Member since 10 / 2011
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Mod: Goldcrest Valley 2.0
nice the sh*t cant be unpacked the file is broken
Mod: Clover Creek
we need the BGA then it is a perfect map
Mod: Krone Premos 5000
would have been nice if it would work under courseplay
Mod: Deutz Fahr 9340
it just need one more yellow dot on the roof there has to be 2 on an awesome tractor
Mod: CLAAS Arion 650
just perfect just need nr 2 strobe light on the roof
Mod: BigFarm
nice map only one thing is wrong make some real roads insted of those samll dust rods that sucks not easy to drive against eachoter on those small roads with courseplay but i really like the map idea
Mod: AGS Map
how to order fuel for the tractors
Mod: Palouse
love the size of the map the fields is just what i was looking for with a few updates its just awesome i like there is no forestry .. what i need is rails og some new cow buildings not std like all others but great work
Mod: Courseplay
great been wating for it love CP
Mod: New Holland T 9565 Twin
same size tires in the front the its just awesome dude
Mod: New Holland T8.435 Wheels
would like to have the black edition deutz where can we get that
Mod: New Holland T8.435 Wheels
make duals for it would be nice and for the magnum 380 .. but nicley done
Mod: AGS Map
how do we order fuel now ????
Mod: Westbridge Addon
cant see the ad on in the game nothing new to see
Mod: Deutz Agrotron X720 tuning
nice with the big tires but have been nice if it did work
Mod: Deutz Agrotron X720 tuning
cant see it in multiplayer or single player game why i that
Mod: Big European Map
nice job but when will i work so that we can use the slurry from the cows ??
Mod: New Holland T8 420
it need faster stering and i have to pull more its really to slov cant go 40 kmt with emty slurry wagon and thats sad because it an nice tractor
Mod: John Deere 7R Series 6 and 8 L Set
they still need some work time 7280R will turn right and cant change that when it starts with it .. but inded wery nice tractors love to see them i future versions..they sound great when they change sound in transport mode but i think the normal top rpm sound is very bad
Mod: Claas Lexion 770TT
please someone make that fantastic machine multifruit
Mod: Claas Lexion 770TT
we need it to be multifruit
Mod: Claas Lexion 770TT
please some one make it multifruit