Please read "Known issues" then report bugs / issues / errors / inconsistencies (etc.) here. Always include what tractor you used and what part you are referring to!
To stop the shaking / oscillation you have to lock the front axle.
1. Open "xml/newHollandTX_XXX.xml" (replace X with for example T6_155)
2. Scroll to bottom.
3. Under <components> you need to edit the <joint> element, change rotLimit="0 0 7" to rotLimit="0 0 0"
If you don't like cabSuspension you need to open "modDesc.xml" and remove line 77,58 and 39: <specialization name="cabsuspension" /> (this will disable / remove cabSuspension from ALL tractors in this pack)
1. Tilting front axle + shaking + toppling tractor?
2. Locked front axle + steady tractor?
I just can't find a good balance, which way do you guys think I should go? The fact that the T4 is shaking so bad when working with a trailer or front loader is annoying, but the default suspension is so unrealistic and boring...
Nice pack Spartan, I've been a fan of (Red :o) for a long time. With the range and diversity of this pack, you just might make me like Blue....good job!
25 Comments for New Holland Bundle
Massive mod and well done, good that you releasing new versions, keep it up!
Please read "Known issues" then report bugs / issues / errors / inconsistencies (etc.) here. Always include what tractor you used and what part you are referring to!
To stop the shaking / oscillation you have to lock the front axle.
1. Open "xml/newHollandTX_XXX.xml" (replace X with for example T6_155)
2. Scroll to bottom.
3. Under <components> you need to edit the <joint> element, change rotLimit="0 0 7" to rotLimit="0 0 0"
If you don't like cabSuspension you need to open "modDesc.xml" and remove line 77,58 and 39: <specialization name="cabsuspension" /> (this will disable / remove cabSuspension from ALL tractors in this pack)
1. Tilting front axle + shaking + toppling tractor?
2. Locked front axle + steady tractor?
I just can't find a good balance, which way do you guys think I should go? The fact that the T4 is shaking so bad when working with a trailer or front loader is annoying, but the default suspension is so unrealistic and boring...
Nice pack Spartan, I've been a fan of (Red :o) for a long time. With the range and diversity of this pack, you just might make me like Blue....good job!
Can you the T7 as other mod release??