Userprofile of Zenchina
Member since 10 / 2011

Punkte: 3.078
Modder Level 12
Rank: #563
First name: no entry Age & Gender: 56 m City: Belgrade, Serbia Hobbies: modeling Homepage no entry

About Zenchina

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  1. Zenchina 28. 01 2013

    Mod: ZEN Lazarence TJ 800 and Frontloader
    Not version 1. Version 1.1 will have neon lights... blue, red green yellow (you will have to choose)

  2. Zenchina 22. 01 2013

    Mod: ZEN Lazarence TJ 800 and Frontloader
    Than by all means, feel free to re-skin mod as you like, and publish it. Just please leave original name (ZEN Lazarence TJ 800) and add whatever you like.
    If you like you can change wheels dimension just pay attention on game physics (rotation speed, height, springs, dumpers and especially mass).

    1 replies

  3. Zenchina 22. 01 2013

    Mod: ZEN Lazarence TJ 800 and Frontloader
    I appreciate all constructive critics. They lead to improvements. Critics without constructivism are like tears in the rain... nothing and nothing good comes whit them.

    1. Front wheels are that size because if they are smaller mod that won't be mod as I imagine. Maybe some another edition of mod will have them smaller, don't know yet about that.

    2. Exhaust pipe :) it is just cosmetic it can be easy replaced but some different. i simply like it because it looks different than others and same as on many trucks.

    3. Front fenders are cut off... because they collide with front-loader when FL is attached.. and it will be returned normal in next version... yes they are ugly ATM.

    4. Colors... tell e which one missing... it's very easy to add another one.

    1 replies

  4. Zenchina 21. 01 2013

    Mod: ZEN Lazarence TJ 800 and Frontloader
    I already think about front camera (not for that reason with fork) simply for enjoying ride like you are on bike, but your suggestion is much better :)
    Now is only question is should we put that camera as normal camera view or more like tool 9like back camera which is already there). Maybe as tool is much better solution if i attach it on front-loader?

    1 replies

  5. Zenchina 21. 01 2013

    Mod: ZEN Lazarence TJ 800 and Frontloader
    I couldnt test colors of dirt throughly, since my system is more for graphic design, and colors of monitor are slightly different from most of PC's. I will work more on that on my wife PC so we can make more acceptable (realistic dirt colors.
    About ignition... there is problem with keyboard settings with different mods. "Global ignition script" has default key for ignition (num period), some other mods with manual ignition have different default key, and mine is Y (which is Z on German keyboard. You can easy change that in options, with remapping it as that best suite your preferences.
    Yes mirrors are 99% cause for lag. When i buy 5-6 tractors I have enormous lag until i enter one and start driving in any way except where the rest of tractors stand.
    That's why i made version 1.1 where you can add/strip all mirrors, and there is no any lag after that.
    Version 1.1 is on link "hostet at uploaded"
    Since i still wait someone to help with translation on other languages (German, French, Spanish, Italian, Polish or any other supported by game) i will take time to rework other mods (Baltazar and Prodigy) to better suite new Lazarence, and hope that in next week we can have full pack ready to roll on fields :)

    2 replies

  6. Zenchina 20. 01 2013

    Mod: ZEN Lazarence TJ 800 and Frontloader
    If health serve me... the harvester is next... cutter is already finished :)

  7. Zenchina 20. 01 2013

    Mod: ZEN Lazarence TJ 800 and Frontloader
    Because mirrors make too much lag on slower PC's I added option that you can strip or attach mirrors.
    New model you can download with click on link "hostet at uploaded". i don't know will the modhoster link take automatically new link so version 1 is for now on link - mod hoster and version 1.1 on link - uploaded.

    You can add/strip mirrors with keys "." (period) and "," (comma)

  8. Zenchina 20. 01 2013

    Mod: ZEN Lazarence TJ 800 and Frontloader
    Ignition key (start key) is Y. If you use German QWERTZ keyboar, you probably have Z key instead Y for start

  9. Zenchina 20. 01 2013

    Mod: ZEN Lazarence TJ 800 and Frontloader
    And I will do... simply i tested it, and it work OK on my PC.

    That's why comments exist... for good suggestions and reporting bugs etc..
    That's why i read and respond on comments (comments with some suggestion or any useful point).

  10. Zenchina 20. 01 2013

    Mod: ZEN Lazarence TJ 800 and Frontloader
    I'm really glad that you find better model which is more suited to you. That's is sign that people who make mods, actually sussed in their efforts.
    I made my models for me, and i share them for other people who find them attractive or useful. I don't receive any money or other benefits from making models, so if you think that comment like ... "I found better one" will hurt me... sorry no it won't. I only have need to explain to you and some other who think that this is some kind of competition in making "better" mod, that actually it isn't.
    I don't care about "stars", "premium" or anything else except that i see someone who click "thank you". So for those players who do that I made my mods, because if they are thankful... than I'm sure i didn't waste time on making model and sharing it to community.

    Anyway thank you for your effort to download it, and write comment (good or bad) it's still something more than nothing.

    1 replies

  11. Zenchina 20. 01 2013

    Mod: ZEN Lazarence TJ 800 and Frontloader
    As I wrote... mirrors cause lag on middle and low PC's. That's problem with game code based to use CPU instead GPU like FS.
    In couple days i will publish vesion 1.1 with option to remove mirrors with simple key command (no need for another lua script)

    1 replies

  12. Zenchina 20. 01 2013

    Mod: ZEN Lazarence TJ 800 and Frontloader
    I appreciate your opinion. Don't actually understand about inspiration... what you meant about inspiration?

  13. Zenchina 20. 01 2013

    Mod: ZEN Lazarence TJ 800 and Frontloader
    I'm using QWERTY keyboard so key-mapping is OK to me, but it is possible (we had that problem in testing with QWERTZ keyboard which is German default keyboard) that some other mod or other keyboard type mess default configuration from modDesc file. You can re-configure keyboard in options menu.
    Yes front fenders are cut off but not because NOS. They are cut off because front-loader when you attach it. Looks little ugly when fenders collide with front-loader... but that is only cosmetic and can be easy returned in next version.
    And yes I put 5 working mirrors and that cause lag on some computers, so in next version you will have possibility to strip off mirrors with simple press of a key.
    I hope that next version can be published in couple days (depend of how many people contact me for translation on other languages)

  14. Zenchina 13. 01 2013

    Mod: Zmaj RPM 142
    Samo napred brate... keep going.

  15. Zenchina 08. 01 2013

    Mod: ZEN Crom
    Sower don't need cultivated field... but no matter i will remod all my mods after I finish new model of "Lazarence TJ 800" (tractor based on Lazarence TJ 788)
    Tractor should be finished next week and also tested, after that all other mods will be revisited.
    Cultivator is preety old model... one which i made for FS 2011 and it have too many polygons (not for weak computers, new one will be much more ready for FS 2013.
    Also Prodigy and Baltazar need some additions and improvements so I hope if i have enough time all will be finished in 2-3 weeks.
    Your English is way better than mine German :)

  16. Zenchina 05. 01 2013

    Mod: ZEN Prodigy
    Yeah I put 3000L tank because is about that size cosidering size of amazone condor... but that will be corrected in new version.
    First i need to finish Lazarence TJ 800 than i will revised all other mods and publish them as pack.

  17. Zenchina 05. 01 2013

    Mod: ZEN Crom
    Coultivator have option like plough to create new field, maybe that is what he try to say.
    If coultivator sow field... that is something different and probably that mod have collision with some other mod.

  18. Zenchina 28. 12 2012

    Mod: ZEN Prodigy
    Only price is unrealistic... all technique, except maybe laser of that power already exist.

  19. Zenchina 28. 12 2012

    Mod: Planierrahmengewicht
    There isone of two reasons why texture flicker... One is that texture file isn't squared number... 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 etc
    so file of texture should be for example 128x128 pixels or 1024x256 (I hope you understand what i wrote).
    Second possibility for 'flick" is that you have 2 textures on same place so they collide themselves.
    There is also couple more possibilities but those rest are unlikely to be in your mod because is small and plain mod with just couple materials.

    Anyway good job and keep modding you will be better with more trying and practice. No one is born with knowledge :)

  20. Zenchina 28. 12 2012

    Mod: ZEN Crom
    Sorry I don't understand question ... this is what i have from google translate:
    When I edit the grubber with this field and this will then sääen then säät säämaschine the only parts of the field. Some remains gegrubbert. I can not einsään these spaces!
    I ask for help!

  21. Zenchina 27. 12 2012

    Mod: ZEN Prodigy
    This is probably because is 3 models in one mod.
    In couple days i will finish pack with all my mods separated. All models will be with some new things so practically that will be versions 2.
    If you know how, you can separate each model just with modifying modDesc.xml and choosing one type of color per model in separate folder. If you don't know how to do that contact me here on site and i will make that for you and send you model via e-mail for test.

  22. Zenchina 27. 12 2012

    Mod: ZEN Prodigy
    No. It's packed sowing machine. Watch video and pictures

  23. Zenchina 23. 12 2012

    Mod: ZEN Prodigy
    I would gladly help... just didn't understand this question:
    was kann ich machen um den spurreißer
    völlig abzuschalten???

  24. Zenchina 23. 12 2012

    Mod: ZEN Crom
    Yes I'm also aware of that. I will try to make less complex models later.

  25. Zenchina 23. 12 2012

    Mod: ZEN Crom
    all mods will be MP ready before Christmas, when i publish pack with some fixes and additions.

    Actually you can use this in MP also if you little modify modDesc file and delete 2 store items and keep only one you like (if you know how to do that)

  26. Zenchina 23. 12 2012

    Mod: DIY Planierrahmen
    Thanks for your effort. Will this be used somewhere or not, only important is that you actually do something. Don't pay attention on "stars" because it's obvious that people who never do and make anything will give you 1 star just because they envy you. Only important is how many people download and say "thank you". Keep going with modding and hope we all see more from you.
    Merry Christmas

  27. Zenchina 22. 12 2012

    Mod: ZEN Crom
    I changed music maybe because that

  28. Zenchina 22. 12 2012

    Mod: ZEN Crom
    Well... someone don't like my mods, so he decide to report my video :)
    Never mind I will put new video soon

  29. Zenchina 21. 12 2012

    Mod: ZEN Prodigy
    If i understand you correctly... you ask is this thing is real?
    No it isn't but it is possible to make it, just cost will be to high

  30. Zenchina 13. 12 2012

    Mod: ZEN Prodigy
    I'm not sure 100% but it should work in MP. No reason for not working. It don't have any script, only if i messed packing in ZIP file... But you can unpack it, pack again with your ZIP and try.

  31. Zenchina 04. 12 2012

    Mod: ZEN Prodigy

    Just replace old modDesc.xml in zip file from downloaded zip file and you will have both German and English descriptions in game.

    1 replies

    1. Pixelschreck 04. 12 2012

      Mod: ZEN Prodigy
      Wer die Beschreibung im Shop gerne in deutsch hätte kann sich hier:
      die modDesc.xml herunterladen und mit der in der austauschen.

      1 replies

  32. Zenchina 04. 12 2012

    Mod: ZEN Prodigy
    YES we all know that mod have nothing with real farming... Nothing real can be on computer game... that's why they are games.
    But there is one thing i noticed... this mod have much, much, much more with real farming than any of your mods... isn't it?

    So I will continue to build mods, unreal or real and I hope you will start making mods also and beat me with every one... to h*ll I will giv you 5 stars and thanks on every mod you make just to support your effort in contributing to community and this excellent game. Even if you make one placeable crate or anything, is better than "talking" about unreal mods without making even one!

    Best of luck and if I can help you anyway in building your own mods, just contact me i will try my best.

    1 replies

  33. Zenchina 04. 12 2012

    Mod: ZEN Prodigy
    That is not a problem, that is part of feature. It looks stupid when sawyer start seeding unfolded.
    But you can change that in XML file (Prodigy.xml, ProdigyGY.xml, ProdigyRW.xml or only color you like). Just find line 41 and content foldMaxLimit="0.2" change to something you like more.

  34. Zenchina 04. 12 2012

    Mod: ZEN Prodigy

    My German (as I said many times before) is not so well. So if I understand well... you said something like..."Rarely seen scrap or junk".
    If that is case... can you please be more specific what is wrong with mod?
    It don't work for you?
    Badly animated and leave garbage on map (invisible obstacles)?
    Or you have errors in log file?

    Any info will help me to improve mod.
    Thanks in advance.

    1 replies

  35. Zenchina 04. 12 2012

    Mod: ZEN Lazarence TJ PIX 788 Edition
    This mod have couple flaws, do not download it if you have patience, soon I will publish ver. 3.0 with fixed things.

    Of course, it will work even now, but still have flaws with mass and power.

    If any of you have time and will to help with test, contact me so I can send you beta 3.0 version for test.

    1 replies

  36. Zenchina 04. 12 2012

    Mod: ZEN Baltazar
    Not if you are in England, Austrlia, Japan... But you are right! it will be corrected and put on both sides :)

  37. Zenchina 04. 12 2012

    Mod: ZEN Prodigy
    Thanks all.
    Mod is Version 1 for now, and will stay version 1 until GIANTS release new game version, so I can implement couple more useful things like signal lights etc... Ridge markers won't work as they should if I put signal lights or any LUA script, so I decided that ridge markers are more important for sowing machine than other specializations.

    I'm so sorry because there is no good German description on mod, i mixed up files in hurry, so soon I will publish version 1.1 with German descriptions.
    About cultivator... this machine also cultivate as same time when sowing, but no problem... i will make cultivator as some of you asked. Cultivators and plugs are easy to made, and there is a wide offer on site, but no problem :)
    Again thak you all for support, and sorry for my mess with description file and no German description :(

    3 replies

    1. Pixelschreck 04. 12 2012

      Mod: ZEN Prodigy

      Ich bedanke bei Allen.Dies ist Mod Version 1.0 und wird so bleiben bis zur neuen Spielversion (Patch 1.4). Dann kann ich ein paar mehr nützliche Dinge wie Signalleuchten usw.... implementieren. Die Fahrspuren arbeiteten nicht wie sie sollten, bei dem Durcheinander an Dateien beschloss ich die Spezialisierungen und LUA - Dateien auf das notwendige zu beschrenken. Ich werde bald eine Version 1.1 mit deutschen Beschreibungen veröffentlichen. Bezüglich Grubber... diese Maschine säht und cultiviert zur gleichen Zeit (Direcktsaat in die Stoppeln), aber kein Problem... ich werde einen Grubber machen, wie einige von euch nachgefragt haben. Grubber und Pflüge sind einfach gemacht, und es gibt ein breites Angebot auf der Website, aber kein Problem :) Ich danke Allen für die Unterstützung, und Endschuldigung für mein Durcheinander mit Beschreibungsdatei und fehlende deutsche Beschreibung :-(.

      An der fehlenden deutschen Beschreibung bin ich, Pixelschreck, schuld. Ich hatte noch keine Zeit das zu übersetzen.

    2. Kubo 27. 12 2012

      Mod: ZEN Prodigy
      Game is Freezing in MP when the second Player join the Server. Can you fix that problem??

      P.S: Standartmap without mods. just Prodigy

      2 replies

  38. Zenchina 28. 11 2012

    Mod: mtz
    Can't be that bad... Just look at my mod than decide is it good or bad ;) ...

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