Supermarket and shop

V 1.2.2 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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UPK ROS mixture merchandise trade
Point of sale
Can be used in the MP (Multiplayer)

Imperative of UPK must be in the mod folder:

The file has a zip only in the mod folder
if necessary replace the old file. All placed freely !!

Compatible with many fruit types, including:
Vegetables growing
Processing and sale
Fruits and berries
many foreign UPK mods, including:
Mills set
Meyenburg (animals)
and many more (see price list, if necessary foreign language fruit types were considered [en ru pl])

Placeable grocery trade, sale for super fixed prices (see price list) at the unloading point. Attention, only limited amounts of adoption (see fill level indicator).
. 2
Placeable retail outlet sale for super fixed prices (see price list) at the unloading point. Attention, only limited amounts of adoption (see fill level indicator).

The following FruchTypen currently available:
tomato chili cucumber kohlrabi carrot onion potato pig pigs cow calf beef lamb chicken2 chicken jam fruit wine, beer bread sandwich flour sugar salt olive oliveoel milk yoghurt apple pear strawberry plum cherry orange peach wheat beer beer wheat bread barleybread maizebread wheatflour barleyflour maizeflour sil salt oliva Olivka olivaoil oliveoil peach apricot pepper yogurt yogurt yogurtapple yogurtpear cherryyogurt apple pear plum cherry strawberry conmilk grapes, wine, paprika

NEW for map builder:
Can also be fitted with GE. For quick installation to self-interest: User must UPK (see above) and my mods in the mod folder still have (placement & works better game then runs if necessary in weak PC's better). Just extract the zip, then import the folder into the folder "map" your map with the GE object then save place finish.
If the map is available for download, just ask in response, there are not forgotten exact installation instructions and credits.

For permission to use Lehbi for permission A butcher from 2013 for the supermarket - many thanks to IHC27.
Thanks to mor2000 without the UPK Mod this is not possible.


IHC27 - Lehbi, Rosenthaler

  • 01 May 19:21
    Version 1.2.2

    Clip Distance angepasst, Performance verbessert.
    Neue FillTypen zugefügt (lettuce) Kopfsalat.

  • 20 Apr 21:15
    Version 1.2

    "Onkel Heuer" hinzugefügt


checksum: eb70fd7dd60e6859ee64a8fae7f27ea6
Version: 1.2.2
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Rosenthaler
price in shop: 0 LS
name in shop:
description in shop:

14.04 2015
Modhoster user rating
4.61 / 38 Votes


nach 37 Stimmen

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V 1.2.2
Farming Simulator 15
5.47 MB 13591
01. 05 2015 13,591
V 1.2
Farming Simulator 15
5.46 MB 2729
20. 04 2015 2,729

1 Comments for Supermarket and shop

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  1. Morlock 20. 04 2015

    Vielen Dank für Ihre Arbeit ist jeder mod gut. Und es ist viel besser in der Lage , sie in GE zu platzieren.
