Download download Mod 'New Holland Bundle'

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25 Comments for New Holland Bundle

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  1. bisailb79 16. 06 2016

    This is the best tractor pack available for FS2015 in my opinion. My only request is that for the next version, consider including the New Holland T9.700 including Rowtrac and SmartTrax versions of various tractors as appropriate. The difference between the tractors in your pack and other one-offs is that the latter are not as high quality and bug free as yours.

  2. Andersen98 15. 06 2016

    Hello mate do you still work on them? if you are it could be freaking nice if you made that hose stuff on it and make IC controls too :)

  3. dcm2005 10. 05 2016

    cant wait to start using them

  4. konsti6662 28. 03 2016

    Can you please make a version without the frontlader?

  5. TheKillerHDHD 25. 03 2016

    How do the wheelsize script work ingame cant seem to get it to work?

  6. unregistered user 14. 03 2016

    Hi, thank you for the great pack, really like it.
    Will you add dynamic hoses support in the futurue for Krone KWT 11.22/10 support?
    Hope i will see your pack in FS17 too. :)

  7. Bmfarmer2188 25. 02 2016

    Awesome but would like to see the tracks match the tires if possible.

  8. PhoeniX_NL 16. 02 2016

    Awesome package.

    Would it be possible to make it so you can seperate turn on front and back worklights ?

  9. DanRan 02. 02 2016

    The T7-270 has a problem with the left dual wheel collider. It is on when the duals are off and off when the duals are on

  10. vinnovic 16. 01 2016

    Is there anyone else that has problems attaching the frontloader to a T7 ? It seems that this is nearly impossible.

    1 replies

  11. masteropa 31. 12 2015

    hi spartan086, love this mod! it's 100% my favorite! i would love to see the new t7's in this pack like the t7.190 t7.245 t7.290 and ofcourse t7.315 i think it would improve this pack a lot!

  12. Hey this looks like a really cool pack. But whenever I download it and put it in my mods folder it wont show up in game Can anyone offer any advice

    1 replies

  13. masteropa 13. 11 2015

    error report! camera in t9 models is not in the right place
    and adding stuff like IC and a passanger would be awesome!
    and also wheel changes couse some have got very thick wheels and some have very small ones it would be nice if you can personally change it in the game

  14. Totenfarmer 02. 10 2015

    Very nicely done on your updated version, these tractors are all that I use now :)
    I see people talking about openable windows and doors etc.. for me that`s not important anymore, I used to want to have that to, but in the end I got tired of opening and closing them :P For me, the most awesome thing that could be added to this already amazing pack would be T5 and/or a T6 with row crop wheels (pflegbereifnung in german ?) and a T5 and T6 (T7 would be awesome to) with forestry gear, wheel chains, cage and stuff. Keep up your good work :)

  15. Feldwebel 01. 10 2015

    Hey Spartan
    Is it possible to lock the front axle on the T7.270?
    It's tipping sideways a lot when making a sharp turn and it lifts a wheel when driving in circles.
    And there's a big hole in the machine when you press Alt+K. ;)
    Otherwise it's still a great mod. The T7 is very capable in handling the three axle trailers. All Case Puma 230's I've tried so far are slipping and sliding with a fully loaded Krampe 900.

    2 replies

  16. Andersen98 30. 09 2015

    i would be nice if you make V2 allso, i love the pack :)

  17. Spartan086 30. 09 2015

    v1.01 uploaded, awaiting activation.

    - disabled tuning to remove Gearbox Addon dependency.

    If you use Gearbox you can continue to use v1.0 and tuning. But I noticed a bug;if you load a saved game tuning will be "on" but it does NOT give the performance boost. For now; toggle it off and on again to "solve" the problem.

  18. most sinister 30. 09 2015

    Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
    C:/Users/Art/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2015/mods//NH_Fleet_Spartan086/scripts/tuning.lua:50: attempt to index global 'mrGearboxMogliGlobals' (a nil value)
    Application exit request forced.

  19. Feldwebel 21. 09 2015

    Hey Spartan.
    Thanks for a really great mod. have a little issue with the T7 270 though on top of the toppling of this tractor.
    When I drive it (keyboard) with a front weight of 1000kg it handles like it has a punctured front tire. Driving with a trailer is ok.
    And it's quite wobbly when driving with both Kuhn mowers.

  20. ivern 14. 09 2015

    Great!! What kind of map do you have in the background?

    1 replies
