individual objects bzw.Gebäude.
The Seedmaster, Mixmaster, Beetmaster, the complete processing of potatoes so potato scrubber, pigment fourage Matser, potato damper and potato storage. The Compostieranlage, woodworking from the pallet to the charcoal. A workshop to repair your vehicles is available, a with you at the court and at the slaughterhouse. A seed stock is also available. Six greenhouses of salad up to the strawberries are also found in Great Country.
There are pigs, cattle, chickens, lamb, sheep and Kuhmast The Standart animals. A Livestock is also available.
there are oats, rye, sunflower, Sorabohne, millet, alfalfa and clover to the standard fruits.
You can at the hotel, Inn and supermarket chicken eggs, potatoes, and turnips for sale. In addition, charcoal and wool sale at the supermarket and hardware store Toon Saalatpaletten. When Baumarkt Toon straw, manure, liquid manure, compost and wood chips can be sold. Leg Toon market can seed and fertilizer to buy for a good price. When Nordzucker there to buy lime and you can be processed your beet there to sugar.
Then, when you have more time you can still enter the forest tree trunks can you the train in the forest and lake sale (Lumbermil). Chips at BMKW and as already mentioned the Toon hardware store.
A biogas plant is also available, where you can generate electricity from Silage.
When Eifko, train station, and at the Grain Station you can sell all the fruit and beet pulp.
Required Mods:
AnimationMapTrigger (
Multifruid Mod (
Fliegl Livestock Pack (
Kotte Universal Pack (
If the dry / rot the plant at the beginning of the game "out"! Otherwise it does not manage to harvest all the fields in time!
This map may using this link, are available for download in other forums! (No new link allowed !!!)
They may not be re-uploaded !!!
Changes may also not be available for download !!!
KEEP ORIGINAL LINK !!! Mod may be available for download using this link, in other forums! no other left allowed !!!
Changes may not be Offered for download !!!
I want to thank everyone who helped me the last few months, when my little problems !!! Thanks again !!! for
Installed mods, textures and scripts by: KevinK98, Farmer_Andy, Marhu, RC_Devil, mngrazy, FS modding Spieler11, Robbie FS_UK, Eisbearg, Seba j, Upsidedown, Decker_MMIV, tater salad, Ifkonator, Dundee98, Kastor, melfoy, Puma Plow and Webalizer, Greneborg.Decker_MMIV , Kyosho,Nick98.1, Vertex Dezign, San_Andreas, Igor29381, S.W.I.K. modding team - Script and concept.Gonimy Vetrom - Russian tutorial. Decker_MMIV - English tutorial and minor script optimization.LKXstudios
Fals ich jemanden vergessen haben sollte dann möchte der jenige sich bei mir melden.
16 Oct 13:17Version 06 Final_Solimod
Fehler bei der Holzproduktion behoben
02 Oct 11:28Version 05 Final_Solimod
-- Kleine Fehler behoben
--Solimod hinzugefügt -
24 Sep 00:13Version 05 Final
-- Neuen Beetmaster eingebaut
-- Pelletmaster eingebaut
-- Flutlichter eingebaut
-- Fläche für Plazirbare Mods hinzugefügt
-- Milkmax V2 verbaut mit Verkaufsstellen
--Überlandleitungen Verbaut
--Parkende Autos hinzugefügt
-- Jede menge Deko eingebaut
-- Förderbänder bei den Mastanlagen eingebaut
-- Neuer Misthaufen bei den Mastanlagen
-- Futtertröge bei den Masten angepaßt auf Beetplub und Futterpellets
-- Bäume entfernt an den Feldern
-- Melasse für den Pelletmaster kann bei der Zuckerfabrik gekauft werden, dazu muss der Kotte Universal einen neuen FillType haben. Der Mod für den Kotte liegt nicht bei, den müßt ihr selber umschreiben, oder ihr findet einen geeigneten Trailer dafür.
Warum stürzt mein Spiel ab beim Beenden der Map ?
Antwort: Eine Antwort darauf habe ich leider nicht, die log gibt leider keine Fehler dazu aus. Würde es gern beheben wenn ich wüsste woran es liegt. Den Spielverlauf stört es aber in keinster weiße deshalb nehmt es so hin. -
10 Sep 16:45Version 0.04
-- Diverse Bäume an den Feldern entfernt
-- Texturfehler bei den Gewächshäusern behoben
-- KI Verkehr eingebaut
-- Fußgänger eingebaut
-- Terrain and dirt control mit schlamm auf den Feldwegen verbaut
-- Stationären Cutter für Hackschnitzel verbaut
-- Animiertes Hochregal beim Hof eingebaut
-- Vestas Windrad eingebaut
-- Waschplatz mit Kärcher beim Hof eingebaut
-- Palettensammler bei den Gewächshäusern und bei der Holzproducktion verbaut
-- Trigger Probleme bei den gewächshäusern beseitigt
-- Straßenbeleuchtung Verbaut
-- Verkehrsschilder eingebaut -
10 Sep 15:22Version 0.4
-- Diverse Bäume an den Feldern entfernt
-- Texturfehler bei den Gewächshäusern behoben
-- KI Verkehr eingebaut
-- Fußgänger eingebaut
-- Terrain and dirt control mit schlamm auf den Feldwegen verbaut
-- Stationären Cutter für Hackschnitzel verbaut
-- Animiertes Hochregal beim Hof eingebaut
-- Vestas Windrad eingebaut
-- Waschplatz mit Kärcher beim Hof eingebaut
-- Palettensammler bei den Gewächshäusern und bei der Holzproducktion verbaut
-- Trigger Probleme bei den gewächshäusern beseitigt
-- Straßenbeleuchtung Verbaut
-- Verkehrsschilder eingebaut -
31 Aug 19:20Version Great Country Solimod V.03
SoilManagement eingebaut
29 Aug 18:05Version 0.02
1 Silo Planen an der BGA angepasst.
2 Helfer fährt jetzt gerade aus. -
27 Aug 11:47Version Great Contry V0.01
by Heizungsbauer1409
ago over 8 years
by Heizungsbauer1409
ago over 8 years
by Heizungsbauer1409
ago over 8 years
by Heizungsbauer1409
ago over 8 years
by Heizungsbauer1409
ago over 8 years
by Heizungsbauer1409
ago over 8 years
by Heizungsbauer1409
ago over 8 years
by Heizungsbauer1409
ago over 8 years
by Heizungsbauer1409
ago over 8 years
by Heizungsbauer1409
ago over 8 years
by Heizungsbauer1409
ago over 8 years
by Heizungsbauer1409
ago over 8 years
by Heizungsbauer1409
ago over 8 years
by Heizungsbauer1409
ago over 8 years
by Heizungsbauer1409
ago over 8 years
by Heizungsbauer1409
ago over 8 years
by Heizungsbauer1409
ago over 8 years
by Heizungsbauer1409
ago over 8 years
by Heizungsbauer1409
ago over 8 years
by Heizungsbauer1409
ago over 8 years
by Heizungsbauer1409
ago over 8 years
by Heizungsbauer1409
ago over 8 years
by Heizungsbauer1409
ago over 8 years
by Heizungsbauer1409
ago over 8 years
by Heizungsbauer1409
ago over 8 years
by Heizungsbauer1409
ago over 8 years
by Heizungsbauer1409
ago over 8 years
by Heizungsbauer1409
ago over 8 years
by Heizungsbauer1409
ago over 8 years
by Heizungsbauer1409
ago over 8 years
6 Comments for Great Contry
Hallo Heizungsbauer,
wie bekomme ich meine Flüssigdüngewagen bei den Gewächshäusern zum entladen?
Ich bekomme kein Entaldesymbol.
MFG Thorsten
Hallo zusammen warum kann ich nicht mist laden?
GIANTS Engine Runtime 6.0.2 (Build Date: Jan 14 2016)
Copyright (c) 2008-2015, GIANTS Software GmbH (, All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 2003-2015, Christian Ammann and Stefan Geiger, All Rights Reserved.
Application: FarmingSimulator2015
Main System
CPU: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 965 Processor
Memory: 3198 MB
OS: Windows NT 6.1 32-bit
Physics System
Version: 5.9.4
Thread(s): 2
Input System
Keyboard enabled
Mouse enabled
Gamepad/Joystick disabled
Force Feedback disabled
Sound System
Driver: OpenAL
Version: 1.1
Device: Generic Software
Max. sources: 256
Render System
Driver: OpenGL
Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer: GeForce GTX 560 Ti/PCIe/SSE2/3DNOW!
Version: 4.5.0 NVIDIA 378.49
Shader Version: 4.50 NVIDIA
max_texture_layers: 16
OpenGL initialization successful
Hardware Profile
Level: Low (forced)
View Distance Factor: 0.750000
Shadow Quality: 0.000000
Skip Mipmaps: 1
LOD Distance Factor: 0.750000
Terrain LOD Distance Factor: 0.750000
Foliage View Distance Factor: 1.000000
Volume Mesh Tessellation Factor: 1.500000
Tyre Tracks Segments Factor: 0.500000
Farming Simulator 15
Version: 1.4.2RC1
Available Languages: de
Language: de
Game vehicle types loaded
Mod directory: C:/Users/Andi/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods/
Load mod: AAA_64erFix
Load mod: AnimationMapTrigger
Load mod: Assignments
Load mod: B_Krone_Beastpack_1100_by_Bullgore
Warning: Missing l10n for button FrontWorklights in B_Krone_Beastpack_1100_by_Bullgore
Warning: Missing l10n for button RearWorklights in B_Krone_Beastpack_1100_by_Bullgore
Load mod: B_MAN_TGS_Agrar_Wechselbruecken
Load mod: California_Central_Valley
Load mod: ConveyorPack
Load mod: EasyCollect1053
Load mod: Feedtruckv2
Load mod: Fendt1050Variov3
Load mod: Fendtkatana85_steph33_v1_1
Load mod: FS15_FerrariF248
Load mod: Great_Contry_V03_Solimod_Unzip_Me
Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/Users/Andi/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Great_Contry_V03_Solimod_Unzip_Me/modDesc.xml'.
Error: Missing descVersion attribute in mod Great_Contry_V03_Solimod_Unzip_Me
Load mod: Great_Country
Load mod: Kotte_Universal_Pack
Load mod: MixFeeder
Load mod: MultiOverlayV2
Load mod: SoilManagement
Load mod: Terrain_And_Dirt_Control
Load mod: Volksholm_V3x_SoilMod
Load mod: ZZZ_ChoppedStraw
Load mod: ZZZ_DamageAndRepairs
Load mod: zzz_FabrikscriptExtensionModul
Load mod: ZZZ_fastForward
Load mod: ZZZ_greenDirectCut
Load mod: ZZZ_greenFertilizer
Load mod: ZZZ_multiFruit
Load mod: ZZZ_multiFruitModule_Great_Contry
Load mod: ZZZ_multiFruitModule_Standard
Load mod: ZZZ_multiFruitModule_Volksmaps
Load mod: ZZZ_multiMowing
Load mod: ZZZ_multiSprayer
-- Loaded 64erFix for FruitTypes by Marhu --
-- Loaded 64erFix for FillTypes by RC-Devil --
Register vehicle type: B_Krone_Beastpack_1100_by_Bullgore.KroneBigX1100
Register vehicle type: B_Krone_Beastpack_1100_by_Bullgore.KroneBigX1100_Gearbox
Register vehicle type: B_Krone_Beastpack_1100_by_Bullgore.KroneEasyCollect1053
Register vehicle type: B_Krone_Beastpack_1100_by_Bullgore.KroneXDisc
Register vehicle type: B_Krone_Beastpack_1100_by_Bullgore.KroneEasyFlow
Register vehicle type: B_Krone_Beastpack_1100_by_Bullgore.KroneBigXCargo
Register vehicle type: B_Krone_Beastpack_1100_by_Bullgore.dynamicMountAttacherTrailer
Register vehicle type: B_MAN_TGS_Agrar_Wechselbruecken.MAN
Register vehicle type: B_MAN_TGS_Agrar_Wechselbruecken.MAN_Gearbox
Register vehicle type: B_MAN_TGS_Agrar_Wechselbruecken.Hawe_WPS_22T
Register vehicle type: B_MAN_TGS_Agrar_Wechselbruecken.Hawe_WPS
Register vehicle type: B_MAN_TGS_Agrar_Wechselbruecken.Amazone_Wechselbruecke
Register vehicle type: B_MAN_TGS_Agrar_Wechselbruecken.Bergmann_Wechselbruecke
Register vehicle type: B_MAN_TGS_Agrar_Wechselbruecken.Fliegl_TMK
Register vehicle type: B_MAN_TGS_Agrar_Wechselbruecken.Grimme_RUW
Register vehicle type: B_MAN_TGS_Agrar_Wechselbruecken.Guestrower_Wechselbruecke
Register vehicle type: B_MAN_TGS_Agrar_Wechselbruecken.Strautmann_Wechselbruecke
Register vehicle type: B_MAN_TGS_Agrar_Wechselbruecken.Fliegl_Wechselbruecke
Register vehicle type: B_MAN_TGS_Agrar_Wechselbruecken.Viehtransport
Register vehicle type: B_MAN_TGS_Agrar_Wechselbruecken.Kotte_Wechselbruecke
Script WaterMod v3.1.5 by Marhu loaded! Support on
*** ChoppedStraw fruittypes registered!
Load Script: FruitSiloBand = OK
Script SchweineZucht v4.1.0-69 by Marhu loaded! Support on
doorTrigger loaded
Script ViehMarkt v1.0.0-73b by Marhu loaded! Support on
Script PalettenSammler v3.0.1-107a by Marhu loaded! Support on
Register vehicle type: ConveyorPack.NewConveyor
Register vehicle type: ConveyorPack.FConveyor
Register vehicle type: ConveyorPack.TConveyor
Register vehicle type: ConveyorPack.FConveyorTrailer
Register vehicle type: Fendt1050Variov3.Fendt1050
Register vehicle type: Fendtkatana85_steph33_v1_1.Fendtkatana85
*** ChoppedStraw fruittypes registered!
Register filltype: Compost
Script ViehMarkt v2.0.0-95b by Marhu loaded! Support on
Script SchweineZucht v5.0.0-107 by Marhu loaded! Support on
Script LammZucht v5.0.0-107 by RC-Devil/Marhu loaded! Support on
Register fruit type: for Greenhouse:
Load Script: FruitSiloBand = OK
--- loading ManualBarrier mod V5.15.9 - 28.02.2015 (by Blacky_BPG)---
Script WaterMod v3.4.0-47 by Marhu loaded! Support on
Register vehicle type: Kotte_Universal_Pack.Kotte_Universal_MAN
Register vehicle type: Kotte_Universal_Pack.kotteUniversal
Register vehicle type: Kotte_Universal_Pack.kotteUniversalSemi
Register vehicle type: Kotte_Universal_Pack.kotteUniversalsmall
Register vehicle type: Kotte_Universal_Pack.kotteUniversalmini
Register vehicle type: Kotte_Universal_Pack.mobile_storageTank
Register vehicle type: Kotte_Universal_Pack.kotteUniversalTank
Map: Mix Feeder v2.01 by Bluebaby210 loaded!
Register Variable: BaseMission.mboBuyListener
Script load..: fmcSettings.lua (v2.0.42)
Script load..: fmcFillTypes.lua (v2.0.42)
Script load..: fmcModifyFSUtils.lua (v2.0.42)
Script load..: fmcModifySprayers.lua (v2.0.42)
Script load..: fmcGrowthControl.lua (v2.0.42)
Script load..: fmcSoilModPlugins.lua (v2.0.42)
Script load..: fmcCompostPlugin.lua (v2.0.42)
Script load..: fmcChoppedStrawPlugin.lua (v2.0.42)
Script load..: fmcDisplay.lua (v2.0.42)
Script loaded: fmcSoilMod.LUA (v2.0.42 - ded88b9f1c0008daf3a395ea8372db37)
Script WaterMod v3.4.0-47 by Marhu loaded! Support on
Script SchweineZucht v5.0.0-107 by Marhu loaded! Support on
Script ViehMarkt v2.0.0-95b by Marhu loaded! Support on
*** ChoppedStraw fruittypes registered!
--- loading ManualBarrier mod V5.15.9 - 28.02.2015 (by Blacky_BPG)---
Load Script: FruitSiloBand = OK
--- loading GasStationExtended LS15 by tobiasgo ---
Script PalettenSammler v3.0.1-107a by Marhu loaded! Support on
FabrikscriptExtensionModul v0.9.1 loaded! Support on
--- loading greenDirectCut mod V2.0 --- (by upsidedown)
register fruitType: weed (multiSpray/herbicide mod by upsidedown)
loading AdditionalFruitTypes
AdditionalFruitTypes v0.5 by Jakob Tischler+upsidedown loaded
\__ Register fruitType: Oat (oat) [key 23]
\____ Register windrowType: oat_windrow (oat_windrow)
\______ ForageWagonConversion registered: oat_windrow -> wheat
\__ Register fruitType: Sorghum (sorghum) [key 24]
\__ Register fruitType: Soybean (soybean) [key 25]
\____ Register windrowType: soybean_windrow (soybean_windrow)
\______ ForageWagonConversion registered: soybean_windrow -> wheat
\__ Register fruitType: Rye (rye) [key 26]
\____ Register windrowType: rye_windrow (rye_windrow)
\______ ForageWagonConversion registered: rye_windrow -> wheat
\__ Register fruitType: Sunflower (sunflower) [key 27]
\__ Register fruitType: Kartoffeln (gewaschen) (washedPotato) [key 28]
\__ Register fruitType: compost (compost) [key 29]
\__ Register fruitType: Schweinefutter (pigForage) [key 30]
\__ Register fruitType: Kartoffeln (gedämpft) (steamedPotato) [key 31]
\__ Register fruitType: beetPulp (beetPulp) [key 32]
\__ Register fruitType: Saatgut (gebeizt) (seeds2) [key 33]
\__ Register fillType: wood2 (wood2) [key 59]
\__ Register fillType: scheitelholz (scheitelholz) [key 60]
\__ Register fillType: holzkohle (holzkohle) [key 61]
dataS/cameraPath01.i3d (0.19 ms)
dataS/cameraPath02.i3d (0.20 ms)
dataS/cameraPath03.i3d (0.14 ms)
data/sky/sky_day_night.i3d (20.98 ms)
data/sky/rain.i3d (2.22 ms)
data/sky/hail.i3d (1.18 ms)
data/sky/dust.i3d (1.07 ms)
SoilMod: Registering new spray-types
Great_Country V.02: Register Fill type: Lamm, Lämmchen, Schwein, Ferkel, Rind, Kalb, Mastkuh, Mastkalb, Schaf, junges Schaf, Masthuhn, Küken,
C:/Users/Andi/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Great_Country/map/map01.i3d (29272.32 ms)
--- loading ManualBarrier mod V5.15.4 (by Blacky_BPG)---
screenshots LS 15 Mod: Folder "screenshots/MixFeederCamera" in MyGames was createt
Keyboard --> Open Mix Feeder Tablet with: Taste STRG LINKS hold, press and hold Taste M and press Taste F
Gamepad --> Open Mix Feeder Tablet with: Button 5 hold, press and hold Button 6 and press Button 2
---loading MultiOverlay V2 Hud v2.6 Final (by HappyLooser)---
MultiOverlay V2 Hud load language_de xml file
MultiOverlay V2 Hud load objectSettings xml file
MultiOverlay V2 Hud load clientSettings xml file
loading C:/Users/Andi/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/savegame3/mohV2weatherSettings.xml for MultiOverlayV2 weather settings
MultiOverlay V2 Hud search artDesign....
C:/Users/Andi/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Terrain_And_Dirt_Control/dirtPS/dirt_1.i3d (4.38 ms)
*** ChoppedStraw v15.0.05 specialization loading ***
--- fast Forward Mod V1.3 loaded --- (by upsidedown)
--- loading greenFertilizer mod V1.0--- (by upsidedown)
--- loading addMultiFruit mod V3.0 --- (by upsidedown)
--- loading multiFruit Module: C:/Users/Andi/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//ZZZ_multiFruitModule_Great_Contry/multiFruit_config.xml --- (by upsidedown)
--- loading multiFruit Module: C:/Users/Andi/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//ZZZ_multiFruitModule_Standard/multiFruit_config.xml --- (by upsidedown)
--- loading multiFruit Module: C:/Users/Andi/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//ZZZ_multiFruitModule_Volksmaps/multiFruit_config.xml --- (by upsidedown)
--- loading multiMowing mod V3.0 --- (by upsidedown)
--- loading multiSprayer mod V3.2 --- (by upsidedown)
loading multiSpray/herbicide Mod V3.2 (by upsidedown)
SoilMod: Verifying that SoilMod's custom spray-/fill-types are available for use.
SoilMod: Overwriting SprayerAreaEvent functions, to take extra argument; 'augmentedFillType'.
SoilMod: Prepending to Fillable.postLoad, for adding extra fill-types
SoilMod: Appending to Sprayer.postLoad, to set spray-usages for spray-types - incl. fix for mrLight mod.
SoilMod: Appending to Sprayer.update, to let player change fill-type (but only near fertilizer tanks)
SoilMod: Appending to Sprayer.draw, to draw action in F1 help box
SoilMod: Prepending to Sprayer.updateTick function, so fill-type can be accessed by SprayerAreaEvent.
SoilMod: Appending to Sprayer.postLoad, for getting fill-type from sprayer-tanks.
SoilMod: Fruit foliage-layer: 'wheat', fruitNum=1,id=8549/4,windrowId=8550/4,preparingId=0/-1,minSeededValue=1,minMatureValue=5,maxMatureValue=7,witheredValue=8,cuttedValue=9,size=4096,grleFile=fruit_density.grle
SoilMod: Fruit foliage-layer: 'barley', fruitNum=2,id=8554/4,windrowId=8555/4,preparingId=0/-1,minSeededValue=1,minMatureValue=5,maxMatureValue=7,witheredValue=8,cuttedValue=9,size=4096,grleFile=fruit_density.grle
SoilMod: Fruit foliage-layer: 'rape', fruitNum=3,id=8553/4,windrowId=0/-1,preparingId=0/-1,minSeededValue=1,minMatureValue=5,maxMatureValue=7,witheredValue=8,cuttedValue=9,size=4096,grleFile=fruit_density.grle
SoilMod: Fruit foliage-layer: 'maize', fruitNum=4,id=8556/4,windrowId=0/-1,preparingId=0/-1,minSeededValue=1,minMatureValue=5,maxMatureValue=7,witheredValue=8,cuttedValue=9,size=4096,grleFile=fruit_density.grle
SoilMod: Fruit foliage-layer: 'potato', fruitNum=5,id=8559/4,windrowId=0/-1,preparingId=8560/1,minSeededValue=1,minMatureValue=6,maxMatureValue=6,witheredValue=nil,cuttedValue=9,size=4096,grleFile=fruit_density.grle
SoilMod: Fruit foliage-layer: 'sugarBeet', fruitNum=6,id=8561/4,windrowId=0/-1,preparingId=8562/1,minSeededValue=1,minMatureValue=5,maxMatureValue=7,witheredValue=8,cuttedValue=9,size=4096,grleFile=fruit_density.grle
SoilMod: Fruit foliage-layer: 'grass', fruitNum=7,id=8551/4,windrowId=8552/4,preparingId=0/-1,minSeededValue=1,minMatureValue=3,maxMatureValue=4,witheredValue=nil,cuttedValue=2,size=4096,grleFile=fruit_density.grle
SoilMod: Fruit foliage-layer: 'dryGrass', fruitNum=8,id=8557/4,windrowId=8558/4,preparingId=0/-1,minSeededValue=1,minMatureValue=3,maxMatureValue=4,witheredValue=nil,cuttedValue=2,size=4096,grleFile=fruit_density.grle
SoilMod: Fruit foliage-layer: 'oat', fruitNum=23,id=8563/4,windrowId=8564/4,preparingId=0/-1,minSeededValue=1,minMatureValue=5,maxMatureValue=7,witheredValue=8,cuttedValue=9,size=4096,grleFile=fruit_density.grle
SoilMod: Fruit foliage-layer: 'sorghum', fruitNum=24,id=8565/4,windrowId=0/-1,preparingId=0/-1,minSeededValue=1,minMatureValue=5,maxMatureValue=7,witheredValue=8,cuttedValue=9,size=4096,grleFile=fruit_density.grle
SoilMod: Fruit foliage-layer: 'soybean', fruitNum=25,id=8566/4,windrowId=8567/4,preparingId=0/-1,minSeededValue=1,minMatureValue=5,maxMatureValue=7,witheredValue=8,cuttedValue=9,size=4096,grleFile=fruit_density.grle
SoilMod: Fruit foliage-layer: 'rye', fruitNum=26,id=8568/4,windrowId=8569/4,preparingId=0/-1,minSeededValue=1,minMatureValue=5,maxMatureValue=7,witheredValue=8,cuttedValue=9,size=4096,grleFile=fruit_density.grle
SoilMod: Fruit foliage-layer: 'sunflower', fruitNum=27,id=8572/4,windrowId=0/-1,preparingId=0/-1,minSeededValue=1,minMatureValue=5,maxMatureValue=7,witheredValue=8,cuttedValue=9,size=4096,grleFile=fruit_density.grle
SoilMod: Foliage-layer check ok: 'fmc_manure', id=8593,numChnls=2,size=4096,grleFile=fmcSoilMod_LayerA_density.grle
SoilMod: Foliage-layer check ok: 'fmc_slurry', id=8597,numChnls=2,size=4096,grleFile=fmcSoilMod_LayerA_density.grle
SoilMod: Foliage-layer check ok: 'fmc_weed', id=8596,numChnls=4,size=4096,grleFile=fmcSoilMod_LayerA_density.grle
SoilMod: Foliage-layer check ok: 'fmc_lime', id=8594,numChnls=1,size=4096,grleFile=fmcSoilMod_LayerA_density.grle
SoilMod: Foliage-layer check ok: 'fmc_fertilizer', id=8595,numChnls=3,size=4096,grleFile=fmcSoilMod_LayerA_density.grle
SoilMod: Foliage-layer check ok: 'fmc_herbicide', id=8599,numChnls=2,size=4096,grleFile=fmcSoilMod_LayerB_density.grle
SoilMod: Foliage-layer check ok: 'fmc_water', id=8600,numChnls=2,size=4096,grleFile=fmcSoilMod_LayerB_density.grle
SoilMod: Foliage-layer check ok: 'fmc_soil_pH', id=8598,numChnls=4,size=4096,grleFile=fmcSoilMod_LayerA_density.grle
SoilMod: Foliage-layer check ok: 'fmc_fertN', id=8601,numChnls=4,size=4096,grleFile=fmcSoilMod_LayerB_density.grle
SoilMod: Foliage-layer check ok: 'fmc_fertPK', id=8602,numChnls=3,size=4096,grleFile=fmcSoilMod_LayerB_density.grle
SoilMod: Foliage-layer check ok: 'fmc_moisture', id=8603,numChnls=3,size=4096,grleFile=fmcSoilMod_LayerB_density.grle
SoilMod: Foliage-layer check ok: 'fmc_herbicideTime', id=8604,numChnls=2,size=4096,grleFile=fmcSoilMod_LayerB_density.grle
SoilMod: Included foliage-layer for "destruction" by plough/cultivator/seeder: 'fmc_weed', id=8596,numChnls=4,size=4096,grleFile=fmcSoilMod_LayerA_density.grle
SoilMod: Plugin for cut-fruit-area(after): (5) Volume affected if partial-growth-state for crop
SoilMod: Plugin for cut-fruit-area(before): (10) Set sowing-channel where min/max-harvesting-growth-state is
SoilMod: Plugin for cut-fruit-area(before): (20) Get weed density and cut weed
SoilMod: Plugin for cut-fruit-area(after): (20) Volume is affected by percentage of weeds
SoilMod: Plugin for cut-fruit-area(before): (30) Get N density
SoilMod: Plugin for cut-fruit-area(after): (30) Volume is affected by N
SoilMod: Plugin for cut-fruit-area(before): (40) Get PK density
SoilMod: Plugin for cut-fruit-area(after): (40) Volume is slightly boosted by PK
SoilMod: Plugin for cut-fruit-area(before): (50) Get soil pH density
SoilMod: Plugin for cut-fruit-area(after): (50) Volume is affected by soil pH level
SoilMod: Plugin for cut-fruit-area(before): (60) Get water-moisture
SoilMod: Plugin for cut-fruit-area(after): (60) Volume is affected by water-moisture
SoilMod: Plugin for cut-fruit-area(after): (99) Debug graph
SoilMod: Plugin for update-cultivator-area(before): (20) Update foliage-layer for SoilMod
SoilMod: Plugin for update-cultivator-area(before): (30) Destroy common area
SoilMod: Plugin for update-cultivator-area(before): (41) Cultivator changes solid-fertilizer(visible) to liquid-fertilizer(invisible)
SoilMod: Plugin for update-plough-area(before): (20) Update foliage-layer for SoilMod
SoilMod: Plugin for update-plough-area(before): (30) Destroy common area
SoilMod: Plugin for update-plough-area(before): (41) Ploughing changes solid-fertilizer(visible) to liquid-fertilizer(invisible)
SoilMod: Plugin for update-plough-area(after): (40) Plouging should reduce water-level
SoilMod: Plugin for update-sowing-area(before): (30) Destroy weed plants when sowing
SoilMod: Plugin for update-spray-area(filltype=26): (10) Spread manure
SoilMod: Plugin for update-spray-area(filltype=28): (10) Spread manureSolid
SoilMod: Plugin for update-spray-area(filltype=27): (10) Spread slurry (liquidManure)
SoilMod: Plugin for update-spray-area(filltype=29): (10) Spread slurry (manureLiquid)
SoilMod: Plugin for update-spray-area(filltype=16): (10) Spread water
SoilMod: Plugin for update-spray-area(filltype=80): (10) Spread water(x2)
SoilMod: Plugin for update-spray-area(filltype=34): (10) Spread kalk(solid1)
SoilMod: Plugin for update-spray-area(filltype=98): (10) Spread kalk(solid2)
SoilMod: Plugin for update-spray-area(filltype=64): (10) Spray herbicide
SoilMod: Plugin for update-spray-area(filltype=65): (10) Spray herbicide2
SoilMod: Plugin for update-spray-area(filltype=66): (10) Spray herbicide3
SoilMod: Plugin for update-spray-area(filltype=67): (10) Spray herbicide4 with germination prevention
SoilMod: Plugin for update-spray-area(filltype=68): (10) Spray herbicide5 with germination prevention
SoilMod: Plugin for update-spray-area(filltype=69): (10) Spray herbicide6 with germination prevention
SoilMod: Plugin for update-spray-area(filltype=25): (10) Spray fertilizer(liquid)
SoilMod: Plugin for update-spray-area(filltype=89): (10) Spray fertilizer(solid)
SoilMod: Plugin for update-spray-area(filltype=62): (10) Spray fertilizer2(liquid)
SoilMod: Plugin for update-spray-area(filltype=126): (10) Spray fertilizer2(solid)
SoilMod: Plugin for update-spray-area(filltype=63): (10) Spray fertilizer3(liquid)
SoilMod: Plugin for update-spray-area(filltype=127): (10) Spray fertilizer3(solid)
SoilMod: Plugin for update-spray-area(filltype=70): (10) Spray plantKiller(liquid)
SoilMod: Herbicide avoidance: 'wheat' dislikes 'herbicide' (A)
SoilMod: Herbicide avoidance: 'barley' dislikes 'herbicide' (A)
SoilMod: Herbicide avoidance: 'rape' dislikes 'herbicide2' (B)
SoilMod: Herbicide avoidance: 'maize' dislikes 'herbicide2' (B)
SoilMod: Herbicide avoidance: 'potato' dislikes 'herbicide3' (C)
SoilMod: Herbicide avoidance: 'sugarBeet' dislikes 'herbicide3' (C)
SoilMod: Herbicide avoidance: 'grass' dislikes 'n/a' (-)
SoilMod: Herbicide avoidance: 'dryGrass' dislikes 'n/a' (-)
SoilMod: Herbicide avoidance: 'oat' dislikes 'herbicide' (A)
SoilMod: Herbicide avoidance: 'sorghum' dislikes 'n/a' (-)
SoilMod: Herbicide avoidance: 'soybean' dislikes 'herbicide3' (C)
SoilMod: Herbicide avoidance: 'rye' dislikes 'herbicide' (A)
SoilMod: Herbicide avoidance: 'sunflower' dislikes 'herbicide3' (C)
SoilMod: Plugin for growth-cycle(fruits): (10) Increase crop growth
SoilMod: Plugin for growth-cycle: (15) Decrease soil pH when crop at growth-stage 3
SoilMod: Plugin for growth-cycle: (16) Decrease N when crop at growth-stages 1-7
SoilMod: Plugin for growth-cycle: (17) Decrease PK when crop at growth-stages 3,5
SoilMod: Plugin for growth-cycle: (18) Decrease soil-moisture when crop at growth-stages 2,3,5
SoilMod: Plugin for growth-cycle(fruits): (20) Herbicide affect crop
SoilMod: Plugin for growth-cycle(fruits): (30) Reduce crop windrows/swath
SoilMod: Plugin for growth-cycle: (19) Increase soil pH where there is lime
SoilMod: Plugin for growth-cycle: (20) Remove lime
SoilMod: Plugin for growth-cycle: (29) Increase soil-moisture where there is manure
SoilMod: Plugin for growth-cycle: (30) Reduce manure
SoilMod: Plugin for growth-cycle: (39) Increase N where there is slurry
SoilMod: Plugin for growth-cycle: (40) Remove slurry
SoilMod: Plugin for growth-cycle: (41) Remove plants where there is Herbicide-X
SoilMod: Plugin for growth-cycle: (41.1) Reduce soil pH where there is Herbicide-X
SoilMod: Plugin for growth-cycle: (42) Reduce soil pH where there is fertilizer-N
SoilMod: Plugin for growth-cycle: (43) Increase N where there is fertilizer-NPK/N
SoilMod: Plugin for growth-cycle: (44) Increase PK where there is fertilizer-NPK/PK
SoilMod: Plugin for growth-cycle: (45) Remove fertilizer
SoilMod: Plugin for growth-cycle: (47) Reduce withered weed
SoilMod: Plugin for growth-cycle: (48) Fully grown weed will wither if no nutrition(N) available
SoilMod: Plugin for growth-cycle: (49) Change weed to withered where there is herbicide
SoilMod: Plugin for growth-cycle: (50) Increase weed growth
SoilMod: Plugin for growth-cycle: (51) Decrease N where there is weed still alive
SoilMod: Plugin for growth-cycle: (52) Decrease soil-moisture where there is weed still alive
SoilMod: Plugin for growth-cycle: (55) Reduce germination prevention, where there is no herbicide
SoilMod: Plugin for growth-cycle: (59) Reduce soil pH where there is herbicide
SoilMod: Plugin for growth-cycle: (60) Remove herbicide
SoilMod: Plugin for growth-cycle: (70) Increase/decrease soil-moisture depending on water-level
SoilMod: Plugin for growth-cycle: (71) Remove water-level
SoilMod: Plugin for growth-cycle: (79) Increase soil-moisture where there is sprayed
SoilMod: Plugin for growth-cycle: (80) Remove spray moisture
SoilMod: Plugin for weather-cycle: (10) Soil-moisture is affected by weather
SoilMod: Included foliage-layer for "destruction" by plough/cultivator/seeder: 'choppedMaize_haulm', id=8589,numChnls=1,size=4096,grleFile=straw_haulm_density.grle
SoilMod: Included foliage-layer for "destruction" by plough/cultivator/seeder: 'choppedRape_haulm', id=8590,numChnls=1,size=4096,grleFile=straw_haulm_density.grle
SoilMod: Included foliage-layer for "destruction" by plough/cultivator/seeder: 'choppedStraw_haulm', id=8591,numChnls=1,size=4096,grleFile=straw_haulm_density.grle
SoilMod: Plugin for update-cultivator-area(before): (22) Update foliage-layer for 'choppedMaize_haulm' (+1 N)
SoilMod: Plugin for update-plough-area(before): (22) Update foliage-layer for 'choppedMaize_haulm' (+2 N, +2 PK)
SoilMod: Plugin for update-cultivator-area(before): (22.1) Update foliage-layer for 'choppedRape_haulm' (+1 N)
SoilMod: Plugin for update-plough-area(before): (22.1) Update foliage-layer for 'choppedRape_haulm' (+2 N, +1 PK)
SoilMod: Plugin for update-cultivator-area(before): (22.2) Update foliage-layer for 'choppedStraw_haulm' (+1 N)
SoilMod: Plugin for update-plough-area(before): (22.2) Update foliage-layer for 'choppedStraw_haulm' (+1 N, +1 PK)
SoilMod: Remembering original functions from 'Utils'
SoilMod: Overwriting Utils.cutFruitArea
SoilMod: Overwriting Utils.updateCultivatorArea
SoilMod: Overwriting Utils.updatePloughArea
SoilMod: Overwriting Utils.updateSowingArea
SoilMod: Overwriting Utils.updateDestroyCommonArea
SoilMod: Overwriting Utils.updateSprayArea
SoilMod: Adding/replacing overlay-icons for specific fill-types
data/vehicles/trailers/kroeger/kroegerHKD302.i3d (74.93 ms)
SoilMod: Updating fill-types HUD overlay-icons
SoilMod: Optional 'ModsSettings'-mod not found. Using builtin default position-values for info-panel.
\______ Bale registered: BALETYPE_FORAGE_112_130 -> BALETYPE_SILAGE_112_130
\______ Bale registered: BALETYPE_OAT_WINDROW_120_90_240 -> BALETYPE_WHEAT_WINDROW_120_90_240
\______ Bale registered: BALETYPE_OAT_WINDROW_112_130 -> BALETYPE_WHEAT_WINDROW_112_130
\______ Bale registered: BALETYPE_RYE_WINDROW_120_90_240 -> BALETYPE_WHEAT_WINDROW_120_90_240
\______ Bale registered: BALETYPE_RYE_WINDROW_112_130 -> BALETYPE_WHEAT_WINDROW_112_130
\______ Bale registered: BALETYPE_GRASS_112_130 -> BALETYPE_SILAGE_112_130
\______ Bale registered: BALETYPE_DRYGRASS_112_130 -> BALETYPE_SILAGE_112_130
\______ Bale registered: BALETYPE_GRASS_WINDROW_112_130 -> BALETYPE_GRASS_112_130
\______ Bale registered: BALETYPE_COMPOST_112_130 -> BALETYPE_SILAGE_112_130
\______ Bale registered: BALETYPE_PIGFORAGE_112_130 -> BALETYPE_FORAGE_112_130
data/vehicles/tools/suer/suerSB1000.i3d (16.28 ms)
data/vehicles/tools/suer/suerSB700.i3d (1.99 ms)
data/vehicles/tools/kuhn/kuhnVariMaster153.i3d (74.59 ms)
data/vehicles/particleAnimations/kuhn/kuhnVariMaster153.i3d (13.08 ms)
data/vehicles/tools/poettinger/poettingerVitasem302A.i3d (85.31 ms)
data/vehicles/particleAnimations/poettinger/poettingerVitasem302A.i3d (1.92 ms)
data/vehicles/steerable/buehrer/buehrer6135A.i3d (70.13 ms)
dataS2/character/player/player.i3d (587.14 ms)
data/vehicles/tools/koeckerling/koeckerlingTrio300M.i3d (69.19 ms)
data/vehicles/particleAnimations/koeckerling/koeckerlingTrio300M.i3d (2.94 ms)
data/vehicles/frontLoaders/stoll/stollToolShovel.i3d (68.45 ms)
data/vehicles/frontLoaders/stoll/stollFrontLoaderFZ.i3d (22.53 ms)
data/vehicles/tools/amazone/amazoneZAM1501.i3d (57.65 ms)
SoilMod: Adding more filltypes (solid spreader - turnedOnRotationNodes)
data/vehicles/steerable/newHolland/newHollandT6160.i3d (154.24 ms)
data/vehicles/cutters/newHolland/newHollandHeader980CF6.i3d (73.69 ms)
data/vehicles/steerable/newHolland/newHollandTC590.i3d (199.38 ms)
data/vehicles/cutters/newHolland/newHollandHeader18.i3d (69.81 ms)
C:/Users/Andi/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Fendt1050Variov3/Fendt1050.i3d (946.63 ms)
data/vehicles/trailers/strautmann/strautmannTeraVitesse5201.i3d (77.51 ms)
data/vehicles/trailers/strautmann/strautmannPS3401.i3d (66.56 ms)
C:/Users/Andi/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//B_Krone_Beastpack_1100_by_Bullgore/KroneBigX1100BeastPack_BigX1100.i3d (680.75 ms)
C:/Users/Andi/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//B_Krone_Beastpack_1100_by_Bullgore/KroneBigX1100BeastPack_XDisc6200.i3d (80.74 ms)
C:/Users/Andi/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//B_Krone_Beastpack_1100_by_Bullgore/KroneBigX1100BeastPack_BigXCargo.i3d (73.57 ms)
C:/Users/Andi/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//B_Krone_Beastpack_1100_by_Bullgore/KroneBigX1100BeastPack_EasyCollect1053.i3d (109.45 ms)
C:/Users/Andi/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Kotte_Universal_Pack/Kotte_Universal/Kotte_Universal_MAN.i3d (695.43 ms)
Warning: Unkown fillType 'hmilk' for Fillable.onCreateFillMaterial
Warning: Unkown fillType 'beetJuice' for Fillable.onCreateFillMaterial
Warning: Unkown fillType 'molasses' for Fillable.onCreateFillMaterial
Warning: Unkown fillType 'biodiesel' for Fillable.onCreateFillMaterial
data/vehicles/tools/vogelNoot/vogelNootHeros1000.i3d (77.48 ms)
data/vehicles/particleAnimations/vogelNoot/vogelNootHeros1000.i3d (3.90 ms)
C:/Users/Andi/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Fendt1050Variov3/weight.i3d (17.57 ms)
Warning: vehicle.trailerAttacherJoints.trailerAttacherJoint are no longer supported. Use vehicle.attacherJoints.attacherJoint with jointType='trailer/trailerLow' instead
data/vehicles/steerable/caseIH/caseIHQuadtrac620.i3d (136.06 ms)
C:/Users/Andi/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//B_MAN_TGS_Agrar_Wechselbruecken/MAN_Strautmann_Wechselbruecke.i3d (281.90 ms)
C:/Users/Andi/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//B_MAN_TGS_Agrar_Wechselbruecken/MAN_Hawe_WPS_22T_Tridem.i3d (169.58 ms)
Warning: vehicle.trailerAttacherJoints.trailerAttacherJoint are no longer supported. Use vehicle.attacherJoints.attacherJoint with jointType='trailer/trailerLow' instead
data/maps/models/objects/pallets/woolPallet.i3d (5.23 ms)
dataS/character/player/playerCCT.i3d (13.38 ms)
adding fruits to green fertilizer mod...
11 fruits added to cultivator, plough and direct seeder for fertilizer use
SoilMod: Restoring original functions in 'Utils'
Great Contry...MH should probably fix that name. hehe
also you can't buy field 1
first off al great map, but i got a problem... my game crashes wwhen i want to end my game and leave.
do you know why?
Error: Corrupt savegame, onCreateLoadedObject 67 has invalid id '68'
Error: Can't load resource 'C:/Users/Ed/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//Great_Country/map/map01/huds/'.
I use all the mods neaded.
When i end the game, my game crashes... i can save my game but when i want to leave it crashes..
Anyone know why?