Userprofile of Nate76
Member since 11 / 2014

Punkte: 51
Modder Level 3
Rank: n/a
First name: no entry Age & Gender: no entry City: no entry Hobbies: no entry Homepage no entry

About Nate76

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  1. Nate76 17. 07 2017

    Mod: Serenity Valley
    is anyone having issues with liquid fert storage at the main farm , i cant seem to fill it

    1 replies

  2. Nate76 08. 11 2015

    Mod: Tunxdorf
    Well done tks for the hard work put into this map and freely given to a not so great community at times . plus plus on the english pdf tks again for your efforts for this community

  3. Nate76 07. 02 2015

    Mod: Stockage module
    has anyone noticed fps drops and stuttering when loading and unloading

  4. Nate76 05. 01 2015

    Mod: Oberammergau Alps
    MAP IS GREAT , i have not seen the fps drops but i get this error D:/Code/Giants/lsim2015/build/finalbin/dataS/scripts/gui/elements/GuiElement.lua(999) : bad argument #1 to 'gsub' (string expected, got table)

    not sure what it is , appears several times the other issue is clover appearing mutiple times in pda menu

  5. Nate76 05. 12 2014

    Mod: AIT Bjorn Holm
    due the feed storage conveyors constantly run for you guys ? for me it does on all maps in MP that have them and causes doors and things not to open , Map is great though thanks to yourselves and other great modders who due this for the community.

    1 replies

  6. Nate76 27. 11 2014

    Mod: Grimme Set
    These are great and thanks for the mod .

    for your own info i did get a few errors on dedi server
    Error: Can't load resource '316842/mods//grimmePACK/shared/shared/dirt_normal.png'.
    Error: Can't load resource '316842/mods//grimmePACK/shared/shared/dirt_normal.png'.
    Error: Can't load resource '316842/mods//grimmePACK/shared/shared/dirt_normal.png'.
    Error: Can't load resource '316842/mods//grimmePACK/shared/shared/dirt_normal.png'.
    Error: Can't load resource '316842/mods//grimmePACK/shared/shared/dirt_normal.png'.
    Error: Can't load resource '316842/mods//grimmePACK/shared/shared/dirt_normal.png'.
    Error: Can't load resource '316842/mods//grimmePACK/shared/shared/dirt_normal.png'.
    Error: Can't load resource '316842/mods//grimmePACK/shared/shared/dirt_normal.png'.
    C:/games/farmsim15/retail/316842/mods//grimmePACK/grimmeTectron415.i3d (1648.46 ms)
    Error: Can't load resource '316842/mods//grimmePACK/shared/shared/dirt_normal.png'.
    Error: Can't load resource '316842/mods//grimmePACK/shared/shared/dirt_normal.png'.
    Error: Can't load resource '316842/mods//grimmePACK/shared/shared/dirt_normal.png'.
    Error: Can't load resource '316842/mods//grimmePACK/shared/shared/dirt_normal.png'.
    Error: Can't load resource '316842/mods//grimmePACK/shared/shared/dirt_normal.png'.
    Error: Can't load resource '316842/mods//grimmePACK/shared/shared/dirt_normal.png'.
    Error: Can't load resource '316842/mods//grimmePACK/shared/shared/dirt_normal.png'.
    Error: Can't load resource '316842/mods//grimmePACK/shared/shared/dirt_normal.png'.
    Error: Can't load resource '316842/mods//grimmePACK/shared/shared/dirt_normal.png'.
    C:/games/farmsim15/retail/316842/mods//grimmePACK/grimmeMaxtron620.i3d (1174.89 ms)

    dont seem to affect gameplay, also would be nice if potato harvester unloaded when pulled under the trailer instead of pushing off load button 4/5 tks much for your work

  7. Nate76 12. 11 2014

    Mod: Papenburg
    same problem same great map 5-5 otherwise

  8. Nate76 12. 11 2014

    Mod: Papenburg
    Anyone figure out why chopped straw not working , or is there any others that have the issue?

    1 replies

  9. Nate76 12. 11 2014

    Mod: Papenburg
    Hello , Great Map but i cant seem to get chopped straw to work in single or multi , only mods suggested in folder

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