Two step rape harvest

V 1.0 mod for Farming Simulator 2011

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Two step rape harvest


Pack contains following mods:

Fortschritt E303
By: Nickel77
Edit & script: Burner

Fortschritt E296
By: Nickel77
Script & edit: Burner

Fortschritt E296 trailer
Model: Svitch
Inagme: Svitch
Edit: Burner

Fortschritt E327B
Model: Maciusboss1
Ingame & Script: Burner

Fortschritt E327B trailer
Model: Maciusboss1
Wheels: Nickel77
Ingame: Burner

Bizon Z056 cutter with pickup
Model: Marcello1942
Inagme: Fumski/Asd4
Script: Asd4
Pickup model: Svitch, Pickup script: Burner

100% MP Ready

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*** Installation instruction ***

1. Copy zip files into mods folder.

2. Copy "textures" folder into your map directory.

3. Modifications in map i3d file:

--  Files section  --
<File fileId="5000" filename="textures/foliage/foliage_rape_cut_long_diffuse.png" relativePath="true"/>
<File fileId="5001" filename="shaders/cuttedWheatFoliageShader.xml" relativePath="true"/>

--  Materials section  --
<Material name="rapeCutLongMaterial" materialId="5000" ambientColor="1 1 1" customShaderId="5001">
      <Texture fileId="5000"/>
      <CustomParameter name="alphaBlendStartEnd" value="70 75 0 0"/>

--  Foliage section  --
<FoliageSubLayer name="rape_cut_long" densityMapTypeIndex="3" densityMapChannelOffset="10" numDensityMapChannels="2" materialId="5000" cellSize="8" viewDistance="75" terrainOffset="-0.1" objectMask="65520" distanceMapIds="32" distanceMapUnitSizes="128" separateAvailabilityChannel="false" atlasSize="1" plantThreshold="0.5" numBlocksPerUnit="1" width="1.4" height="1.5" widthVariance="0.05" heightVariance="0.1" horizontalPositionVariance="0.5" blockShapeId="3" useShapeNormals="true"/>


  • 16 Aug 07:32
    Version 1.0


checksum: 48d798bba2fb09c55442ee5043e27f33
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Nickel77
price in shop: 1 LS
name in shop: Fortschritt E296
description in shop: Fortschritt E296
Script and edit: Burner
checksum: 48d798bba2fb09c55442ee5043e27f33
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Svitch and Burner
price in shop: 850 LS
name in shop: E296 cutter trailer
description in shop: Model:Svitch
Inagme: Svitch
Edit: Burner
checksum: 48d798bba2fb09c55442ee5043e27f33
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Asd4
price in shop: 500 LS
name in shop: Heder do bizona z podbieraczem pokosów
description in shop: Model, Tekstura, Konwert: Marcello1942
Programowanie: Fumski/Asd4
Skrypt: Asd4
Model podbieracza: Svitch, Skrypt podbieracza: Bur
checksum: 48d798bba2fb09c55442ee5043e27f33
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Nickel77
price in shop: 20 LS
name in shop: Fortschritt E 303
description in shop: Fortschritt E296
Script and edit: Burner
checksum: 48d798bba2fb09c55442ee5043e27f33
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Nickel77
price in shop: 1 LS
name in shop: Fortschritt E327B
description in shop: Fortschritt E296
Script and edit: Burner
checksum: 48d798bba2fb09c55442ee5043e27f33
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? no
Author: Svitch
price in shop: 850 LS
name in shop: E327B cutter trailer
description in shop: Fortschritt E296
Script and edit: Burner

16.08 2012
Modhoster user rating
3.87 / 23 Votes


nach 15 Stimmen

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V 1.0
Farming Simulator 2011
24.5 MB 4726
16. 08 2012 4,726

5 Comments for Two step rape harvest

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  1. coww 27. 12 2012

    could you please update it to 2013!

  2. olhund 04. 09 2012

    the works not in all maps

  3. Dieselfuel22 17. 08 2012

    Can someone help me? For the "Modifications in map i3d file" part, do we "add" or "modify" the lines in our current i3d map file?

    I tried adding the lines to my current i3d map file and I got pink lines shooting across the rape field.

    Please pn me.

    Thank you.

  4. sandus12 16. 08 2012

    I cant get it working make a youtube video and i cant understand it :)

  5. olhund 16. 08 2012

    super gut mods und erroe frei
