Top mods ordered by downloads - today
Case IH QuadTrac 920
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about 10 years
ITRunner Forstedition Container Pack
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over 8 years
Westbridge Hills
Default Map edit
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over 8 years
MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle
Big Maps
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about 10 years
La Normandie
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over 8 years
CaseIH Magnum 380
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about 10 years
Claas Liner 2700
v 1.03 Downloads today7,051 Downloads total7 commentsUser rating5 said thankspublished Sun, 03 Apr 2016 14:38:14 GMT in - TeddersThis is my first mod I do in public, this is a Claas Liner 2700th This 2 star Rake features: -8m Working width -Reifenstaub animations tires tracks (Same as the standard Kuhn Rake) MfG...
v 33 Downloads today2,625 Downloads total8 commentsUser rating3 said thankspublished Thu, 14 Apr 2016 13:12:16 GMT in - Maps– 3 Farm– Village – Beautiful landscape– Cows,chicken– Culture: standard – 1 Forest
HW80 SHA Conow
v 2.03 Downloads today5,638 Downloads total18 commentsUser rating24 said thankspublished Sat, 21 Nov 2015 21:25:40 GMT in - fifth wheelMoin love LS community Here with you do not want to withhold the HW80 SHA Conow v.5.1 of us Washable: YES >> >> Fruits: potato sugarbeet chaff silage woodchips grass_windrow dryGrass_windrow...
New Holland T4.75
v 2.03 Downloads today5,622 Downloads total2 commentsUser rating6 said thankspublished Mon, 15 Feb 2016 00:08:43 GMT in - New HollandSpecs: Animated Doors and Windows New Wheels
Fliegl Fliegl ASW 268 Black Phantera
v 1.03 Downloads today5,491 Downloads totalUser rating7 said thankspublished Sun, 20 Dec 2015 11:58:34 GMT in - TandemFliegl Fliegl ASW 268 Black PhanteraConvert and Skin : EpicPrydaModsDirt/Washable : Jukka
Same Argon 3 75
v 3.03 Downloads today11,752 Downloads total9 commentsUser rating14 said thankspublished Thu, 09 Apr 2015 18:30:19 GMT in - Same & LamborghiniSame Argon 3 75 80cv Hi guys, today I want to introduce a new conversion, hope you like For any problems please let me know, Hello :)
featured Porta Westfalica
v 4.13 Downloads today68,240 Downloads total1406 commentsUser rating257 said thankspublished Tue, 12 Jan 2016 14:47:00 GMT in - Big MapsPorta Westfalica Map: Willkommen an der Porta Westfalica. Wer LS in einer schönen Landschaft mit vielen Details mag, der ist hier richtig. Hügel, Berge, ein Fluss, ein Kanal, Wiesen und Felder mit...
New Holland TC590 with hardpoint
v 1.0 Beta3 Downloads today2,132 Downloads total-5 commentsUser rating5 said thankspublished Thu, 31 Dec 2015 12:49:08 GMT in - New HollandHi Fendt from Hardpoint I just try the New Holland TC590 to build tire of front tire Trelleborg TM2000 800 65R32
featured Mountain Goat II
v 1.3.1 All In One Final3 Downloads today86,651 Downloads total195 commentsUser rating248 said thankspublished Tue, 03 May 2016 18:08:09 GMT in - Deutz Fahr"Bergziege Prototyp II - Prototypreihe A-D" Vorwort: Wir haben uns entschlossen mit der Bergziege einen Neuanfang zu starten und etwaige weitere Prototypenversionen aus der "Bergziege Prototyp II...
featured Claas Lexion 580/600
v 1.63 Downloads today84,011 Downloads total201 commentsUser rating230 said thankspublished Sun, 24 Jul 2016 19:56:40 GMT in - LexionHere's the Claas Lexion 580 and Lexion 600. Claas Lexion 580/600: all Features of the standard Vehicles toggleable cameras Strawheaps Dirt on the wheels (as a 3D-object) Usage (Depending...
featured John Deere 7930
v Final3 Downloads today107,634 Downloads total281 commentsUser rating237 said thankspublished Thu, 26 May 2016 19:06:25 GMT in - 7000erHallo liebe Freunde der Landwirtschaft, Nach langem hin und her und ewiger Umbauzeit, habe ich mich entschlossen zu Ostern ein kleines „Schmankerl“ hochzuladen. Ich bin keine Profi was modden angeht...
Bitrem Truck Trailers
v 1.03 Downloads today14,597 Downloads totalUser rating25 said thankspublished Fri, 31 Jul 2015 06:06:13 GMT in - Trailers2 and 3-way tipper as Bitrem Trailer with street tires, they are for the disposal of your products with the truck thought. In the Bitrem execution also good mobile roadtrains with 3 or 4 trailers...
featured KAWECO Double twin shift
v 1.53 Downloads today40,227 Downloads total102 commentsUser rating174 said thankspublished Sat, 08 Aug 2015 09:53:21 GMT in - Liquid ManureThe Double Twin Shift Tanker is the most professional way to inject your slurry. The Double Twin Shift Tankers makes them self indispensable because of the enormous volume, fill capacity, maneuverability...
Fix FPS dips on the silo
v 1.03 Downloads today2,664 Downloads total17 commentsUser rating14 said thankspublished Fri, 13 Mar 2015 16:38:21 GMT in - TutorialsThe TUT is only in German (My English is not so good) Please like my Facebook Page : -MAXI-
featured Fortschritt ZT 303
v 6.0 zt 403_13 Downloads today44,197 Downloads totalUser rating167 said thankspublished Mon, 11 Jul 2016 15:42:34 GMT in - FortschrittHello there, I present to you now my ZT 303 in an edited form. The first version will be quite a few know and I had with the upload of V2 difficulties. Again to describe: IC control the doors and...
Westbridge Ranch
v 1.03 Downloads today1,436 Downloads total3 commentsUser rating0 said thankspublished Mon, 21 Dec 2015 14:12:44 GMT in - MapsThere are no mods installed on this map, everything is from the games own maps. This is so the map has no complications and Should load quite fast on lower spec machines (under 10 secs on mine, fresh...
Fiatagri 85-90 DT
v .zip3 Downloads today4,249 Downloads total0 commentsUser rating3 said thankspublished Tue, 16 Apr 2019 15:03:27 GMT in - Fiatfiat 85-90
Fendt 926 Favorit
v 0.93 Downloads today42,772 Downloads total49 commentsUser rating56 said thankspublished Fri, 19 Dec 2014 19:58:32 GMT in - FendtHi everyone, Here's a Fendt Favorit 926 (BETA). Basic version was the Fendt 926 favorite "sven18koehler and GeneralX". This mod was created by James08, sk8mike, created Agrotron130. He was revised...
Fuelstation with lights
v 2.03 Downloads today5,432 Downloads total2 commentsUser rating21 said thankspublished Sat, 10 Jan 2015 20:45:00 GMT in - Placeable ObjectsI made this fuelstation for on the farm or somewhere else, it is placeable, so you can set it everywhere on your map. No need to fill the fuelstation, just fill up your machinery and pay for it...
Car wash station
v 1.03 Downloads today1,047 Downloads total1 commentsUser rating3 said thankspublished Sun, 24 Jan 2016 16:39:32 GMT in - ObjectsStation de lavage