Silvercrest Valley

V Copped Straw mod mod for Farming Simulator 17

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This is a edited version of Goldcrest Valley and my first mod.

The changes are:

> Medium Farm with silos for grain, animal food, chaff, silage, grass, seed/fertilizers and water(for liquid ferilizer and water, you need a modded trailer with trigger on topp. Something like trailers from Farmer_Andy will work. You can NOT refill directly to the equipment).

A barn where you can store straw and hay. Cow, sheep, pig and chicken is moved to the main farm. A workshop where you can customise youre equipment. it is possible to change wide tires large equipment on the side of the workshoop.

> Moved the overloading station for train to the main farm so you can access it easy. Added small ramps for loading tree logs on to the train. And built a storage for woodchips, potato and beets

> Rebuilt all the sell points and added 3 new train stations one for tree logs and two for grain, potato and beets.

> A new greenhous area where you can place greenhouses, with silo for manure and a watertank for storing water. You can aslo buy seeds and fertilizers for equipment equipment only.

> Added more areas for forresrty and edited parts of the landskape.

> 2 Sellpoints for straw and grass.

> Small new roads all over the map and a larger one to the greenhouse area.

> Built new fields.

> And can quick loade equipment back to the farm.



If you  are upgraidng to V 3.0 the log will give you errors(usually they will get resolved if you save and reload the game, if this is not the case then i dont know what to do).

If there is grass all over the place you can use the roller Lizzard R 5000 to remove it.

If you want to transfer youre savegame you can try this.(it is possible you are able to "tab" to one of the cranes after you do it, but i found no side effect from this.

You need a new savegame for V3.0

To transfer savegame:
1. start NEW game save and exit.
2. Open the folder of the NEW savegame and copy/replace the vehicles files from OLD savegame.
3. Open the careerSavegame of the NEW savegame and edit <money> to what you had in the old game. Save and close.
4. Start the game( there will be errors but don't worry). Move equipment so it is not inside buildings. Save and close game.
5. Start the game again, and all should work(no error in log)

Hope this works for you. If there are any problems let me know and i will try to help out.



  • Fixed Silo problem(i move the straw barn to the other side of the road, since it was interfering with the main silo.)
  • Added a large pole barn with lights, where the straw barn was. 
  • Fixed bonus train.
  • Fixed animal issue
  • Removed some light poles

V 3.0

  • Copped straw mod implemented. (can be downloaded from the mod hub)
  • Built new extension to farm and added 4 new storage silos.
    1 Seeds and Fertilizers  50k(you can not refill directly to seeder/fertilizer from silo).
    2 Straw and hay barn 300k.
    3 Forage, PigFood, Grass, Silage, Chaff. 325k.
    4 Water 85k and 125k at greenhouse area(you need a water trailer that can fill from above, something like Kotte Universal trailers from Farmer_Andy will work).
  • Greenhouse area for placeable greenhouses and with water silo. 
  • Buy points for fertilizers and seeds.
  • New train stations/sell points.
  • New fields.
  • New roads and a lot of small things around the map.
  • More tees!
  • Fixed the errors from v2.0 and added new collisions for ground and buildings.

V 2.0

  • Rebuilt the sell points for grain, manure, slurry and animals.
  • Extended the farm with more storage and a workshop.
  • Added animated gates/lights.
  • Built new roads + small things around the map.
  • Fixed the animal freeze problem +++.
  • Added some new starting equipment.


V 1.4

  • Moved wool pallet spawn point.
  • Fixed Cran.
  • Removed silo walls(Will bring them back when giant makes an update)
  • Moved viechle spawn point so you can place silo extentions

V 1.2

  • Fixed feeding triggers for cow and pigs.


V 1.1

  • I had to move the silo, it made a bug with the hayloft-sell trigger so you did not get money for the straw and grass.
  • Fixed Animal dirt zone.(not able to remove grass in front of cows)



The log is clean







Model: Giant, fqc art, Katsuo, Wildfuchs
Texture: Giant, fqc art, Katsuo, webalizer, Wildfuchs
Script: Giant
Idea / Concept:luczimm
Other: Katsuo, Niggels, farmerrads, Nick98.1, webalizer, Wildfuchs

  • 26 Nov 08:18
    Version Copped Straw mod

    - Fixed Silo problem(i move the straw barn to the other side of the road, since it was interfering with the main silo triggers.)
    - Added a large pole barn with lights, where the straw barn was.
    - Fixed bonus train.
    - Fixed animal issue
    - Removed some lights poles


checksum: a0f175bf7f8d3e6a8018db8589dacfef
Version: Copped Straw mod
multiplayer ready? yes
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Silvercrest Valley
description in shop: Dies ist die Silvercrest Valley

30.10 2016
Modhoster user rating
4.2 / 119 Votes


nach 124 Stimmen

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V Copped Straw mod
Farming Simulator 17
755 MB 4697
26. 11 2016 4,697

43 Comments for Silvercrest Valley

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  1. buzz08 02. 11 2016


    the watering pigs does not work, can not get water; feed the cows do not appear; manure pigs operates no not filling
    as continued good work

    1 replies

  2. unregistered user 31. 10 2016

    Hiya moder

    A Sugestions missing.

    1 Train station near field 11 Replace it to Field 15. station tere by farm.
    2 train stof behind the bridge, romove that spot to old station spot field 11.
    3 Missing stable Claf, pigs not on the farm ad it please
    4 Sillo Led boards whit liters(KG) is inside the sillo or emty is.
    5 Water pipe line under ground to farm, from out the river. for refull watter back cows pigs sheeps calf pigs babys nover will emty, it save alot time for beter work in field.
    6 woll pallet is out of date one palet and you must remove it.
    _ beter full automatic robot crane bring it under a roof. It save allot time. and money
    _ Sell it from the woll sillo.
    _ or bring it self to fabrik w options.

    7 water pump green strom in the river for a powerplant income per 80 KGmegawatt per hour, 4000€ or more, Green power for sell from the farmer.
    8- Gastation on farm for refill tractor ect.
    9 - Fence suround farm whit clossed bariers automatic open and close.
    10- Respawn winkel to field 12 make tere that field a parking .
    - for respawn al buy stip in the shop.
    - reset tractor ect to field 10 parking.

    Hope in new update to see it.

    So far is this map for a real farm beter then orginal , every were on the map :(
    Ur concept is so far beter then Gigiants maps. congrat whit ur map.

  3. rayman0487 30. 10 2016

    Very nice map, however the pig feed tipper trigger needs to be corrected - the main part of the trigger is in the pen instead of in the marks.
