
V 2.0 final soilmod mod for Farming Simulator 15

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Yes, yes now it's time again today I want to introduce my new card.

Hohenfelde there is a place in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in the far east not far from the Polish border, a place of my childhood.

The card is created with Google Maps and so the fields are not exactly friendly helpers.

So what was installed:

-3 Pig fattening farms, cattle fattening installations 2, 1 broiler plant

-General Standard Animals


-Futtermischstation (Slightly modified so that it fits on the map)

-Gülle Dung Kalkmod (slightly modified) with new visible kinds of fertilizer

-Compostmaster (Compost is used as fertilizer)

-many angle to the terrain (not wonder who the helper does not obey)


Ps ne BGA there was not, therefore, I decided the functions to another building to build in the GDR.


Please get if you have any worries, hardships or problems via PM.

I have two text documents packed into the Rardatei that you and your GMM fertilizer spreader can rewrite!


So now a lot of fun while playing,

mfg hirsch6920


marhu , Farmer_Andy, möchtegernbauer, TLS-modding

  • 04 Oct 10:28
    Version 2.0 final soilmod

    waage beim getreidehandel
    schilder in den lagern
    seedmaster entfernt nicht kompatiebel mit dem soilmod
    fps einbrüche behoben

  • 03 Oct 19:29
    Version 2.0 final gmk

    beetmaster verbaut
    schilder in den lagern
    fps einbrüche so gut es ging behoben
    waage bei dem getreidehandel


checksum: a13ee6436c6b5a4172e2224466f179c0
Version: 2.0 final soilmod
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: hirsch 6920
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Hohenfelde
description in shop: Ein Dorf im Nirgentwo
checksum: a13ee6436c6b5a4172e2224466f179c0
Version: 2.0 final soilmod
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Freelance Modding Crew
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Hohenfelde
description in shop: Ein Dorf im Nirgentwo

06.09 2015
Modhoster user rating
4.07 / 46 Votes


nach 45 Stimmen

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V 2.0 final soilmod
Farming Simulator 15
hohenfelde soil.rar
400 MB 5918
04. 10 2015 5,918
V 2.0 final gmk
Farming Simulator 15
hohenfelde gmk.rar
420 MB 3197
03. 10 2015 3,197

2 Comments for Hohenfelde

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  1. galo1 04. 10 2015

    friend thank you for posting your map.
    I found it very good, nice and enjoyable to play.
    however, when I hitch a trailer the map disappears and all other data.
    I would like to play with your map, I expect this indexing.
    thanks again and parabens.

    1 replies

  2. Totenfarmer 29. 09 2015

    Drove around the map a bit now, it really looks good :)
    I have a few suggestions if you are making a V2 though, I see some have already mentioned it, the field border, another idea is to use the images used in some of the english map, like Grange farm and Knuston farm, and since you are using the whole map area, you could use a map border that is invisible, that way, no one can drive out to the images, then just plant treas etc. to make it look better.
    And also: Buyable fields. I understand it can be hard to define field borders when the fields are everything but square :p , but how about divide the map field definitions into squares, or areas, so that when you buy e.g field 1, you actually buy an "area", which can consist of several fields ?

    Oh, and thank you very, very much for not using 2d trees like on Bantikow, I hate those :D
