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featured Kotte Garant VTL 19500
v 2.60 Downloads today49,654 Downloads total33 commentsUser rating80 said thankspublished Thu, 14 May 2015 17:50:17 GMT in - Liquid ManureKotte Garant VTL 19500allrounderSmall or large, family-owned or contractors, finishing or agriculture, lowland slopes - each operation is different and every company needs another technique. Optimal...
featured Enns am Gebirge
v 3.02 Downloads today49,372 Downloads total438 commentsUser rating153 said thankspublished Sun, 27 Mar 2016 16:38:13 GMT in - MapsHello Today I want to put my newly created from scratch Map available, it is pure product of my fantasy and thus no real replica. First of all, because I have private now emulate more and I have...
featured Grünhäcksel Mod
v 2.01 Downloads today49,371 Downloads total38 commentsUser rating146 said thankspublished Wed, 05 Nov 2014 20:35:49 GMT in - ScriptsThe Grünhäcksel-Mod shifted the harvest stage for chaffing against the grain maturity, ie in the growth phase in the corn and cereals are normally harvested for silage. At level "heavy" chaffing exclusively...
featured Deutz Fahr 7250 TTV Fl
v 2.0 TwinWheels Pack4 Downloads today49,318 Downloads totalUser rating46 said thankspublished Mon, 26 Jan 2015 17:36:44 GMT in - Deutz FahrI have the Deutz Fahr 7250 donated a reasonably optimized Frontladerkonsole. The loader is reasonably convenient to install and deep enough to accommodate pallets without problems. Now I have not added...
featured Buy Many Animals
v 2.0.8b0 Downloads today49,236 Downloads total101 commentsUser rating162 said thankspublished Sun, 08 Feb 2015 08:10:17 GMT in - ScriptsThis little script allows you to buy animals without clicking the mouse. Simply click the Buy button hold and wait until the desired amount is reached. The downloaded only in the...
featured helicopters
v 1.01 Downloads today49,219 Downloads total112 commentsUser rating105 said thankspublished Mon, 27 Jun 2016 14:12:11 GMT in - Mod PacksMod "Helicopters" for Farming Simulator 15
featured Case ih 1455
v 2.30 Downloads today49,191 Downloads total102 commentsUser rating63 said thankspublished Fri, 03 Apr 2015 17:14:00 GMT in - CaseMoin people, that's a little surprise :). DC advance, it is not washable and has 4 warning which I unfortunately could not fix, BUT these errors affect the game in any case! He Makes no errors...
featured Tree lifter
v 2.00 Downloads today48,388 Downloads total52 commentsUser rating53 said thankspublished Sat, 13 Dec 2014 20:01:29 GMT in - ExevatorsWith this (Eigendlicher log lifter) can now embrace the birch or before they go away saws off and generally by the loader. This is the standard tree lifter I have only the ankuplungspunkt rotated...
featured Forstmap
v 1.5.51 Downloads today48,226 Downloads total105 commentsUser rating52 said thankspublished Fri, 27 Feb 2015 09:00:34 GMT in - Default Map editHello Dear Forestry fans I have for you a conversion of the original Bjorn Holm map. to the map: I have extended the sawmill with Holzpolter and chip inventory, and I can move the biomass power...
featured Class Lexion 780
v 1.4.10 Downloads today47,995 Downloads total59 commentsUser rating73 said thankspublished Sun, 29 May 2016 17:25:15 GMT in - Claascombine working fine, main mistake is with camera (you can see it in photo), more mistakes i didnt noticed, there is 2 Combines, one with wheels, other with tracks, 6 header, 2 is for corn, 6 and 12...
HLF 20/16 of FF Schöffelding on Rosenbauer AT3
v 3.0 Finish1 Downloads today47,993 Downloads total37 commentsUser rating15 said thankspublished Tue, 24 May 2016 19:35:31 GMT in - Fire departmentHeyhey people: D, since the remodeling version has been banned from the AT3, I invite you now for only the Tex file up so that you still have the skin because I've been reading a lot of positive...
featured Vehicle Sort
v 0.52 Downloads today47,858 Downloads total161 commentsUser rating201 said thankspublished Wed, 02 Nov 2016 01:26:34 GMT in - ToolsHi there, present here with Vehicle Sort my first mod for the LS15. Since it has annoyed me the LS have long known that you can not manually change the order in which you jump using the Tab key...
featured Massey Ferguson 7626
v 1.52 Downloads today47,840 Downloads total93 commentsUser rating144 said thankspublished Sun, 22 Nov 2015 08:48:22 GMT in - Massey FergusonMF 7600 series Combining intelligent technology with straightforward, rugged construction, these machines are designed to boost productivity, save fuel and reduce emissions. The MF 7600 Series...
featured Bourgault IAD600
v 5.00 Downloads today47,737 Downloads total87 commentsUser rating82 said thankspublished Sat, 27 Jun 2015 07:58:21 GMT in - SeedersHi LS-Com To bring a different color and a different brand into play here the direct seed Independent Bourgault Air Drill Seeder 600 This is a direct seed for growing large areas with a working width...
Kari beta
v 1.10 Downloads today47,513 Downloads total101 commentsUser rating41 said thankspublished Fri, 30 Jan 2015 22:44:00 GMT in - Other Vehicleskari ne truck with wechselbrücke. The pack included Kari trucks and Jenz hacker.
featured Thüringer Oberland 1988
v 6.23 Fix MultiFruit/GMK-Mod/Damage-Mod/Real-Terrain Mod /MBO eingebaut alles angepasst auf damalige Zeit8 Downloads today47,383 Downloads total509 commentsUser rating145 said thankspublished Fri, 14 Oct 2016 19:15:23 GMT in - Big MapsHier ist meine Thüringer Oberland 1988 fix für 5.2 Version 6 ist in Arbeit /Test mit MBO Das Original ist von EL-Ulem im April 15 bei Modhoster erschienen ,es erfolgte kein Support der Map ,Thüringer...
Deutz Fahr 7250TTV Warrior
v Downloads today47,348 Downloads total37 commentsUser rating82 said thankspublished Sun, 11 Jun 2017 15:59:22 GMT in - Deutz FahrDeutz-Fahr TTV7250 Warrior 4.0 Final: Full AnimatedIMonitor 2.0 Boot and Settings AnimationsMirrors SettingFixed Some MeshesFront Axle AnimatedIC Control V4 by MogliNew Real Sounds/Interior/ExteriorNew...
featured Papenburg
v 4.01 Downloads today47,215 Downloads total570 commentsUser rating159 said thankspublished Fri, 13 Feb 2015 09:40:42 GMT in - MapsSo liebe Leute Ls geht in Runde 5. Und die Papenburger Map geht in Runde 12.Wie seit Ls 2009 gibts wie immer auch eine Papenburger Map. Vorwort: Die Map wurde aufgefrischt mit Texturen und etlichen...
featured Bjorn Holm Mining and Construction Economy
v 2.01 Downloads today46,821 Downloads total201 commentsUser rating47 said thankspublished Thu, 06 Aug 2015 13:08:42 GMT in - Default Map editIf you are Farming Simulator purist then this map is not for you, Because this map has many tasks to do instead of cultivating, harvesting, feeding animals, etc. This map it is a modification of...
featured Frisian march
v 2.3 ohne Gräben1 Downloads today46,789 Downloads total478 commentsUser rating94 said thankspublished Sat, 25 Apr 2015 11:32:00 GMT in - MapsHello dear fans LS, I wish you all a happy Easter weekend and have fun with the new map version. Now with bread, baked goods, flour mills and rape. The map can be set using my download links on other...