[V1.0] - Panel IC - Passenger mod - The door opened from the outside - The choice of wheels (wide, narrow, standard) - Selection of engine power (T7.170, T7.185, T7.200, T7. 210) - The choice between the weight and front attacher - Illuminated clocks and monitor - Moving the gas pedal, clutch and brake - Moving the joystick - Buyable FL console - Movable axis - Clean log [V1.1] - Fixed lights on the mask, and working lights (both front and rear). - The steering wheel rotation angle which improved When viewed from the outside - The tractor's center of mass has been improved (no longer tilting on the bends) - Improved braking power of the tractor (now braking faster) - IC marker color changed
Idee / Konzept:
02 Apr 21:28Version 1.1
2 Comments for NEW HOLLAND T7
This is not the T7 but the T6.
Great mod. It's my standard machine since it came out.
Looks a lot better than those standard heavy duty machines.
1 question though...
Is this the right place for the frontloader console? Shouldn't it be placed a little nearer to the cabin?