Userprofile of bisailb79
Member since 11 / 2013

Punkte: 705
Modder Level 8
Rank: #2980
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About bisailb79

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  1. bisailb79 16. 06 2016

    Mod: New Holland Bundle
    This is the best tractor pack available for FS2015 in my opinion. My only request is that for the next version, consider including the New Holland T9.700 including Rowtrac and SmartTrax versions of various tractors as appropriate. The difference between the tractors in your pack and other one-offs is that the latter are not as high quality and bug free as yours.

  2. bisailb79 22. 05 2016

    Mod: John Deere 2720
    This mod works really well for the most part. There is a small issue where sometimes you'll see the plough being dragged on a slight angle and then eventually it straightens itself out. It's an odd issue but a minor one and it seems to happen on any field even if it's flat with no hills. Perhaps it has to do with a log error in version 3.1 mentioned by Geneborg?

  3. bisailb79 22. 05 2016

    Mod: John Deere 2730
    This plough is bugged for me. I have no issues with the 2720 but the 2730 spawns under ground level. I pushed it with a tractor to get the wheels to pop up above ground and then I was able to attach the tractor to it. Unfortunately, after I attached it it made the tractor pop a permanent wheelie and I couldn't pull or use the implement at all. I think the mod needs to be further tested and bug fixed.

  4. bisailb79 01. 04 2016

    Mod: Paradise Hill's by Stevie.
    I had an issue where FS2015 was trying to load the i3d of the map and was running out of memory trying to do that. I figured maybe it had something to do with how the i3d was saved. Therefore, I downloaded GIANTS Editor 6.0.3 (64-bit), unzipped the map into a temp folder, loaded the map's i3d, saved the i3d and overwrote the original i3d, zipped the map back up and then everything worked.

    I noticed that saving the i3d in the latest version of the editor added some files. For example, map01.i3d.terrain.dynlod.cache, map01.i3d.terrain.lod.cache, map01.i3d.terrain.nmap.cache and map01.i3d.terrain.weights.cache that were not there before. Perhaps this is related to the Changelog from patch 1.4.2 that states "Reduced memory usage with Mods (1.3)" so maybe saving i3d files again using the new editor adds these cache files that has an impact on memory usage. That's my guess.

  5. bisailb79 11. 01 2014

    Mod: Agrotron TTV 7250
    The tractor should drive at 60 km/h maximum because that's the real tractor's speed in real life (North America). In Europe, the tractor's maximum speed is usually 50 km/h but mine is tuned for 60 km/h.

  6. bisailb79 11. 01 2014

    Mod: Agrotron TTV 7250
    Go into the deutzTTV7250BalloonWheels.xml or other XML depending on the tractor and edit the following line:


    This is the default value from MoreRealisticVehicles from the More Realistic Mod v1.1 for this tractor. I pulled this value from there. If you feel it's sucking too much fuel, tweak the value and report back with a value you feel is more adequate. Also, if you notice your tires are spinning like other people, can you tell me which tractor is spinning? See my reply to Speedeel below on what values to edit to eliminate tires from spinning and report back. I'm trying to get a feel for what values work for the majority of users.

    As for the scripts, if you could comment out those scripts in modDesc.xml (all ploughing spec, manual ignition, etc. lines) and report back it gives me an idea of what scripts I should disable by default for the MR version. Again, I need input from users about what the offending scripts are.

  7. bisailb79 11. 01 2014

    Mod: Agrotron TTV 7250
    Can you tell me which one is spinning? Is Balloon OK? Is Dual OK? Is it just Care that is spinning?

  8. bisailb79 11. 01 2014

    Mod: Agrotron TTV 7250
    You mean the tires are spinning? See my reply to Speedeel. See if editing those numbers helps.

  9. bisailb79 11. 01 2014

    Mod: Agrotron TTV 7250
    Can you tell me what tractor you were using? Was it Balloon, Care or Dual? I will give you some tips to test and report back. Edit deutzTTV7250BalloonWheels.xml or one of the other two depending what tractor you are using. Look for the following lines, for example:


    Try increasing those numbers to eliminate tire spin and report back if that fixes the problem. I'm trying to troubleshoot but I don't play multiplayer so I rely on everyone here to report bugs and help me troubleshoot.

  10. bisailb79 03. 01 2014

    Mod: Agrotron TTV 7250
    @manuel1982, the handbrake is numpad 0 and the spacebar is IC. If for some reason your key bindings are different, you can change them in the game under Options / Controls.

  11. bisailb79 03. 01 2014

    Mod: Agrotron TTV 7250
    @multicar_25, the handbrake is numpad 0 and spacebar is IC to avoid conflicts.

  12. bisailb79 03. 01 2014

    Mod: Agrotron TTV 7250
    I actually wanted to have a fourth one on tracks (crawler). However, I was running into issues trying to implement it so I gave up for now. Not enough experience with that.

  13. bisailb79 03. 01 2014

    Mod: Agrotron TTV 7250
    @Karvon FAN, you can use reverse drive in the MR version by changing the Shuttle Direction. Keep in mind, you will want to select Transmission Mode T1.

  14. bisailb79 03. 01 2014

    Mod: Agrotron TTV 7250
    @buddy28, forgive me because I am using Google Translate and it's not good at translating all the German. Yes, all three tractors are included in the ZIP file. You should see them in the store once you install the mod. You can purchase each tractor separately.

  15. bisailb79 03. 01 2014

    Mod: Agrotron TTV 7250
    @Klausie, the manual ignition warnings can be safely ignored. This usually happens when you install a separate manual ignition mod and it tries to insert its scripts into the tractor but the tractor already has its own manual ignition scripts. If you want to use a separate manual ignition mod with the tractor, you can comment out all the manual ignition lines in modDesc.xml. If you have a separate manual ignition mod and you still have the manual ignition scripts enabled in modDesc.xml you should still be able to start the tractor using numpad 0 because I tested it and it works.

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