Member since 1 / 2011
Userprofile of RobertLidstroem
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About RobertLidstroem
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John Deere 7530 Premium RLM
ago over 13 years
John Deere 7530 Premium RLM
ago over 13 years
John Deere 7530 Premium RLM
ago over 13 years
John Deere 7530 Premium RLM
ago over 13 years
John Deere 7530 Premium RLM
ago over 13 years
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Mod: RealLifeNumbers
Love the idea behind it, but seems impossible to make to work (easy), followed the steps (ive been modding and playing since FS09, i know mostly what to do, and how to follow instructions). I get animalerrors and storeprice errors, and get stuck on 60% all the time. I guess its a lot of work to make it work for every map and relying on mods not getting updated is hard. Im using alot of maps (Ostseekuste, Duerrenroth, Niederrhein, Fichtal v2, Kandelin, Landersum, LKR etc etc) and i guess i have to skip this mod although i would love to use it.
Mod: New Holland Fleet
Just needs IC and its perfect!
Mod: OGF USA MAP 2018
Its not seasons compatible?
Mod: MAN TGS 6x / 8x / 10x-AR- as pack
This freezes when using gearboxmod. Any idea how to fix that please? Thank you!
Mod: Halle / Peißen V.6
Wow! Still playing this! Its amazing! Right up there with Lehndorf! THANK YOU!
Oh, it would be amazing if you would return to LS17 and add more scripts like hosesystem, kuhzucht etc, metzgerei etc etc! Thank you!
Mod: Halle / Peißen V.6
Sorry for english: Where does the mist "spawn"? Not in the cowshed? I cant find it? Thank you! Great map!
Mod: FS17 Lehndorf Final Version
Fantasische karte! Aberich kann doch nicht die trigger zum flussigdünger ab die haupthof finden, bitte? Danke vielmals!
Mod: Ford Pack
Please could you add dynamicHose please?
Mod: Schlüter Pack
Could you please update these with dynamichoses please? Thank you! (Yes still playing 17!)
Mod: Westphalia Map
We need this converted for FS17!
Mod: Wesermarsch
Is there any watertriggers? Cant find water for the animals? Thank you for a great map!
Mod: John Deere 4850/4955
Too bad you didnt adjust the price. For the starting model of 4555 the price should be 15000....
So that we can play realisticly. Sadly no modder adjust to realistic price, so every mod i download i go on the salesites and adjust prices....
Great mod though!
Very comprehensive pack, but needs alot of works, but a little dull... 3 stars!
Mod: North Frisian march 4-fold map
I only get CTD (crash to desktop)...I have no other maps in the modsfolder, it just dont start, just a message that Giants Engine has stopped working....
Any ideas?
Mod: Altkirch in Alsace
I only get CTD (crash to desktop)...I have no other maps in the modsfolder, it just dont start, just a message that Giants Engine has stopped working....
Any ideas?
Mod: BAGS PACK Fertilizer,seed,pig food
What can i lift the bigbags with?
Mod: Mower Extension Pack
Die hintern mähwerk starten nicht? Ich habe genug kw?
Mod: John Deere 7R series 2011 Europe Version
THIS is how to make a mod, other modders! Functions, functions, functions!!!
Thanks AGO!
Mod: südharz Map
Too bad, i really want to try it. Well looks good atleast :D
Mod: südharz Map
Well, it still dont work with other maps mods, thats too bad. I have 4-5 maps (Stapp, West, AgriOC, Gemeinde, Altenstein) and everytime i put yours in the modsfolder, game crashes... The other maps works fine together, only yours that crash. Why is that?
Looks good!
Mod: Güllepack FS17
Why is the same button used for starting the pump as lowering the implement? "V"? Can't unhook the impement (vibro for instance) because i first have to stop the tank, but when i stop the tank the vibro goes up again....
otherwise very good!
Mod: FENDT 900 Series
The rims look really off in color, some kind of purplepink color, needs to be red, Fendt red, but maybe with the Hardpointextention possible to change to grey?
Mod: Fliegl trailer
speedy77, even more great trailers, but could you please make a set without the wood boards? thanks! 4/5!
Mod: Fliegl trailer
they thought like this?
MfG speedy77
Mod: Fliegl DK 180-88 Set
5/5 speedy! Only one suggestion, please make a matching fliegl TDK 160 or so aswell, with same options! :)
Mod: Deutz Fahr Agrotron L730
Good to see this model back! 2/5 stars. Needs a good modder that adds a lot of scripts and details to make it 5/5! Hopefully someone does this!
Mod: BGAextension
Its a great script BUT, i hate to not be able to drive the chaff to the bga and get money for it! Not every farmer everwhere owns his own BGA?
Mod: Cat Challenger MT865B
Need more animations...atleast openable door....
Mod: New Holland T8.390
Sorry, 2/ functions at LOOKS very good, but different twin wheels would be great, movable mirrors, onboard computer, sunvisors, openable doors and windows, movable joysticks has potential though!
Mod: Les Chazets
Well, ive been trying to play this map, and its beautiful, BUT:
1) You cant use the forager to cut the maise, why, i dont know....
2) The rape doesn't grow at all....
Nun, ive versucht, diese Karte zu spielen, und seine schöne , ABER :
1) Sie kann nicht den forager verwenden, um die maise zu schneiden, warum , ich weiß nicht ....
2) Der Raps wächst nicht überhaupt ....
Mod: Class Axion 850
The colors are totally bright bright green and orange wheels? The hoodtext is off....good mod otherwise, but i will remake my own skin....horrible...
Mod: Deutz Fahr 9340
4/5 Aber warum kein zwillingen?
Mod: Südthüringen
"Sued Thueringen: Register Fill type: pig, beef, pig, beef,
SoilMod: Registering new spray-types
Error: Fillable.registerFillType too many fill types. Only 64 fill types are supported
Error: Running LUA method 'update'.
D:/code/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/Sprayer.lua(40) : table index is nil
Application exit request forced.
Application exit request forced."
Mod: Südthüringen
Es ladet und ladet und ladet, niemals passiert, warum ist das?
Mod: Fehlersammlung
If you buy one farm (for example number 2 or 3) and then go to buy something else, the blue €-logo is gone, so its hard to find the sign where to buy the stuff.
And is the buyable BGA the only BGA?
Mod: Fendt Favorit 926
He means this:
It doesn't lift implements!
Mod: Fehlersammlung
I love the map! And sorry for writing in english :/ I'm from Sweden. Now, I have extracted all the scripts in your .zip, so everything should work.
But I can't fill the spritzen? The liquid pestizide...I go to the trigger on the first farm, and the help text says "Fill up Amazone" or something.
I press R, but nothing doesn't fill up. Can someone help me please?
Thank you for all your hard work, Bullgore!
Mod: John Deere 4850
If you read the text, he is going to add a MR-version in a couple of days!
Mod: John Deere 4850
Excellent work as always modelleicher! Openable door and rear duals would make it perfect aswell as the MR-version you are planning! Thank you!
Mod: GPS Mod
Excellent mod! But i have a question:
I set a seeder up, automatic width (6 meter) and i go to the field, i see the red lines and the green one. I set the gps up to stop and turn 8 meters before the edge of the field and to skip one row. How do i start it!?
Do i press "H" as in helper? Or STRG-Big enter button? Or KP-Enter? I don't now how to start it :/
Mod: Fendt 312 TMS RED
Hmm, i think you need to update, instead of the modder making it for 1.4. Why make a mod for an old patch? Most people only use the latest patch.