
V 1.2 Multifruit mod for Farming Simulator 15

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Hello,   Here i present my new map BigFarm. I build this map without google or photos. I build the map for pure courseplay, so who is a fan of course play this map is pure build for this :) So its good for multiplayer. On the pictures you can see where are the triggers are. So you can find a picture of the map. Why did i not have any trees planted around the fields? This is: because i wanted to have clear surroundings for Course Play.   follow us:   Facebook: click here Twitter: click here       Course Play click here     What can you find in the map,   - On the start point of the farm where you start you can find machine halls and storage for potatos, sugarbeets and wood chips. So you can find Seeds and Fertilizer. You can feed the chickens with Grain and Water. - On the other side of the farm you can find storage for Barley, Wheat, canola and corn. And you can find a Mixing Machine and storage for Grass, silage, Stro Manure, mixing feed and chaff. There are 4 Chaff silos on the farm. - You can Find multiple anmimal, Cows, Sheeps, Chickens, calfs and Pig's. - You can collect and sell the milk by yoursels. - Biogass. - MilkFactory. - Vehicle Shop. - Sawmill for selling wood chips and logs. - Slaughterhouse. - Storage for liquid manure pit. - Forestry area. - 10 buyable fields and you own field 11 and 3 grass fields.   Required mods,   AnimationMapTrigger, click here GuelleMistKalkModPack_LS15, click here ChoppedStraw V 15.0.03; click here Zunhammer water and milk tank. click here JoskinBetimaxRDS 7500 v3.1, click here MapDoorTrigger: click here     I want to say Thanks to all modders, i used objects from and i use from buildings. I hope i did not forget anybody otherwise i still want to say Thanks: because i'd appriate the work.     The map Shall not, without the consent of the modders to find are not changed at Ls-Next Generation and not re-uploaded! The map can be release on other sites, but please only download using the original - Links!   The card may not be found without the consent of the Modder not changed for Ls-Next Generation and not re-uploaded! The card can solve on other sites, but please only with the original download - Links!  


Map by: Mike
Giants Software
Modular Storage: chtiseb
Hallen Pack LS15: and Release Shed Pack LS15: Dutch Agricultural Modelling
Gülle Lager Gülle Transporter V 1.0: Andy1978
Giants: Grundmodel des Gülle Transporter "Kotte Garant TSA"
Schweine Mast v 3.2.7: Marhu
WaterMod v3.1.5: Marhu
Überdachtes Fahrsilo V 1.0: Max311
Silo Förderband: Marhu
ChoppedStraw V 15.0.03: webalizer
GMK Mod lappyBauer
GuelleMistKalkModPack_LS15 TMT (Marhu, -Kolbenfresser-, Hatzfan)
Foliage Layer: El Cid
Forgotten Plants Wheat, Barley, Potatoes, Rape: Eribus
FarmSilos_Modell1: RC-Devil
vehicleShop and claas fence: BulletBill83
Richard en fender551

  • 22 Feb 21:16
    Version 1.2 Multifruit

    - Fixed the error at the chicken shed.
    - Added multifruit
    - Added storage for - oat, rye, sunflower
    - New PDA


    - Klee
    - luzerne
    - oat
    - rye
    - sunflower

  • 16 Feb 19:32
    Version 1.2

    ChangeLog v1.2,

    - Fixed the grid at the countrytrade
    - Fixed the issue with the Chickens
    - Added Fattend Chicken stable
    - Added new textures, Wheat, Barley, Canola, Manure and Lime

  • 08 Feb 13:32
    Version 1.0


checksum: cb086887d4063e182072aa8d44f28fb4
Version: 1.2 Multifruit
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Mike /
price in shop: LS
name in shop: BigFarm v1.2 Multifruit
description in shop: Welcome to my BigFarm!

Modhoster user rating
3.11 / 45 Votes


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V 1.2 Multifruit
Farming Simulator 15
361 MB 6978
22. 02 2015 6,978
V 1.2
Farming Simulator 15
344 MB 3481
16. 02 2015 3,481
V 1.0
Farming Simulator 15
270 MB 5343
08. 02 2015 5,343

7 Comments for BigFarm

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  1. IDEATHI 19. 07 2016

    I run into trouble with CoursePlay auto detecting fields and courses. I can't really use Courseplay therefore no fun.

  2. Luis Miranda 24. 02 2015

    Hello, friends at the end of the fields 1, 2, 3 and 4 the game crashes. Thanks.

    1 replies

  3. Vladimellen 08. 02 2015


    Thanks for a great map.

    at next release could you make grass fields not sown? so Courseplay can scan the fields

  4. unregistered user 08. 02 2015

    Hej very good map . I have problem the game crass after 15- 20min gaming. And I can not see any thing rong in the log ??

    1 replies

  5. roadrunners 08. 02 2015

    nice map only one thing is wrong make some real roads insted of those samll dust rods that sucks not easy to drive against eachoter on those small roads with courseplay but i really like the map idea

  6. Warondar69 08. 02 2015

    Just a funny coincidence. Loaded the page to see the description of the map to download it, and the ad banner on the top of the page was 'BigFarm' game by GoodGame.
    Nice to see a CoursePlay made map.

  7. Luis Miranda 08. 02 2015

    Ausgezeichnete Karte und für die nächste Version auch multifruto. Ich danke Ihnen sehr.
