Beta 2
The beta 1 and 2 encompass the complete remodeling of the main farm and add new features to the map. All objects have license and can be found on the respective websites.
The credits are still being drawn up and the final version may change.
You will find a new farm, more modern and more feature version 1.0.
General characteristics of the map:
- Agrar Fliegerv1.3.4b
- MapSiloBand v2.5.2
- WoolPaletteCollector v1.3.1
- Schweinemast v1.0.3 (pigs)
- RinderMast V 1.0 (beefs)
- WaterMod v3.0.1
- MischStation v2.3.6
- Oberthalbacher Landhandel rebuild v 1.0
- Forgotten Plants V 1.0 Realistic Texture
- Gülle Mist und Kalk Mod 2.1.0
- New cowzone, refurbished, new barn.
- new farm silos (complet pack v2)
- Brauerei Mit Produktion V 3.0
Models, objects, scripts from:
For you to enjoy all the features of the map, you need:
ManureMod: (Open the file, click on Mod, extract the file inside your map folder).
Welcome to the farm of the highest technology in the world!
Here you can explore the various areas of agriculture and become a successful farmer.
Final version 1.0:
-> Help Icons Fixed Position
-> Fixed problem with the ground when harvested after spraying
-> Pesticide Station and seedStation
-> Signs
-> Conversion textures
-> Land with grass texture
-> Fixed several bugs
-> new cowsilos (6 total)
-> new hall, Pole Barn on the cowplex
-> Special care of the landscaping
-> new constructions
-> Elimination of problematic objects
All these possibilities require in some cases the use of special equipment and the technical field to achieve 100% yield:
cattle needs to be well supplied with a balance of pasture, hay and silage.
The fields need to be sprayed to achieve 100% of production.
General characteristics of the map v1.0:
-> Large tracts of land for a mega production.
-> Fields planned.
-> green vegetation surrounds almost all crops.
-> own site for deployment of greenhouses, stock straw bales.
-> Complex grain storage (silos with elevators and bins for loading).
-> Several points of sales with varying prices.
-> Garage machines with gas station and filling station semenetes, fertilizer and pesticide.
-> Initial daily income of about $ 20,000 / h or $ 480.000/Day for free equipment investment hight-tec.
-> TOTAL AREA: 303,45
-> TOTAL PRICE: 17.897.930,56
NOTE v1.0:
field 01 = 3.133.670/4000 = 783,4175 = 78,35 ha. PRICE = 4.621.199,07
field 02 = 6.155.425/4000 = 1538,85625 = 153,89 ha. PRICE = 9.076.660,19
field 03 = 1.349.568/4000 = 337,392 = 33,73 ha. PRICE = 1.989.445,37
field 04 = 364.521/4000 = 91,13025 = 9,11 ha. PRICE = 537.321,30
field 05 = 347.717/4000 = 86,92925 = 8,70 ha. PRICE = 513.138,89
field 06 = 493.678/4000 = 123,4195 = 12,34 ha.PRICE = 727.831,48
field 07 = 293.358/4000 = 73,3395 = 7,33 ha. PRICE = 432.334,26
Map: Tiago Piloneto (FBT Modding)
Seed bags with original logos:
Map MR Hagenstedt v 3 by Jabba42 and Sylvio86
Farm silos:
Map Mecklenburg Vorpommern
by:Tommy_r and Maurermatze
Beta v0.8
General characteristics of the map (including the game farming Simulator 2013).
-> Major crops for cultivation of wheat, barley, rape, maize, sugar beet and potato.
-> Investment in clean and renewable energy:
-> A biogas plant
-> Torres Wind Power
-> The Solar Panels
-> Investment in greenhouses for growing tomatoes, lettuce and herbs
-> Investment in honey production
-> Investment in the dairy sector, milk cows
-> Investment in sheep
-> Create some chickens
NOTE v0.8:
Time of growth (solution = increase)
form ms min/stages min h
2.4e+007 = 24000000ms = 400min/4 = 100min = 1h40min
4.82+007 = 48000000ms = 800min/4 = 200min = 3h20min
7.2e+007 = 72000000ms = 1200min/4 = 300min = 5h
The solution was quite simple. Increase the time for growth stage (5h). The same used on other maps.
However, you must put the game time in the real time and plant growth in slow.
Beta v0.9
I come here to clarify that all the bugs have been fixed map successfully.
However, one problem still persists. He is known and does not compromise the quality of the game:
The texture of the silo should be DXT3, because the stairs. But I can not apply this kind of texture that the stairs are silos and "brilliant." Not applying DXT1, the stairs are filled with black.
The only solution is to open the mod in 3Ds or Maya and to separate silos of stairs. Thus, in silos applies DXT1 DXT3 and down the stairs.
-> Help Icons Fixed Position
-> Water and seed Tiggers
-> Fixed problem with the ground when harvested after spraying
-> Pesticide Station and seedStation
-> Land with dirt texture
-> Fixed several bugs
-> Conversion textures
-> Reshaping objects in 3ds
-> Eggs in the right place
-> Painting the ground (in some parts)
-> Optimization of the textures (ls2011)
NOTE v0.9:
I come here to clarify that all the bugs have been fixed map successfully.
However, one problem still persists. He is known and does not compromise the quality of the game:
The texture of the silo should be DXT3, because of the stairs. But I can not apply this kind of texture." Applying DXT3, the stairs are filled with black.
The only solution is to open the mod in 3Ds or Maya and to separate "silos" of stairs. Thus, applies in the silos DXT3 and DXT3 on the stairs.
Map by Tiago PilonetoBGA and other objects by El_Cid
Brewery and texture/foliage from Two Rivers Map LS13 by El Cid
Sugarbeet, weat, barley, grass windrow modified by Tiago Piloneto.
Estrada horizontal, Estrada vertical by map Nelamanowice_v2, edited by Tiago Piloneto.
Mods by Marhu (TMT)
Agrar Fliegerv1.3.4b
MapSiloBand v2.5.2
WoolPaletteCollector v1.3.1
Schweinemast v1.0.3
WaterMod v3.0.1
MischStation v2.3.6
Forgotten Plants/ Plants Maize V 1.0 Realistic Texture
Originale: GIANTS Software GmbH
Original Baumtextur: Vanilleeis
Original Maistextur: LwFarming
Neue Texturen: Eribus
Sukup grain bin pack
Model & Texture - ThompsonM06
Developed & released by LazyMod Studios FSD
ZuckerRaffenerie V 1.0 by Trekkerbodo
Unterstand - Pack
Modell/Textur/ingame: mailman
Traunsteiner Fahrsilos
mittlere Maschinenhalle
Modell: Katsuo
Textur: Katsuo
Ingame: Katsuo
NI Modding (some sheds)
(pigPlex)TowerSilo_BSCS_03 and tanks of BGA_By_BernieSCS (from the map OGF FSM AUSTRALIEN MAP).
Werkstatthalle Baukasten V 1.0 Beta
John Deere 6930
KundS Modding
RinderMast V 1.0
BGA Für Kleinbetriebe V 1.0
Modell -Typho0n
Funktionen - Stormi, KundSModding
Waage Mit Statistikfunktion V 3.2.5 Für GE
Marc85 für das Modell der 24 Meter Waage
Eifok-Team dafür das sie mich auf die Idee gebracht haben mit der LS11er Version
Digitalanzeige Für Silofüllstände V 3.2.0 Für GE
Blackburner für das Modell
03 Jul 05:28Version 3.0
I bring to you, the new Big EuropeanMap BETA 3 (BEM).
Now, with several enhancements:
New PDA with high definition image quality (4x image)
Vegetation and detail of the map (not finished)
Traffic for the milk truck
New prices for the fields
Fixed bug with the icons on the map
Fixed bug with trigger selling "beef"
New "placeable" for early career
This will be the last update to the map. The next version will come as the final summer 2.0. Scheduled for end of this month. -
02 Jun 17:32Version 2.0
Reshaping the main farmhouse.
new features
new Scripts -
27 Nov 12:14Version 1.0
by XLFarms
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by XLFarms
ago almost 11 years
checksum: | f5f9cf69ac2c6357f1da15711efc8d45 |
Version: | 3.0 |
multiplayer ready? | yes |
Author: | Mosless_Neo |
price in shop: | LS |
name in shop: | BigEuropeanMap |
description in shop: | Dies ist die BigEuropeanMap. |
4 Comments for Big European Map
nice job but when will i work so that we can use the slurry from the cows ??
pm if you want a savegame for this map all fields sown
Do conflict with "Lease Field v 0,2" mod
Konflikt mit "Felder Pachten V 0.2" mod
I'm still fan of the map and the models.