Member since 1 / 2015
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Stadskanaal (Netherlands)
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New Holland Fleet
ago over 7 years
New Holland Fleet
ago over 7 years
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Mod: New Holland Fleet
Added 2 screenshots.
Only the new T7(270) has this problem. The old one drives ok when trying to make a circle with a trailer attached. The new one lifts it's real wheels.
How about the windows in the roof of the new versions?
Any concrete plans?
Mod: New Holland Fleet
Great package. Well done.
Almost as good as the FS15 version.
2 things though.
Why is the front axle so weak? The machine tilts heavy when making a sharp turn with attached trailer or frontloader.
Shouldn't the new version have a roof window?
Great mod. It's my standard machine since it came out.
Looks a lot better than those standard heavy duty machines.
1 question though...
Is this the right place for the frontloader console? Shouldn't it be placed a little nearer to the cabin?
Mod: Kuhn FC313F / FC883
My god this is terrible.
Even with the 2.0 version i get these errors.
E:/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_kuhnMowerPack_/kuhn/kuhnFC313F.i3d (157.40) ms
Warning (E:/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_kuhnMowerPack_/kuhn/kuhnFC313F.xml): 'vehicle.inputAttacherJoints.inputAttacherJoint(0)#indexPTO' is not supported anymore, use 'vehicle.inputAttacherJoints.inputAttacherJoint(0)#ptoInputNode' instead!
Error: Can't load resource 'data/vehicles/tools/mower.wav'.
Error: Can't load sample 'data/vehicles/tools/mower.wav'.
Error: Can't load resource 'data/vehicles/tools/mower.wav'.
Error: Can't load sample 'data/vehicles/tools/mower.wav'.
Warning: Old shape file format version found 'kuhnFC313F.i3d.shapes'.
Warning: Old shape file format version found 'kuhnFC883.i3d.shapes'.
E:/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_kuhnMowerPack_/kuhn/kuhnFC883.i3d (9.30) ms
Warning (E:/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_kuhnMowerPack_/kuhn/kuhnFC883.xml): 'vehicle.inputAttacherJoints.inputAttacherJoint(0)#indexPTO' is not supported anymore, use 'vehicle.inputAttacherJoints.inputAttacherJoint(0)#ptoInputNode' instead!
Error: Can't load resource 'data/vehicles/tools/mower.wav'.
Error: Can't load sample 'data/vehicles/tools/mower.wav'.
Error: Can't load resource 'data/vehicles/tools/mower.wav'.
Error: Can't load sample 'data/vehicles/tools/mower.wav'.
Warning: Old shape file format version found 'kuhnFC883.i3d.shapes'.
Warning: Invalid index for vehicle.movingTools.movingTool(2).componentJoint(0) in file E:/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_kuhnMowerPack_/kuhn/kuhnFC883.xml
If you don't know how to properly convert a mod than please stop making them.
Won't even give one star for this *****.
Mod: Tannenberg
By far the best FS17 map till now.
Love the layout and the work space on the farm.
Could use some more space for bigger placeable mods like refinery or milk factory.
Maybe the field behind the sawmill?
Also have this strange bug with dissappearing straw behind my harvester.
And somehow I can't shovel all manure out of both pits.
Will there be an update of this map?
By the way. Is there a quick way to add collision to all the fences? I don't like fences I can drive through. ;)
Mod: New Holland T6
Great engine. Works like a charm.
1 thing though. With frontloader attached, the tractor keeps sliding backwards.
Any ideas on how to stop this?
Mod: How make realistic lights
This is the best you can do? I don't understand a thing, can't read what you're doing and that TERRIBLE music. Some voice is talking in a strange language and this is supposed to be a tutorial? How do you expect us to follow this or even sit out this video with the awful music and sound?
If you want to make a great Youtube vid, please learn English, get rid of this "music" and start making a real tutorial vid. I'd love to help if you don't know how.
With regards,
Mod: Kverneland Optima
Great looking mod. Does it's work.
Is it possible to fill the fertilizer tank with actual fertilizer?
And will it become dirty?
Mod: My BIG Country
You have to buy it. There's a sign at the left side of the road near the entrance.
Mod: Krampe Bandit 980
Please add mutlifruit to make this trailer really perfect.
Mod: Krampe Bandit 800
Great mod. Looks awesome. Could you please make it multifruit?
Then it would be perfect.
Mod: New Holland Bundle
Hey Spartan
Is it possible to lock the front axle on the T7.270?
It's tipping sideways a lot when making a sharp turn and it lifts a wheel when driving in circles.
And there's a big hole in the machine when you press Alt+K. ;)
Otherwise it's still a great mod. The T7 is very capable in handling the three axle trailers. All Case Puma 230's I've tried so far are slipping and sliding with a fully loaded Krampe 900.
Mod: Fliegl TDK Modular
Great trailer. Looking for a trailer like this.
Will it be able to load all types of fruit including logs and (that would really be perfect) pallets?
Mod: New Holland Bundle
Hey Spartan.
Thanks for a really great mod. have a little issue with the T7 270 though on top of the toppling of this tractor.
When I drive it (keyboard) with a front weight of 1000kg it handles like it has a punctured front tire. Driving with a trailer is ok.
And it's quite wobbly when driving with both Kuhn mowers.
Mod: CLAAS Axion 850
Haha you got me. :)
lat me rephrase it.
Will there be a FL-version?
Mod: CLAAS Axion 850
Great looking tractor and fun to drive.
1 question...
Will it become a frontloader?
Mod: AR Garant Kotte Shuttle
Would be great if this thing could sell slurry.
But a great addition to the other AR mods.
Mod: Bruks
Fastest way to shred a tree! Cut it down with your chainsaw, touch the whole tree with the shredder at it's base and gone is the tree!
Would be great if there were any animation and it's a bit unrealistic to shred a whole tree at once this way.
But it's still a great mod!
Mod: Hagenstedt
Great map. Really love it.
Few questions though.
Will we be able to cut the trees near the fields? (the green dots)
I always found them annoying in fs2013.
Is this the final place for the power plant?
Field 1 or 3 would be more suitable if you ask me.
Will there be assignments (mowing grass or delivery) in this map? Can't find any boards.
Will ai cars and people get implemented in this map? it's a bit lonely now.
Will it be possible to mow the grass at the camping or the golf course?
You may answer in German if you like. I can read it, but can't write it as well as English.