Silvercrest Valley

V Copped Straw mod mod for Farming Simulator 17

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This is a edited version of Goldcrest Valley and my first mod.

The changes are:

> Medium Farm with silos for grain, animal food, chaff, silage, grass, seed/fertilizers and water(for liquid ferilizer and water, you need a modded trailer with trigger on topp. Something like trailers from Farmer_Andy will work. You can NOT refill directly to the equipment).

A barn where you can store straw and hay. Cow, sheep, pig and chicken is moved to the main farm. A workshop where you can customise youre equipment. it is possible to change wide tires large equipment on the side of the workshoop.

> Moved the overloading station for train to the main farm so you can access it easy. Added small ramps for loading tree logs on to the train. And built a storage for woodchips, potato and beets

> Rebuilt all the sell points and added 3 new train stations one for tree logs and two for grain, potato and beets.

> A new greenhous area where you can place greenhouses, with silo for manure and a watertank for storing water. You can aslo buy seeds and fertilizers for equipment equipment only.

> Added more areas for forresrty and edited parts of the landskape.

> 2 Sellpoints for straw and grass.

> Small new roads all over the map and a larger one to the greenhouse area.

> Built new fields.

> And can quick loade equipment back to the farm.



If you  are upgraidng to V 3.0 the log will give you errors(usually they will get resolved if you save and reload the game, if this is not the case then i dont know what to do).

If there is grass all over the place you can use the roller Lizzard R 5000 to remove it.

If you want to transfer youre savegame you can try this.(it is possible you are able to "tab" to one of the cranes after you do it, but i found no side effect from this.

You need a new savegame for V3.0

To transfer savegame:
1. start NEW game save and exit.
2. Open the folder of the NEW savegame and copy/replace the vehicles files from OLD savegame.
3. Open the careerSavegame of the NEW savegame and edit <money> to what you had in the old game. Save and close.
4. Start the game( there will be errors but don't worry). Move equipment so it is not inside buildings. Save and close game.
5. Start the game again, and all should work(no error in log)

Hope this works for you. If there are any problems let me know and i will try to help out.



  • Fixed Silo problem(i move the straw barn to the other side of the road, since it was interfering with the main silo.)
  • Added a large pole barn with lights, where the straw barn was. 
  • Fixed bonus train.
  • Fixed animal issue
  • Removed some light poles

V 3.0

  • Copped straw mod implemented. (can be downloaded from the mod hub)
  • Built new extension to farm and added 4 new storage silos.
    1 Seeds and Fertilizers  50k(you can not refill directly to seeder/fertilizer from silo).
    2 Straw and hay barn 300k.
    3 Forage, PigFood, Grass, Silage, Chaff. 325k.
    4 Water 85k and 125k at greenhouse area(you need a water trailer that can fill from above, something like Kotte Universal trailers from Farmer_Andy will work).
  • Greenhouse area for placeable greenhouses and with water silo. 
  • Buy points for fertilizers and seeds.
  • New train stations/sell points.
  • New fields.
  • New roads and a lot of small things around the map.
  • More tees!
  • Fixed the errors from v2.0 and added new collisions for ground and buildings.

V 2.0

  • Rebuilt the sell points for grain, manure, slurry and animals.
  • Extended the farm with more storage and a workshop.
  • Added animated gates/lights.
  • Built new roads + small things around the map.
  • Fixed the animal freeze problem +++.
  • Added some new starting equipment.


V 1.4

  • Moved wool pallet spawn point.
  • Fixed Cran.
  • Removed silo walls(Will bring them back when giant makes an update)
  • Moved viechle spawn point so you can place silo extentions

V 1.2

  • Fixed feeding triggers for cow and pigs.


V 1.1

  • I had to move the silo, it made a bug with the hayloft-sell trigger so you did not get money for the straw and grass.
  • Fixed Animal dirt zone.(not able to remove grass in front of cows)



The log is clean







Model: Giant, fqc art, Katsuo, Wildfuchs
Texture: Giant, fqc art, Katsuo, webalizer, Wildfuchs
Script: Giant
Idea / Concept:luczimm
Other: Katsuo, Niggels, farmerrads, Nick98.1, webalizer, Wildfuchs

  • 26 Nov 08:18
    Version Copped Straw mod

    - Fixed Silo problem(i move the straw barn to the other side of the road, since it was interfering with the main silo triggers.)
    - Added a large pole barn with lights, where the straw barn was.
    - Fixed bonus train.
    - Fixed animal issue
    - Removed some lights poles


checksum: a0f175bf7f8d3e6a8018db8589dacfef
Version: Copped Straw mod
multiplayer ready? yes
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Silvercrest Valley
description in shop: Dies ist die Silvercrest Valley

30.10 2016
Modhoster user rating
4.2 / 119 Votes


nach 124 Stimmen

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V Copped Straw mod
Farming Simulator 17
755 MB 4697
26. 11 2016 4,697

43 Comments for Silvercrest Valley

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  1. aceofspades 24. 11 2016

    Great version. My only two issues is on a lot of fields depending on angle you can see thru the field "layer" and you see patches of grass texture instead. I used to know what caused this but have not made a map since fs13. Changing your view a bit can make it go away/reappear. This is a fresh save on version 3.0 . The other issue is with the cow shed. The straw feeding seems to be oddly bugged. (this is in multiplayer not confirmed for singleplayer) . You cant seem to give cows straw (using either blower or just trailer dumping) more than once in an active game. This was my experience: Went to blow straw for cows for first time and myself(host) nor other players could do it. it would start and then give message bin was full of straw. Saving game, restarting allowed one fill of the straw but when you try and fill it again you get same message. Restarting allows you to fill the cows once and once only. and only if your right there when you restart and do nothing but give cows straw first before you do anything else.

    My only request would be to make the water towers also fill regular water trailers instead of top loading only trailers. But that's no biggie. great job once again on the map.

  2. Skipinson 24. 11 2016

    Real Nice Map, good Work!
    But i got a Question!
    Where can i buy Seeds and Fertilizers for the Storage near the farm, and how can i refill my seeder/fertilizer if not Directly from Silo?
    appreciate your help, and thx!

    1 replies

  3. K_Out 24. 11 2016

    Main farm silo for grain doesn't seem to work. Just emptied a trailer, drove around to the pipe and the silo is still empty.

    1 replies

  4. tukker1975 23. 11 2016

    Tnx for the great JOB!!! Everything works fine.
    And thank you for your quick fix of the sheepshed

  5. Roby1164 23. 11 2016

    Problem: With this configuration does not show the amount of products in the warehouse, the table of information, with the prices of products, do not update.

    1 replies

  6. perwel 23. 11 2016

    At the new train station next to farm there is a lots of potatos.

    1 replies

  7. palpwh1962 23. 11 2016

    Do the bonus levers actually, give you as bonus payment, it did not for me , but it is a great map a lot of work gone into it well done,

    1 replies

  8. Angeliter 23. 11 2016

    Deer modder, I am so happy!! You have mad the update 3.ooo1. My problem is
    finished. Thank you sooooo much !!!!!!!!!!!!

    1 replies

  9. Larsen 2131 23. 11 2016

    hi luc
    this is an amazing map you have made for us. I think this is the map giants should have made for ls 17.
    very clever made with the new selling points and the roads,very good work.
    if someone is not seeing the greatness of your work,maybe the should make a map by themselves instead.
    5 stars and please dont make to many changes now its perfekt my freind.
    thanks for sharing this
    best regards ray

    1 replies

  10. itsnick426 13. 11 2016

    Thank you! I love this map manly for small scale farming because of the small yard but I don't mind that and creates a perfect challenge!

    1 replies

  11. spetersen 12. 11 2016

    First off. Fantastic map and by far the best edit of Goldcrest Valley you can find currently. Some friends and I are hosting a server running the 1.4 version of the map and we love everything about this version.
    We are not very keen on some of the changes made in 2.0 and would like a fixed version of 1.4.
    Is there any way a fixed version of 1.4 could be reuploaded where the known issues of animal freezing was corrected and the bunker walls had been added back in?

  12. beowulf99 09. 11 2016

    Very nice Map, hope of more updates :)

    PS: plz fix the grass in the new 2.0 Garage and Mechanic-Hall and around

  13. Reinders 09. 11 2016

    I've been playing the map a lot over the last couple of days the only thing that kind of bothers me is that there is gras growing in the roads that you made. is there a way to get rid of the grass?. without destroying the paths that were created.

    2 replies

  14. asyvan 09. 11 2016

    I have an issue. Grain is running through the walls in the storage shelters. Even if I place a Giants original small storage shelter. But on the original Goldcrest valley map, this is not the case. Then the walls keep the grain in place.

  15. T-Rev1170 07. 11 2016

    is there a way we could get the walls up for the silage storage on farm? just to make less work to keep it in the designated area :p

    1 replies

  16. shiningforce 06. 11 2016

    Thank you very much for the map. It´s getting better and better. Keep up the good work!

  17. matix2x 05. 11 2016

    best map so far :D thanks man

  18. sioooo 05. 11 2016

    moin ich hab den map in den mods Ortner drin aber nicht in der karten auswall

    GIANTS Engine Runtime 7.0.0 (13620) 64bit (Build Date: Oct 26 2016)
    Copyright (c) 2008-2016, GIANTS Software GmbH (, All Rights Reserved.
    Copyright (c) 2003-2016, Christian Ammann and Stefan Geiger, All Rights Reserved.
    Application: FarmingSimulator2017
    Main System
    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4210U CPU @ 1.70GHz
    Memory: 8084 MB
    OS: Windows NT 10.0 64-bit
    Physics System
    Version: 5.9.5
    Thread(s): 2
    Input System
    Keyboard enabled
    Mouse enabled
    Gamepad/Joystick enabled
    Force Feedback disabled
    Audio System
    Driver: OpenAL
    Version: 1.1
    Device: Generic Software
    Render System
    Driver: Direct 3D 11
    Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
    Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce 820M
    Revision: 161
    Feature level: DirectX 11 ON
    Info: Effective window resolution 1280 x 720
    Started 2 threads for threadpool 'Render threadpool'
    Hardware Profile
    Level: Medium (auto)
    View Distance Factor: 1.000000
    Shadow Quality: 1.000000 Size: 2048 Filter-Size: 4
    Shader Quality: 1
    Skip Mipmaps: 1
    LOD Distance Factor: 1.000000
    Terrain LOD Distance Factor: 1.000000
    Terrain Normal Mapping: Yes
    Foliage View Distance Factor: 1.000000
    Foliage Density: 0.500000
    Volume Mesh Tessellation Factor: 1.000000
    Tyre Tracks Segments Factor: 1.000000
    Max. Number of Shadow Lights: 1
    Max. Number of Lights: 512
    Max. Number of Lights Per Cluster: 32
    MSAA: 0
    Farming Simulator 17
    Version: 1.2.1RC3
    Available Languages: de
    Language: de
    Time: 2016-11-05 10:06:29
    Register configuration 'inputAttacherJoint'
    Register configuration 'attacherJoint'
    Register configuration 'frontloader'
    Register configuration 'motor'
    Register configuration 'baseColor'
    Register configuration 'wheel'
    Register configuration 'rimColor'
    Register configuration 'design'
    Register configuration 'designColor'
    Register configuration 'vehicleType'
    Game vehicle types loaded
    Error: Invalid mod name 'Silvercrest_Valley (2)'! Characters allowed: (_, A-Z, a-z, 0-9). The first character must not be a digit

    2 replies

  19. Bauer-007 04. 11 2016


    mir ist aufgefallen, dass die Tiere an den Futtertrögen einfrieren.

    It is noticeable to me that the animals freeze on the feeding troughs.

    1 replies

  20. nufcmichael 03. 11 2016

    Why is one of the barns suddenly placed in the middle of my offload site?
