This small addon modifies how fill types and fruit types are loaded in the game. By default, the game first loads XML files from the installation folder, followed by map-specific information. This addon allows map creators to make their map configurations the primary configuration, bypassing the game's default files entirely. This provides greater flexibility and control when setting up map types and resolves issues that may arise from appending to existing entries.
Activating the addon is simple: copy the desired XML file(s) into your map folder and use the thDefaultTypes
key in your map.xml file. Examples are included in the SDK folder of this mod.
Important: When overriding the base game XML file(s) within a map, ensure you copy and edit the full XML file(s). Any missing elements will not load, as the vanilla configuration is bypassed. Additionally, this mod addresses the issue of double registration of fruit/fill types when modifying vanilla values. Warnings will appear for double registrations, and the mod will attempt to self-correct.
21 Dec 13:39Version
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