Somewhere in Thuringia

V mod for Farming Simulator 17

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With this card, I am back in LS17.

Welcome to Thuringia, or as it is also called "the green heart of Germany"

and we go, no loss in any which converted Standards Maps? No loss on rectangular fields ??
Then you are right in Thuringia.
The landscape is invented things, but I've tried some from my home with to incorporate.

Who still knows the Map of because LS15 will feel comfortable again.

Of course, no Prduktionstätten are now beginning to present.


You can expect 37 fields:

  1. 3.52HA € 23,650
    2. 2.21HA € 44,200
    3. 0.69HA € 16,760
    4. 2.75HA € 55,000
    5. 1.51HA € 29,700
    6. 3.72HA € 74,405
    7. 3.39HA € 67,950
    8. 2.26HA € 45,220
    9. 0.85HA € 21,270
    10. 5.51HA € 137,730
    11. 2.36HA € 58,940
    12. 4.86HA € 145,720
    13. 0.95HA € 24,105
    14. 3.68HA € 110,300
    15. 1.65HA € 49,420
    16. 5.75HA € 172,275
    17. 2.05HA € 51,070
    18. 3.45HA € 86,250
    19. 3.81HA € 94,670
    20. 2.40HA € 59,900
    21 3.57HA € 89,355
    22 1.45HA € 43,335
    23 3.10HA € 93,670
    24. 2.30HA € 65,560
    25. 2.51HA € 75,400
    26 3.68HA € 110,400
    27 2.19HA € 54,700
    28 1.03HA € 25,670
    29 1.33HA € 33,075
    30 1.83HA € 45,600
    31 1.32HA € 39,650
    32. 5.94HA € 177,965
    33. 1.98HA € 49,375
    34. 1.22HA € 30,600
    35. 1.35HA € 33,950
    36. 3.27HA € 98,100
    37. 5.12HA € 153,444

Your Starts a means Great Court, with cow and sheep pasture.

Something auserhalb is the pig farm. Also a second small courtyard with silo can be found on the other side of the river.

However, much more, I will not tell, looking at yourselves the map.

Also a huge thanks to all modders whose stuff I installed !!


In this sense, Föhliches acres.


MFG Kastor



Kastor,Joker301069,El_Cid, Mario,KevinK, Giants

  • 22 Nov 12:33

    TipColi für die map angelegt (Es kann nicht in gewissen gebieten haufen erstellt werden)
    -Schwebende strohplane Kühe gefixt
    -Kahle Wiesen stücke Gefixt
    -Lagerhalle beim sägewerk für hackschnitzel gesetzt
    -Greifer beim Kran vom sägewerk gedreht
    -Schwebende bäume und objekte gefixt
    -Schaftrog+DirtArea verlegt
    -Schweine DirtArea verlegt
    -Falschparkende autos gefixt
    -Überstehende felder so gut wie möglich gefixt
    -Missionen für unförmige Felder Deaktiviert. Nur noch rechteckige felder haben Missionen.(Danke Sushidelic)
    -Startpunkt für die fahrzeuge bei missionen angepasst (Danke Blackbeast)
    -MP/Server Warnnings Behoben
    -Wegweiser Überarbeitet
    -Teleport zu denn Verschiedenen sachen gefixt
    -Hühner eier gefixt
    -FS17_choppedStraw Verbaut
    -Neue Texturen:
    Zentral Lager für Gras stroh Rüben usw eingefügt.
    (Wichtig!! dieses lager ist über platzierbar eingefügt und mit kosten verbunden. Ich wollte so eine lösung finden wo alle was davon haben.Wer halt lieber
    haufen macht, kann dieses übern shop einfach verkaufen. Wer aber alles zentral einlagen will um es schnell zu entnehmen muss halt die
    Kosten in kauf nehmen ;) und somit kann jeder für sich entscheiden)

  • 14 Nov 12:13


checksum: f7afa45400ad6497bbbdcc7c07bee438
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: webalizer
price in shop: LS
name in shop:
description in shop:
checksum: f7afa45400ad6497bbbdcc7c07bee438
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Kastor
price in shop: LS
name in shop:
description in shop:

14.11 2016
Modhoster user rating
4.67 / 171 Votes


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Farming Simulator 17
690 MB 25267
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Farming Simulator 17
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14. 11 2016 13,084

6 Comments for Somewhere in Thuringia

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  1. asyvan 16. 12 2016

    Very beautiful map, great landscape.

    But serious problems with textures on the fields. Sowing machines which cultivate (like Rapid A600) can't remove the chopped straw texture. Sowing machines also removes the fertilized texture if you have sprayed before sowing.

    I can't recommend this map until these issues are fixed.

  2. erict43 25. 11 2016

    Nice map, thank you!

    I have noticed two issues.
    - The field close to the main farm has a potato soil texture underneath the wheat.
    - Field 20 appears to have slurry or manure already applied - hired workers will not spray. When I spray manually, the soil changes color, but fertilizer is actually not applied according to the field status display. If I plow the field first, it behaves normally, but the slurry/manure on the field has no effect.

  3. def9 25. 11 2016

    Can not download this from modhoster. I get a page of code when clicking the dwnload now button.

  4. sootysax 20. 11 2016

    this is a great map, thank you for your hard work. Look forward to the updates

  5. Larsen 2131 17. 11 2016

    hi kastor
    very nice map as allways from you
    but do you have time to explain how I can change the income Price for the crops??
    have tryed to change the price in XML file but it do not Work correctly.
    best regards ray

  6. Ekan79 17. 11 2016

    Tbh, to much "old bad graphic buildings" houses from FS09 etc. Thats just to old now. Giants buildings and map still the best out there for 17(Tho the map layout is boring).

    1 replies
