Userprofile of Tableforone
Member since 3 / 2016

1 luczimm(bis: 16.01 2020)
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About Tableforone

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  1. Tableforone 26. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    You can not refill from the one at the farm/hof, but just the one at greenhouse and at the sell point above sawmill.
    It is for storing the product. You can unload with a normal trailer or with Kotte Universal for liquid fertilizer.

    1 replies

  2. Tableforone 26. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    No problem, and thanks for the info.

    I did go over the field, and was trying to find out what was the reason for it. And i found out it had to do with the trees on the side. The worker just stops alongside the trees, the helpers are very sensitive to objects. So for it to go smooth you have to chop some trees.

  3. Tableforone 25. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    There is a lever on one of the balcony for the train ;)

  4. Tableforone 25. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    I am relay sorry i can not find a anything wrong with the textures. On my PC there is no errors/ graphical glitches. So i have noting to work with besides some photos. If i find out something, i will let you know.

    1 replies

  5. Tableforone 25. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    The storage is just so you don't have to have heaps and/or lot of pallets of seed/fertilizer at the farm. You can just unload with a trailer, and the proceed as normal. If you want to store liquid fertilizer, you need a special trailer for it. i think there are some mods out there you can use, i am personally using Kotte Universal trailers for this.

  6. Tableforone 25. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    There was a problem with the 2 silos in the main farm/hof. I have fixed them, and there will be a update out later to day.

    1 replies

  7. Tableforone 25. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    I am working on a update to fix some of the issues. It will be out later to day.

  8. Tableforone 24. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    Yes i can see there are some errors in your log, but your log is not mine. I don't upload if i get errors in my log.

    And the photos you just uploaded i can see the last part of the log, but not all of it. If you will be so kind and upload a screenshot of all the log not just the end. Then maybe i can help you out.
    Ty in advance.

  9. Tableforone 24. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    Thank you for the info. The mod "repairVehicle" has been a problem before.

    HannesC did you play the game with mods when you got the graphical errors? If yes, then i suggest you try out the map with mods installed, and just the map(make a new mod folder and rename the other one just for testing), and see if the problem sill is there. Or at least post your log.

  10. Tableforone 24. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    To transfer savegame:
    1. start new game save and exit.
    2. Open the folder of the NEW savegame and copy/replace the vehicles files from OLD savegame.
    3. Open the careerSavegame of the NEW savegame and edit <money> to what you had in the old game. Save and close.
    4. Start the game( there will be errors but don't worry). Move equipment so it is not inside buildings. Save and close game.
    5. Start the game again, and all should work(no error in log)

    Hope this works for you. If there are any problems let me know and i will try to help out.

    I just tried it out and it worked. I did transfer a save game from Goldcrest Valley to Silvercrest.

  11. Tableforone 24. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    Yes if someone can find a out what is going on with the textures it would be nice. I am personally not getting any problems, so it is a bit frustrating to try find a solution.

    1 replies

  12. Tableforone 24. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    For some products like Water/ silage/ PigFood and seeds etc it will not show in the overview. If i find a way to implement it, i will. But for now you need to have a trailer underneath to get the amount.

  13. Tableforone 24. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    You must open the door on the top of the trailer.
    And yes it is a bit tricky. But its the only way i found to make a water tower. Just have patient and try again.

    1 replies

  14. Tableforone 24. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    To transfer savegame:
    1. start new game save and exit.
    2. Open the folder of the NEW savegame and copy/replace the vehicles files from OLD savegame.
    3. Open the careerSavegame of the NEW savegame and edit <money> to what you had in the old game. Save and close.
    4. Start the game( there will be errors but don't worry). Move equipment so it is not inside buildings. Save and close game.
    5. Start the game again, and all should work(no error in log)

    Hope this works for you. If there are any problems let me know and i will try to help out.

    I just tried it out and it worked. I did transfer a save game from Goldcrest Valley to Silvercrest.

  15. Tableforone 24. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    Yes you are right. All gates must be opened by hand, and the water towers by Farm and Greenhouse you fill with water. And you can offload it with a mod like Kotte Universal trailers or trailer who have fill triggers on the top. If you want to buy water, you can do so by the fire-hydrant at the road at the main farm, or for free by the water/river.

    1 replies

  16. Tableforone 24. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    First off you need a new save game. And i just tested it and there was no problem. What grain silo are you talking about, there is 3 on the map one on the farm, one up on the hill of the farm by the train. and one overloading station at the middle of the map by the train yard.

    1 replies

  17. Tableforone 23. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    You need a new save game for this version. If not, you get the foliage layer from the last version. And in the last version there was a field there, so now there is potato all over the place.
    I think there is a way to transfer a save game, but i don't know how to do it.

    1 replies

  18. Tableforone 23. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    Yes you need a new save game.

    1 replies

  19. Tableforone 23. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    Thank you.
    It should give you a bonus for grain, wood beet/potato, but not the one for the wool pallet.

  20. Tableforone 23. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    Did the update not fix the problem with the sheep shed/Schafstall?

    1 replies

  21. Tableforone 23. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    Good to hear! I did not getting the problem with the textures, so i was eager to hear if it worked.

  22. Tableforone 23. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley edited by Sabion
    If you want to edit my edited map you can do so, but DO NOT UPLOAD and take credit, it is rude.

    By all means, if you are a rude person and don't care i can not do much more then type to here in chat and tell you it is rude.

  23. Tableforone 23. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    Thank you! I am very happy you like my map.
    I wanted to change the trains, but did not find out how to do it. And with all the small problem from giants side, it has made it very frustrating at times to find out how things work. I used 3 days to get the silos to work, so a lot of this is just trail and error.
    The problem with the manure heap is, it is a heap and it dos not work like the dirt area in front of the feeding trough. So the animals get submerged in sh*t.... But maybe some clever farmer will find a workaround, but for the time being i will have to wait and see.

    But right now i just want to play some FS17, so we will see if i am going to change the animal-buildings in a later update.

  24. Tableforone 23. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    Thank you.
    I think i found the problem. A new version will be up soon.

  25. Tableforone 23. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    Thank you for the nice words and 5 stars.
    I think i am going to leave the map like it is for now. Maybe i will add new mods if they get released. But for now it is going to stay this way.

  26. Tableforone 23. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    But i did not change any of the things... I added the possibility to store leftover silage in a silo. I added a new "forest" Area on the other side of the road up the hill, with a medium storage building and some roofs for different crops, And you can load trees and crops to the train there. But i did not remove the old part you are talking about. So i am a bit confused about what yo u say.
    BTW my wife liked the changes very much.

  27. Tableforone 23. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    The Farhsilo is back in V3.0

  28. Tableforone 23. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    Thank you, i am glad you like the map.
    I fixed the tippTrigger for water in V3.0

  29. Tableforone 23. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    Thank you.

    1. If you can show me a photo of the problem, i will take a look at it.
    2. I tested this with the biggest equipment, and i found no problem turning around.

    Is your log clean?

  30. Tableforone 23. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    Thank you.

    I am not getting the same error when trying the map... i Uploaded a pic so you can see.

  31. Tableforone 11. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    I am working on a new updated version.

  32. Tableforone 07. 11 2016

    Mod: Us Valley New Court

    Ich kann sehen, Sie nahmen meine bearbeitete Karte (Silvercrest Valley) und machte eigene Version von es ..... Entschuldigungen entfernen Sie alle Sachen, die ich gemacht und machen Sie es selbst! Das ist einfach unhöflich und gegen die Regel Nr. 1 in modding. ! STEHLEN / KOPIEREN SIE SONSTIGES MATERIAL UND NEHMEN SIE KREDIT! Es ist nicht so schwer, nur senden Sie eine PM und fragen, oder zumindest einen Namen in der F **** Kredit.

    Ty für das Verständnis, und ich hoffe, Sie haben es für die nächste Version entfernt.

    1 replies

  33. Tableforone 07. 11 2016

    Mod: Us Valley New Court
    I can see you took my edited map(Silvercrest Valley) and made own version of it..... Pleas remove all the stuff i made and make it you're self!! This is just rude and against the rule Nr. 1 in modding. !DON'T STEAL/COPY OTHERS STUFF AND TAKE CREDIT! It is not so hard to just send a PM and ask, or at least put a name in the F**** credit.

    Ty for understanding, and i hope you have removed it for the next version.

  34. Tableforone 07. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    I just tested the animal animation, and its not freezing.

    Ich habe gerade die tieranimation getestet, und die schafe frieren nicht.

  35. Tableforone 07. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    Hi, The problem with the walls is that the silage/grass goes through the 3d object. I have to wait for Giants to come up with a update to fix the problem.
    If yo u still want the walls, just unzip the map and then open it in GE. Got to the scenegraph - goldcrestValley - animals - cowsHusbandry - cowSilo - visual - bunkerSilo. In the bunkerSilo Attributes window in the Transform tab, change "Translate Y to 0", And then in the Shape tab uncheck "Non Renderable". Save and then Zip the file back again.

  36. Tableforone 05. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    I have not had this problem when testing. But i found this on steam:

    It looks like you are not alone with this problem.

    1 replies

  37. Tableforone 05. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    I was talking to him as well, i did not understand what was wrong with the map. The gates you have to open manual and not from inside the tractor.

  38. Tableforone 05. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    Thank you, it makes me happy you think so.

  39. Tableforone 05. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    I did test out all the features before i uploaded the update, and when i tested the water it worked.
    You have to drive very close to the tip point.

    PS. the water for the cows are inside the fence.

  40. Tableforone 05. 11 2016

    Mod: Silvercrest Valley
    Hello, I don't understand what you are talking about. Is there something wrong in the V2.0? if so can you please make it a bit more clear, and not inside a wall of text whit personal feelings.
    Ty in advance.

    1 replies

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