Userprofile of aceofspades
Member since 12 / 2012
Member since 12 / 2012
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Ravenport AceOfSpades Edit/SaveGame
ago over 6 years
Ravenport AceOfSpades Edit/SaveGame
ago over 6 years
Ravenport AceOfSpades Edit/SaveGame
ago over 6 years
Ravenport AceOfSpades Edit/SaveGame
ago over 6 years
Ravenport Cleaned Up
ago over 6 years
Ravenport Cleaned Up
ago over 6 years
Ravenport Cleaned Up
ago over 6 years
Ravenport Cleaned Up
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Holstein Valley
ago almost 12 years
Holstein Valley
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Holstein Valley
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Holstein Valley
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Holstein Valley
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Holstein Valley
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Holstein Valley
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Holstein Valley
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Holstein Valley
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Holstein Valley
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Holstein Valley
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Holstein Valley
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Holstein Valley
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Holstein Valley
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Holstein Valley
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Holstein Valley
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Holstein Valley
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Holstein Valley
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Holstein Valley
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Holstein Valley
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Holstein Valley
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Holstein Valley
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Mod: Silvercrest Valley
Actually the field #16 is fixed too. Being out of practice I didn't have the altered version of the map in my mod folder when I tested it! lol...helpers will work ALL of field 16 now this is what you have to do....
On the field 16 dimensions in the editor. swap the positions of corners 1 and 2 they are opposite of were they need to be.
Also move corner 3 to the opposite corner (the only other available corner). and the helper will work the field. :)
Once again thanks for your work. Hope you don't mind, just trying to help out.
Mod: Silvercrest Valley
I have not made a map since fs13 but I took your 3.002 copy and went into it with editor. This pic
shows on field 16 how the helper will not operate on all of the field. The helper wants to avoid that one strip. I looked at the field definitions in the editor and noticed that the field defs were a bit skewed when comparing to others but after changing them the helper still does not want to cut that strip. So no luck there.
But on the ground texture flickering, I remember this problem as being bad dds files for foliage. Not having any map resources anymore on my computer I downloaded this
and replaced the foliage dds files with them. No more flickering of terrain through the fields. So if you replace your foliage files with any others that should solve the flickering textures for the ground. Thanks for your work on the map.
Mod: Price Watch
got this error when starting game
Warning (performance): Texture C:/Users/AceOfSpades/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/pricewatch_v2_1/priceicon.png raw format.
the _v2_1 is what I changed name to because of the decimal issue.
Mod: Price Watch
The zip name is different than previous, so some people may not catch that and end up with two versions of this mod in mod folder. You should probably keep the file name always the same and put version numbers inside on a txt file, imho. In addition the new name has a decimal in it , causing giants engine to not load it. So anyone downloading this needs to remove old version and rename this version in order for it to work.
Thanks for your mod though, I use it all the time.
Mod: Silvercrest Valley
The green sheds with sliding doors used on your map have been updated today, I think fixing de-syncing issues they had. Thought you might want to know.
Mod: Silvercrest Valley
Helpers don't seem to work fully on some of the fields right now.
The fertilizer, on version 3.0 of the map I have not had this issue. Just to check the obvious, are you trying to fertilize 3 times in a row? You have to do something in between fertilizing that changes the ground state or wait until a growth cycle happens. The only thing you can do fertilizing right after fertilizing is with a seeder that also fertilizing at the same time.
Mod: Silvercrest Valley
I have not updated to 3.1 waiting for further fixes than just that one before I make everyone download the map again.
But in 3.0 started game fresh and the only issues with the doors seem to be with de-sync type stuff. I (host) can do the doors fine, but sometimes some players cant move them and when moved they don't show as being moved.
Mod: Silvercrest Valley
I think I have some more info that might help. Below is a link to a pic of what I described in the field error in previous post. While doing this I noticed that the helper wont recognize the whole field. This brings some things back to memory. Did you alter field 16? make it longer? There is something wrong in what you did. If I remember correctly it has to do with terrain layer but you'll have to search for an answer. Other fields have this same graphic effect.
Mod: Silvercrest Valley
Great version. My only two issues is on a lot of fields depending on angle you can see thru the field "layer" and you see patches of grass texture instead. I used to know what caused this but have not made a map since fs13. Changing your view a bit can make it go away/reappear. This is a fresh save on version 3.0 . The other issue is with the cow shed. The straw feeding seems to be oddly bugged. (this is in multiplayer not confirmed for singleplayer) . You cant seem to give cows straw (using either blower or just trailer dumping) more than once in an active game. This was my experience: Went to blow straw for cows for first time and myself(host) nor other players could do it. it would start and then give message bin was full of straw. Saving game, restarting allowed one fill of the straw but when you try and fill it again you get same message. Restarting allows you to fill the cows once and once only. and only if your right there when you restart and do nothing but give cows straw first before you do anything else.
My only request would be to make the water towers also fill regular water trailers instead of top loading only trailers. But that's no biggie. great job once again on the map.
Mod: New driving physics
Can you be more specific as to what is changed or what can be expected from this mod? I see from another comment that the cab physics are changed, what else? Thank you for your time.
Mod: Cat dumper 725 pack
Do you mean how those other things are loaded on maps? If so just a regular trailer fill node like the wheat ect, in fact you can add all of those just to the one dumper that currently does wheat ect. I think trailer fill nodes are will take from shovels, yes? Thanks again for the reply and putting it on your to do list. I really really love this thing, so many little nice touches make it a joy to drive.
Mod: Cat dumper 725 pack
Great mod thanks for the work.
Can you add planes for barley/wheat and grass windrows(straw) , silage and mixed-feed(forage in editor) , please, thank you.
Mod: Butcher
I would never use your mod, why? Because you advertised your mod on someone else's thread for their mod. I would not use your mod now even if you paid me money!
Mod: Bull Barn
I re-downloaded it again and there is no straw plane when loaded into the editor. I am not gonna take the time to install it and miss up the order in the scenegraph just to find out it doesn't have straw. Are you sure this is the right version?
Mod: Bull Barn
I have downloaded from both links and niether one have feed and straw planes. Or is that fix not out yet?
Mod: CowWaterMod
Vielleicht könnte denjenigen helfen, die Arbeit an einer Karte/Savegame bekommen kann. Ich begann ein neues Spiel mit Standard-Karte, sorgte dafür, dass die Wassertrog und Anhänger käuflich waren. Dann ich die Karte ohne speichern verlassen und begann mein Savegame auf meine Karte und es ist jetzt käuflich.
Mod: CowWaterMod
Maybe this might help those who cant get it to work on a map/savegame. I started a new game with default map, made sure that the water trough and trailer were buyable. Then I exited the map without saving and started my savegame on my map and it is now buyable.
I have a suggestion that would require a bit of work but would put this map over the top as far as representing New Mexico. The most profitable and famous crop in New Mexico would without a doubt be the red chili plant but not just any red chili plant. The ones from new mexico are famous and are called the Hatch chili, named after Hatch, New Mexico (small town north of Las Cruces along the Rio Grande). They are pretty large chilis that are picked when green and then ripened to red as a whole plant curing upside down. You can look-up Hatch chili for pics of the growth cycle. The only problem is they are hand harvested at least far as I know. But to harvest the whole plant is cut at the base and the chilis are not removed from the plant until the processing area where some are left on the plant and allowed to dry and ripen to red and some are removed from the plant for selling as green chilis. So you could alter some harvester to perfrom similiar function ( although there may be a real chili harvester I don't know) Another alternative would just be to include a static chili farm somewhere that the player does not own/harvest with chilis growing on it maybe in thier ready to harvest state.
Anyhow just an idea that popped into my head that I thought I would give you guys. Thanks again.
Nicely done. I was born and raised in Arizona and have traveled just about everywhere in New Mexico. Very well done considering American models and stuff are hard to find. Good job on the textures and the century plants(agave). If you don't mind I would like to make a few suggestions...
1) Remove the alpine trees and replace with oak and birch. Fir trees only grow in the southwest above 6000 feet and the only farming in New Mexico is done along the Rio Grande which is well below fir tree level. The most comon tree along the Rio Grande is the pinion,oak and cottonwood(relative of the birch and has white bark as well).
2) Add lots of cars waiting at the USA/Mexico Border crossing. All of the border crossings take an hour to get thru because traffic is that bad.
Just minor suggestions to add to the "feel" and realism. Also when you come out with the next version you should add a link to your download on fs-uk's website since thats where most Americans look for farm mods and I am sure many would love to play this map.
Good job once again.
Mod: ZEN Lazarence TJ 800 and Frontloader
on second thought, mounted on the tool would be best, that way it could maybe move with the tool up and down.
Mod: ZEN Lazarence TJ 800 and Frontloader
Not sure which way would be better, guess whichever allows the best view of the tip of pallet/bale forks.
Mod: ZEN Lazarence TJ 800 and Frontloader
Ok thanks for the reply, once again none of those things are major deals imho. I guess I would suggest to maybe make a mirrorless version for MP games so there is no chance that someone can turn mirrors on and cause lag for others.
There was one thing I forgot to add, if you want to get really trick with an already great about another camera that looks at the front of the tractor a few feet out. So you can use pallet forks ect without using external view and be able to adjust pallet fork ect to pick up items. That would be sooo handy.
Mod: ZEN Lazarence TJ 800 and Frontloader
Best tractor I have used since FS11. Truelly A fantastic job!
I would like to make 3 suggestions, all of them I consider trivial and don't really take anything from this mod.
1) The dirt effects make all the tractor colors into an army green kind of color which looks a little strange.
2.There does seem to be an ignition problem, I like to do all driving from inside view, I have the ignition mod and in order to get the tractor started AND have the dashboard lights on and working I have to repeatedly press Y and the period/DEL button on the numeric pad in order to get the right combination of interior lights and running engine, but it works just have to play with it.
3) I have a prettty high end system and I have noticed lag but not when you drive it.n Only when you look towards from the outside do you get lag, driving = no lag. So I am not sure if it is the mirrors ( I am just getting rdy to download it now). I will report back with what I find. Once again great job, best mod for FS13 so far easily.
Mod: Amber Final
Pay attention, its 2 different versions of the same map. The MyFarm version is for people who want to build thier farm with placeable objects.
Achten Sie darauf, die 2 verschiedene Versionen der gleichen Karte. Die myFarm Version ist für Leute, die thier Bauernhof mit platzierbaren Objekten aufbauen wollen.