Deutz Fahr TTV 7250

V 6.0 WheelShader mod for Farming Simulator 15

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Model: Giants Software 
Programming and visual details:STv-Modding,SIID Poland 
And other parts: SIID Poland 
- Deutz-Fahr TTV7210 and TTV7250 
- Full Animated 
- I Monitor 2 Boot Animation 
- Direction Control 
- Enter Animation Automatic close door,open steering,off lights 
- Panel FULL IC 
- Opening doors, windows,roof 
- Extra Weights only in TTV7250 
- The possibility of closing the door from the outside 
- GreenStar function 
- Bonnet Animation 
- Fan Word and fan sound 
- Script passenger 
- Wiper work 
- Interior Lights 
- Extra Beacon Light on cab


all ingame powered by STv-Modding ;)


Giants Software,STv-Modding, LS Modding, X3D Design, En ?ebulj?ek,Maxter's Landwirtschaft,Bauer Hinnark

  • 03 Oct 23:26
    Version 6.0 WheelShader

    Various Fix, New Cubemap ,Dynamic Hose Attach, Bonnet Open with IC,Add Wheel Deformation, Clutch Animation, Music Player (watch related screen for see how work the songs is in loop for stop music play again button ) can change music only need to change title in XML and song in folder.

  • 25 Jul 18:49
    Version 5.1 Street Version

    New Wheels
    New Rims
    New Dirt (grey)
    Some Bugs fixed
    Added Extra Beacon LIghts (on with button HOME)
    Added Extra Lights

  • 14 Jul 20:49
    Version 5.0

    Model: Giants Software, "STv-Modding,X3D Design modification"
    Programming,scripting and visual details: STv-Modding
    - Deutz-Fahr TTV7210 and TTV7250
    - Full Animated
    - New Grill
    - iMonitor 2.0 Boot Animation and IC Controls Display
    - New IC Control with sounds and **(with compatibilty for Bossini Control Panel)**
    - New Sounds
    - 3 Types of Tires for 7210 and 7250 all different! (Trelleborg,Michelin,Kleber,Firestone)
    - Dynamic Hoses compatibility
    - Direction Control
    - Enter Animation Automatic close door,open steering,off lights
    - Opening doors, windows,roof
    - Trailer capacity on display
    - The possibility of closing the door from the outside
    - Bonnet Animation (Fixed)
    - Fan Work and fan sound
    - Script passenger
    - Wiper work
    - Interior Lights
    - Extra Beacon Light on cab
    - Extra Parts Animated
    - All Bug Fixed
    all in-game powered by STv-Modding ;)

    Extra Credits ( LS Modding, X3D Design, En ?ebulj?ek,Maxter's Landwirtschaft,Bauer Hinnark)

  • 11 Feb 11:08
    Version 4.1

    Model: Giants Software
    Programming and visual details:STv-Modding
    - Deutz-Fahr TTV7210 and TTV7250
    - Full Animated
    - I Monitor 2.0 Boot Animation
    - Direction Control
    - Enter Animation Automatic close door,open steering,off lights
    - Panel FULL IC
    - Opening doors, windows,roof
    - Trailer capacity on display
    - The possibility of closing the door from the outside
    - Bonnet Animation (Fixed)
    - Fan Work and fan sound
    - Script passenger
    - Wiper work
    - Interior Lights
    - Extra Beacon Light on cab
    - Extra Parts Animated
    - All Bug Fixed
    all in-game powered by STv-Modding ;)

  • 10 Jan 18:15
    Version 4.0

    Model: Giants Software
    Programming and visual details:STv-Modding,SIID Poland
    And other parts: SIID Poland
    - Deutz-Fahr TTV7210 and TTV7250
    - Full Animated
    - I Monitor 2 Boot Animation
    - Direction Control
    - Enter Animation Automatic close door,open steering,off lights
    - Panel FULL IC
    - Opening doors, windows,roof
    - Extra Weights only in TTV7250
    - The possibility of closing the door from the outside
    - GreenStar function
    - Bonnet Animation
    - Fan Word and fan sound
    - Script passenger
    - Wiper work
    - Interior Lights
    - Extra Beacon Light on cab

    all ingame powered by STv-Modding ;)


checksum: 80cf715ff1f032859f21d7639eaac6f4
Version: 6.0 WheelShader
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: GIANTS Software,STv-Modding,LS Modding, X3D Design, En ?ebulj?ek
price in shop: 215000 LS
name in shop:
description in shop:

13.06 2015
Modhoster user rating
3.98 / 157 Votes


nach 135 Stimmen

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V 6.0 WheelShader
Farming Simulator 15
100 MB 11657
03. 10 2016 11,657
V 5.1 Street Version
Farming Simulator 15
50.6 MB 10929
25. 07 2016 10,929
V 5.0
Farming Simulator 15
76.3 MB 9495
14. 07 2016 9,495
2 ältere Versionen

8 Comments for Deutz Fahr TTV 7250

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  1. starship 26. 04 2021

    Danke für den Versuch, aber Thumb.db's im Archiv? Neverending story.

  2. madmex 28. 07 2016

    I hope we see this one in fs17 back I love it

  3. martyc 15. 07 2016

    Saw in the specs that it is compatible with reference hoses but tried with two mods having that specification and no way tu plug the hoses ? Finally forgot to include that script ? Should be very great to have the ref hoses script ;) otherwise a very great tractor :)

  4. princedu49 19. 02 2016

    Das finde ich mond ist sehr gut gemacht, um Nachteile für mich geöffneter Motorhaube nicht, ich nicht, den Auslöser zu aktivieren oder alles finden kann .............. .....
    Wenn jemand eine Idee oder eine Lösung ...

  5. Totenfarmer 13. 09 2015

    Mmm..small edit to my other post about the tractor and sliding and pulling poorly, this seems to be only the RT version, I tried the one with ploughing spec INCLUDINGReal Terrain mod and its "hotfix" in my modsfolder, then it worked fine...don`t know what has been done to the RT version, but something is very weird there. For those of you that wants to use Real Terrain with this tractor, visit FS-UK, the Real Terrain hotfix is to be found in the Real Terrain topic in OEB`s posts under "Modding partners", this means you have to be logged in to get it.

    1 replies

  6. Totenfarmer 13. 09 2015

    I like this tractor very much, except I very much doubt the adjusted physics reflects real life, I just had a run with the Amazone plow at Two Rivers, and there was no way to work with that plow, it slid sideways like a drunk ice skater even with 700 kg in front, with and without wheel weights..AND using gps..and it barely pulled it`s own weight uphill from the farm...there`s almost 300 hp in this machine the heck did we manage for decades here in Norway with 70-100 hp tractors if this reflects real life :P Good effort though, you just have to try and adjust again, other than the weird physics I love the tractor, it looks awesome, and I love the features :) Being a huge Deutz fan this tractor almost made my day..after I have adjusted it, it definetly will. Thank you very much for this mod, and I will wait rating it to see if there will be a version with more correct physics :)

  7. skenzer2000 12. 09 2015

    What is RT? and there seems to be an issue with the suspension. It does very poorly on test track suspension tests. Seems to struggle a lot with suspension travel.
    They look nice though...

  8. SiiD_Poland 14. 06 2015

    this is edit my mod... ehhh where is my name in autors?
    just as you have done with my combine nh

    5 replies
