Userprofile of olhund
Member since 11 / 2010

Punkte: 970
Level 9
Rank: #2160
First name: no entry Age & Gender: 51 m City: Dänemark Hobbies: no entry Homepage

About olhund

no entry
  1. olhund 15. January

    Mod: Lossberg Map
    warum testest mann nicht richtig

  2. olhund 03. 02 2022

    Mod: Manual Combine Discharge
    C:/Users/xxx/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_ManualCombineDischarge/src/gui/hud/ManualCombineDischargeHUD.lua:46: attempt to index local 'spec' (a nil value)
    2022-02-02 22:20 Error: Running LUA method 'draw'

  3. olhund 04. 04 2019

    Mod: Scania R730 Semi by Ap0lLo
    ATT RaveBJ
    Ich habe eine pb geschickt

  4. olhund 30. 03 2019

    Mod: Claas Lexion 530-540 SERIES
    großartige Arbeit mit der Class pak

    ein frage kann du vielleicht in V2 so machen mann Gras der mit ernten kann

  5. olhund 20. 03 2019

    Mod: Scania R730 Semi by Ap0lLo
    C:/Users/olhun/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Scania_R730_Semi_by_Ap0lLo/ScaniaR.i3d (141.04 ms)
    2019-03-20 22:42 Warning: Loading file with invalid case 'D:/Farming Simulator 2019/data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/sideMarker_04_Left.xml'.
    2019-03-20 22:42 Warning: Loading file with invalid case 'D:/Farming Simulator 2019/data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/sideMarker_04_Right.xml'.

    2 replies

  6. olhund 06. 03 2019

    Mod: Fliegl DPW 180 Autoload
    LUA call stack:
    2019-03-06 22:00 dataS/scripts/gui/base/Overlay.lua (79) : delete
    2019-03-06 22:00 =C:/Users/olhun/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_flieglDPW180_Autoload/scripts/easyAutoLoader.lua (178) : delete
    2019-03-06 22:00 dataS/scripts/vehicles/SpecializationUtil.lua (26)
    2019-03-06 22:00 dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua (800) : raiseEvent
    2019-03-06 22:00 dataS/scripts/gui/ShopConfigScreen.lua (1035) : delete
    2019-03-06 22:00 dataS/scripts/gui/ShopConfigScreen.lua (1675) : deletePreviewVehicles
    2019-03-06 22:00 dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua (711) : raiseCallback
    2019-03-06 22:00 dataS/scripts/gui/base/Gui.lua (702) : onClose
    2019-03-06 22:00 dataS/scripts/gui/elements/ScreenElement.lua (148) : showGui
    2019-03-06 22:00 dataS/scripts/gui/elements/ButtonElement.lua (379) : raiseCallback
    2019-03-06 22:00 dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua (602) : mouseEvent
    2019-03-06 22:00 dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua (602) : mouseEvent
    2019-03-06 22:00 dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua (602) : mouseEvent
    2019-03-06 22:00 dataS/scripts/gui/base/Gui.lua (539) : mouseEvent
    2019-03-06 22:00 dataS/scripts/main.lua (1728) : mouseEvent
    2019-03-06 22:00 Warning (script): Unknown entity id 239447 in method 'delete'.

  7. olhund 06. 01 2019

    Mod: auto load bale fork
    (C:/Users/xxx/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/balefork/baleFork_Quader.xml): I3D file offers '2' objects, but '1' components have been loaded!

    1 replies

  8. olhund 20. 12 2018

    Mod: Rabe Toucan SL 3000 & Unia Polonez 3550D
    Sieht gut aus, hast du gut gemach

    kann du sagen warum ich de * in butik erhalten

    2 replies

  9. olhund 15. 12 2018

    Mod: HiredHelperTool
    Haben Sie eine Frage, ich kann Ihnen eine PB schicken

  10. olhund 09. 12 2018

    Mod: Felsbrunn Conversion - Multiplayer capable
    ok super für map ist gut gemacht

  11. olhund 09. 12 2018

    Mod: Felsbrunn Conversion - Multiplayer capable
    Ich haber der v3.0 und ich haber der update Version: b3218
    Error: No depth map available, but shape 'creekWaterfallEmitter11' (waterfallParticleSystem_emitter1Ref) with material 'waterSplashParticle_mat' uses a custom shader which requires reading depth data.

    1 replies

  12. olhund 07. 12 2018

    Mod: VehicleInspector
    Kann mann die Farbe ändern in text

    1 replies

  13. olhund 04. 12 2018

    Mod: Felsbrunn Conversion - Multiplayer capable
    hat 2 Bilder hochgeladen

    1 replies

  14. olhund 04. 12 2018

    Mod: Felsbrunn Conversion - Multiplayer capable
    Ich haber einen Fehler gefunden, wenn mann Mais in ein 2 planen silo werfen
    kann mann Sehen Sie es auf der anderen Seite der Mauer

    1 replies

  15. olhund 03. 12 2018

    Mod: Felsbrunn Conversion - Multiplayer capable
    ich haber nicht Steam nur CD-Ausgabe

    1 replies

  16. olhund 02. 12 2018

    Mod: Felsbrunn Conversion - Multiplayer capable
    Das mit Gaints Maschinen Warnings und Error ist das gleiche in allen fs.

    Ich bekomme nur diese 2 Fehler in log sowohl in sp und mp aber de Karte ist super,Ich hoffe, du finden eine Lösung für die fehler LUA call stack

    Error: i3d 'C:/Users/olhun/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/Felsbrunn_Umbau_2/data/shared/ai/trafficCollision.i3d' could not be found.

    Error: failed to load i3d file 'C:/Users/olhun/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/Felsbrunn_Umbau_2/data/shared/ai/trafficCollision.i3d'

    2 replies

  17. olhund 02. 12 2018

    Mod: Felsbrunn Conversion - Multiplayer capable
    eine schöne Karte, nur schade, dass es diese fehle haben

    Game saved successfully.
    Error: i3d 'C:/Users/olhun/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/Felsbrunn_Umbau/data/shared/ai/trafficCollision.i3d' could not be found.
    Error: failed to load i3d file 'C:/Users/olhun/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/Felsbrunn_Umbau/data/shared/ai/trafficCollision.i3d'
    dataS2/character/horse/horse.i3d (46.47 ms)
    Game saved successfully.
    Warning (script): 'setTranslation': Argument 1 has wrong type. Expected: Int. Actual: Nil
    ..\..\..\src\base\scripting\lua\LuaScriptSystem.cpp (699): expectedType == Value::VoidType || expectedType == Value::ClassType
    LUA call stack:
    dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/AIVehicle.lua (621) : setTranslation
    dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/AIVehicle.lua (918) : stopAIVehicle
    dataS/scripts/input/InputEvent.lua (100) : callback
    dataS/scripts/input/InputBinding.lua (2795) : notifyInput
    dataS/scripts/input/InputBinding.lua (2575) : updateInput
    dataS/scripts/main.lua (1820) : update
    Error: failed to load i3d file 'C:/Users/olhun/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/Felsbrunn_Umbau/data/shared/ai/trafficCollision.i3d'
    Game saved successfully.
    Warning: DensityMapVisualizationOverlay is being reset, because a DensityMap it refers to was deleted.
    Warning: DensityMapVisualizationOverlay is being reset, because a DensityMap it refers to was deleted.
    Warning (script): 'setTranslation': Argument 1 has wrong type. Expected: Int. Actual: Nil
    ..\..\..\src\base\scripting\lua\LuaScriptSystem.cpp (699): expectedType == Value::VoidType || expectedType == Value::ClassType
    LUA call stack:
    dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/AIVehicle.lua (621) : setTranslation
    dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua (791) : stopAIVehicle
    dataS/scripts/network/NetworkNode.lua (68) : delete
    dataS/scripts/network/Server.lua (36) : delete
    dataS/scripts/BaseMission.lua (244) : delete
    dataS/scripts/FSBaseMission.lua (327) : delete
    dataS/scripts/missions/mission00.lua (69) : delete
    dataS/scripts/events.lua (145) : delete
    dataS/scripts/gui/InGameMenu.lua (381) : OnInGameMenuMenu
    dataS/scripts/gui/InGameMenu.lua (482) : leaveCurrentGame
    dataS/scripts/gui/elements/ButtonElement.lua (379) : raiseCallback
    dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua (602) : mouseEvent
    dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua (602) : mouseEvent
    dataS/scripts/gui/base/Gui.lua (539) : mouseEvent
    dataS/scripts/main.lua (1724) : mouseEvent

    1 replies

  18. olhund 01. 12 2018

    Mod: Felsbrunn Conversion - Multiplayer capable
    You don't have permission to access /system/mods/113/477/original/ on this server.

    1 replies

  19. olhund 11. 11 2018

    Mod: Scania S Flatbed and Matching Trailer
    schön aussehen, wenn du eine v2 machst, kannst du kein ein version machen unde lightaddon Nicht alle Mods können damit arbeiten

  20. olhund 29. 09 2018

    Mod: John Deere 7R series 2014
    kommen der ein Ausgabe ohne MR und Gerabox

  21. olhund 08. 02 2018

    Mod: Work RPM
    ist funktioniert nicht haber der line Eingabe aber keine erfolgreich

    1 replies

  22. olhund 18. 01 2018

    Mod: John Deere 8020 Serie
    yes, the log is clear

    but there are errors, in the rear lift arm has uploaded 2 pictures

  23. olhund 14. 01 2018

    Mod: GroundResponse.lua
    LUA call stack:
    =C:/Users/olhun/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_ForRealModule03_GroundResponse/register.lua (71) : delete
    dataS/scripts/BaseMission.lua (371) : deleteMap
    dataS/scripts/FSBaseMission.lua (537) : delete
    dataS/scripts/utils/Utils.lua (1870) : oldFunc
    dataS/scripts/utils/Utils.lua (1858) : oldFunc
    dataS/scripts/missions/mission00.lua (84) : delete
    dataS/scripts/events.lua (125) : delete
    dataS/scripts/gui/InGameMenu.lua (457) : OnInGameMenuMenu
    dataS/scripts/gui/InGameMenu.lua (715) : leaveCurrentGame
    dataS/scripts/gui/dialogs/YesNoDialog.lua (62) : callbackFunc
    dataS/scripts/gui/dialogs/YesNoDialog.lua (50) : sendCallback
    dataS/scripts/gui/elements/ButtonElement.lua (191) : raiseCallback
    dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua (279) : mouseEvent
    dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua (279) : mouseEvent
    dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua (279) : mouseEvent
    dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua (279) : mouseEvent
    dataS/scripts/gui/elements/Gui.lua (270) : mouseEvent
    dataS/scripts/main.lua (1857) : mouseEvent

  24. olhund 14. 01 2018

    Mod: John Deere T660i/670i
    LUA call stack:
    =C:/Users/olhun/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_JohnDeereTSeriesOfficialV3/scripts/JohnDeere630R.lua (45) : removeTrigger
    dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua (1523) : delete
    dataS/scripts/network/NetworkNode.lua (70) : delete
    dataS/scripts/network/Server.lua (34) : delete
    dataS/scripts/BaseMission.lua (299) : delete
    dataS/scripts/FSBaseMission.lua (537) : delete
    dataS/scripts/utils/Utils.lua (1870) : oldFunc
    dataS/scripts/utils/Utils.lua (1858) : oldFunc
    dataS/scripts/missions/mission00.lua (84) : delete
    dataS/scripts/events.lua (125) : delete
    dataS/scripts/gui/InGameMenu.lua (457) : OnInGameMenuMenu
    dataS/scripts/gui/InGameMenu.lua (614) : leaveCurrentGame
    dataS/scripts/gui/elements/ButtonElement.lua (191) : raiseCallback
    dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua (279) : mouseEvent
    dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua (279) : mouseEvent
    dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua (279) : mouseEvent
    dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua (279) : mouseEvent
    dataS/scripts/gui/elements/Gui.lua (270) : mouseEvent
    dataS/scripts/main.lua (1857) : mouseEvent
    Warning (LUA): 'removeTrigger': Argument 1 has wrong type. Expected: Int. Actual: Nil
    ..\..\..\src\base\scripting\lua\LuaScriptSystem.cpp (640): expectedType == Value::VoidType
    LUA call stack:
    =C:/Users/olhun/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_JohnDeereTSeriesOfficialV3/scripts/JohnDeere630R.lua (46) : removeTrigger
    dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua (1523) : delete
    dataS/scripts/network/NetworkNode.lua (70) : delete
    dataS/scripts/network/Server.lua (34) : delete
    dataS/scripts/BaseMission.lua (299) : delete
    dataS/scripts/FSBaseMission.lua (537) : delete
    dataS/scripts/utils/Utils.lua (1870) : oldFunc
    dataS/scripts/utils/Utils.lua (1858) : oldFunc
    dataS/scripts/missions/mission00.lua (84) : delete
    dataS/scripts/events.lua (125) : delete
    dataS/scripts/gui/InGameMenu.lua (457) : OnInGameMenuMenu
    dataS/scripts/gui/InGameMenu.lua (614) : leaveCurrentGame
    dataS/scripts/gui/elements/ButtonElement.lua (191) : raiseCallback
    dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua (279) : mouseEvent
    dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua (279) : mouseEvent
    dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua (279) : mouseEvent
    dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua (279) : mouseEvent
    dataS/scripts/gui/elements/Gui.lua (270) : mouseEvent
    dataS/scripts/main.lua (1857) : mouseEvent
    Warning: Deleting object 'leftTrigger' before all triggers are removed.
    Warning: Deleting object 'rightTrigger' before all triggers are removed.
    Warning (Script): Unknown entity id 176335 in method 'delete'.

  25. olhund 13. 01 2018

    Mod: Frisian march
    ist das map Seasons bereit

  26. olhund 26. 12 2017

    Mod: John Deere 7R series 2011 Europe Version
    Ich haber der V1.0.0.0 und der Fjeler kommen, wenn ich die Maus über den PTO-IC bewege in (sp) Error: Running LUA method 'draw'.
    C:/Users/olhun/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_JD7R_69L_2011EU_AGO/icSources/actionFunction.lua:195: attempt to call method 'getIsTurnedOn' (a nil value)

    2 replies

  27. olhund 03. 03 2017

    Mod: GroundResponse.lua
    was ist mit dedicated server kann man auch verwenden ??

  28. olhund 03. 03 2017

    Mod: GroundResponse.lua
    Werk es auch auf Farming Server ?

    1 replies

  29. olhund 13. 02 2017

    Mod: John Deere 8000 Series
    Fein Mods
    das ist ein kroneBigX1100 mit nye skin und nicht der org John Deere 8600i

    4 replies

    1. Chaster 13. 02 2017

      Mod: John Deere 8000 Series
      Brille nicht geputzt?

      1 replies

      1. Kanisterkop 13. 02 2017

        Mod: John Deere 8000 Series
        Das habe ich mich auch gefragt :p

    2. Mod: John Deere 8000 Series
      Der Häcksler wurde komplett neu gebaut im ls 15. Das konnte man sogar hier im WIP bereich auf Modhoster mit verfolgen! Als LS 17 raus kam, wurde er in den 17er rübergeholt. Es sind nur die Sounds und par XML vom BigX verbaut, aber nur um Zeit zusparen. Macht jeder Modder so! Und mit den Spruch " das ist ein KroneBigX1100 mit nen Skin", ist totaler schwachsin.

    3. Jonesmann 03. 08 2017

      Mod: John Deere 8000 Series
      Ich weis ja nich wo du lebst aber der sieht nichtmal ein bischen aus wie ein Krone

  30. olhund 26. 01 2017

    Mod: John Deere T670i BETA
    Warning (LUA): 'removeTrigger': Argument 1 has wrong type. Expected: Int. Actual: Nil
    ..\..\..\src\base\scripting\lua\LuaScriptSystem.cpp (630): expectedType == Value::VoidType
    LUA call stack:
    =C:/Users/olhund/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_JohnDeereT670i/scripts/JohnDeere630R.lua (45) : removeTrigger
    dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua (1498) : delete
    dataS/scripts/network/NetworkNode.lua (70) : delete
    dataS/scripts/network/Server.lua (34) : delete
    dataS/scripts/BaseMission.lua (296) : delete
    dataS/scripts/FSBaseMission.lua (533) : delete
    dataS/scripts/missions/mission00.lua (84) : delete
    dataS/scripts/events.lua (127) : delete
    dataS/scripts/gui/InGameMenu.lua (444) : OnInGameMenuMenu
    dataS/scripts/gui/InGameMenu.lua (602) : leaveCurrentGame
    dataS/scripts/gui/elements/ButtonElement.lua (191) : raiseCallback
    dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua (261) : mouseEvent
    dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua (261) : mouseEvent
    dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua (261) : mouseEvent
    dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua (261) : mouseEvent
    dataS/scripts/gui/elements/Gui.lua (270) : mouseEvent
    dataS/scripts/main.lua (1797) : mouseEvent
    Warning (LUA): 'removeTrigger': Argument 1 has wrong type. Expected: Int. Actual: Nil
    ..\..\..\src\base\scripting\lua\LuaScriptSystem.cpp (630): expectedType == Value::VoidType
    LUA call stack:
    =C:/Users/olhund/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_JohnDeereT670i/scripts/JohnDeere630R.lua (46) : removeTrigger
    dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua (1498) : delete
    dataS/scripts/network/NetworkNode.lua (70) : delete
    dataS/scripts/network/Server.lua (34) : delete
    dataS/scripts/BaseMission.lua (296) : delete
    dataS/scripts/FSBaseMission.lua (533) : delete
    dataS/scripts/missions/mission00.lua (84) : delete
    dataS/scripts/events.lua (127) : delete
    dataS/scripts/gui/InGameMenu.lua (444) : OnInGameMenuMenu
    dataS/scripts/gui/InGameMenu.lua (602) : leaveCurrentGame
    dataS/scripts/gui/elements/ButtonElement.lua (191) : raiseCallback
    dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua (261) : mouseEvent
    dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua (261) : mouseEvent
    dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua (261) : mouseEvent
    dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua (261) : mouseEvent
    dataS/scripts/gui/elements/Gui.lua (270) : mouseEvent
    dataS/scripts/main.lua (1797) : mouseEvent

  31. olhund 18. 01 2017

    Mod: Rostselmash Don 680M
    Load mod: FS17_Don_680M
    Warning: Duplicate l10n entry 'Set_Dooropener' in mod 'FS17_Don_680M'. Ignoring this defintion.
    Error: invalid brand name 'DON680'! Only capital letters allowed!
    Error: invalid brand name 'GR4000'! Only capital letters allowed!
    Warning: Missing l10n for button InteractiveControl_Switch in FS17_Don_680M

    1 replies

  32. olhund 29. 11 2016

    Mod: Ropa Euro Tiger Uber loaders
    welche Art von Programm öffnen Sie es in

  33. olhund 29. 11 2016

    Mod: Lemken Brillant 600 (3D model)
    was ein Programm muss Ihr 3-Modell verwenden

    P.S traurig du stoppen

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